Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 821

"Since it\'s the enemy, why don\'t you start when you\'re in Luoyang?" aunt Hong asked curiously. After all, Li Luoyang had been in Luoyang before. Aunt Hong thought that GE Cheng should have started long ago. The raw materials for immortal drunkenness had failed, so it was just assassination.

Huang Ying had an embarrassed expression on her face. She bit her teeth and said slowly: "After Li Luoyang disappeared, I wanted to directly attack Wenjun Yazhu. Ouyang Wenjun must have a secret recipe for immortality intoxication, but I didn\'t expect that just when things were about to succeed, Chaijin of Liangshan suddenly appeared. He attracted the people of six doors. I had no choice but to give up. However, after beating grass and startling snakes, the people of six doors began to closely protect Ouyang Wenjun the next day."

Huang Ying was the one who assassinated Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er that night.

"You failed to go out in person? Chaijin of Liangshan?"

"Just now you said to help Liangshan people save Huarong. I put down my resentment against Chaijin and support you. You can see my good intentions." Huang Ying hugged aunt Hong in her arms with a smile on her face.

"I naturally understand, but I didn\'t expect that even you missed. Did you go to Lingnan today because you found a clue about Li Luoyang in Lingnan?" aunt Hong didn\'t know the purpose of Huang Ying\'s visit. She thought that Huang Ying\'s coming here in person must have something to do with Li Luoyang.

"I\'m here today. I just want to tell you that it\'s time for the Lingnan merchants Federation you\'re responsible for to make a big move, but your plan has given me the answer just now. Since you have decided to help Zhang Yue and give up Zhang Qiong, implement it as soon as possible."

"Well, I see."

Just after that, there was a knock outside the door. Huang Ying quickly pushed aunt Hong open and walked into the curtain. Aunt Hong tidied up her clothes and then opened the door. A bartender stood outside the door with a smile: "in charge."

"What\'s up?"

"Something happened in the prison."

The corner of aunt Hong\'s mouth rose and smiled: "the people from Liangshanpo are coming?"

"Well, here we are. They killed more than a dozen guards at the gate. Now they have rushed into the prison. Li Guo from the military camp is gathering at the gate of the prison." the bartender truthfully reported the clues he had just got.

Aunt Hong immediately asked, "where\'s Zhang Qiong!"

"That guy is still in the government. All the government soldiers in Lingnan city have gathered, but it\'s strange that this guy doesn\'t seem to plan to support the prison. He keeps the government door closed and doesn\'t lead the soldiers out."

Aunt Hong frowned and thought to herself, "isn\'t that guy going? Isn\'t he afraid that people in Liangshanpo will save Huarong and the imperial court will blame him? It\'s impossible. The guy is not so stupid. He may be planning something." after thinking for a moment, aunt Hong waved to the bartender: "Well, I see. Now go to the yamen gate to monitor. Once you find Zhang Qiong going to prison, report to me immediately."

"Yes, in charge."

After the bartender left, Huang Ying came out from behind the curtain of the door: "Zhang Qiong doesn\'t send troops for support? Why?"

Aunt Hong smiled and said: "With my understanding of Zhang Qiong, this guy must want to take credit for himself. Li has just arrived in south of the Five Ridges to make a contradiction between Zhang and ghost. Zhang Qiong\'s eyes can not tolerate sand. Before Li came here, the south of the Five Ridges government has the final say, even if Liu Zhi Fu can only choose silence. Now Li is coming, he arranges everything about Huarong, and it seems that he has already had some. Zhang Qiong can stand the smell of making noise over the host? "

Aunt Hong sat at the round table, drank the little jade dew in yaochi, and then continued: "He must be waiting for the people of Liangshanpo to compete with Li Guo. If Li Guo dies, he will be with his will. He can not only revenge, but also get the appreciation of the imperial court alone. This guy is gambling. The people of Liangshanpo will win Li Guo. What\'s more, if Li Guo loses, he can defeat the people of Liangshanpo. He doesn\'t look at his own weight. Li Guo and his soldiers lose, Is he Zhang Qiong the opponent of Liangshanpo? "

With her understanding of Zhang Qiong, aunt Hong immediately analyzed Zhang Qiong\'s plan, but she didn\'t know. Zhang Qiong was more cruel than she expected. He planned to directly burn all the people of Li Guo and Liangshanpo in prison. He had been waiting for the moment when Li Guo entered prison.

"If it\'s really like what you analyzed, the best chance is when Zhang Qiong takes his men and horses to fight with Liangshanpo. Once Li Guo fails, Zhang Qiong will send troops to prison. If Hua Rong is rescued, the imperial court will not give him a reward, but his head will fall."

Aunt Hong smiled and nodded, "so we have to help the people of Liangshanpo and let Zhang Qiong lose."

Huang Ying said in a low voice without expression: "the premise of all this should be based on Li Guo\'s failure. Do you think Li Guo will lose?"

"I don\'t know. I don\'t know about Li Guo. I don\'t know his strength and intelligence. I haven\'t even met him. Since he comes from Zhou Xiangong\'s barracks or the identity of captain, his strength should not be low. I just don\'t know who is the person who came to Liangshanpo in Lingnan city this time?"

Huang Ying said slowly, "we all know the importance of Huarong. People in Liangshanpo can\'t leave Huarong. It\'s inevitable for them to come to Lingnan, and Wu Yong also knows that the guards in Lingnan city must be dense, so it must be difficult for him to arrange people here."

"Will there be the leader of the forbidden army?"

"There should be him."

"If he exists in Liangshan\'s lineup, Li Guo is definitely not his opponent. It seems that I need to prepare. I\'ll arrange someone to wait outside the prison now. The people who meet Liangshanpo immediately come forward to help them leave. As long as they leave lingnancheng smoothly, our plan will be successful."

Huang Ying nodded: "follow your plan, and the headquarters also hopes to see your progress. If you can stabilize the future of lingnancheng merchant Federation, the headquarters has planned to hand over the merchant Federation of Luoyang City to you."


"Will I lie to you? Ge Cheng is old. Besides, with my good words for you, as long as you work hard, you can manage the merchant Federation of the two cities in the near future."

Aunt Hong smiled and snuggled up in Huang Ying\'s arms, kissed Huang Ying deeply on her cheek, and then turned to the door.

So far, three forces have started their own plan after liang shanpo rushed into the prison. Zhang Qiong designed to kill Li Guo and enjoyed the credit and reward of the imperial court. He has sent someone outside the prison to wait for Li Guo\'s entry. After learning about Zhang Qiong\'s plan, Ye Yu got rid of Mo Jiao and asked Mo Shou to go to the prison gate to bring the news to Li Guo, but no one thought of it.

Yihua building, which seems to have nothing to do with this matter, also sent forces to lurk in the houses at the gate of the prison. They are ready to help the people in Liangshanpo escape from Lingnan after they appear. The situation has become chaotic because of their personal selfishness. Li Guo knows nothing about it, and Li Luoyang, who is in the cage, did not expect it.

He didn\'t even know that the captain who led the team to assemble the Barracks at this time was his brother, who had been afraid of confrontation before.