Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 784

The two sat quietly in the tent. Li Luoyang had too many things to determine in his heart. Although he knew that many of the next problems had nothing to do with the action of Lingnan City, as Li Luoyang himself, he wanted to know whether the little guide in front of him was related to that person. After all, that person was a celebrity for thousands of years and was called a national hero.

"What\'s your name?" I don\'t know why. Facing the 11-year-old little guide in front of me, Li Luoyang began to feel nervous. This tension is unprecedented. Some expectations and some worries. Expectations are to get the answer that the little guide agrees with his heart. The worry is that if the answer is the same, Li Luoyang doesn\'t know what to do next.

"Haven\'t I already said that identity is more important than money in the black market? Didn\'t you just kill Bao inquisition and mice to cover up your identity?" at this time, even with Li Luoyang\'s promise, the little tour guide doesn\'t think he can survive. After all, Li Luoyang has just said that there are three people who know their identity, and the other two have kept their secrets forever, The only thing left is himself, and Li Luoyang said before that he didn\'t believe anyone, so the little guide naturally thought that Li Luoyang wouldn\'t believe himself either.

The little guide looked at Li Luoyang and thought to himself: the reason why I didn\'t kill me directly was that I didn\'t realize my hostility to them. Maybe I should keep a secret for the bag inquiry and the mouse, so I don\'t have to burn myself.

The little guide regretted at this time. He was worried that Li Luoyang would do it to himself.

"I want to know why you reminded me of the rat\'s report just now? You can hide it, we won\'t find it, and you may get a lot of reward in the end." Li Luoyang is curious about why the little tour guide did this. Is it true that he just doesn\'t want to go with such people.

The little guide smiled and said: "I respect the people of Liangshanpo. Although they become bandits, they are just in character. Unlike other bandits, they have never done anything harmful to heaven and justice, but the current imperial court can\'t tolerate sand. In addition, most of Liangshan heroes are \'traitors\' in the imperial court, so they have been targeted all the time, but even so, they still do things on behalf of heaven, although they are not a nation Great righteousness, but at least compared with other grass bandits, they are heroes. "

Li Luoyang smiled: "you know a lot at a young age. You heard these news in the black market?"

"No, I thought it myself."

"Oh? You\'ve never met Liangshan people. Why do you think so?"

"The imperial court has always targeted Liangshanpo, but never let Zhou Xiangong go to Liangshan to suppress it. That\'s because the influence of Liangshanpo has not yet formed a fear for the imperial court, but those fatuous and incompetent people in the imperial court will frame Zhongliang. Zhongliang who has no choice but to go to Liangshan. Since they are Zhongliang, even when they arrive at Liangshan, they still adhere to their own principles and will not make extraordinary decisions So I think Liangshanpo is different. "

Li Luoyang clapped his hands and said with a smile, "it\'s good. The analysis is correct and reasonable. I\'ve seen it today. It doesn\'t hurt if my little brother doesn\'t want to reveal his name. Can you tell me what you learned from your master in addition to learning how to be a man?"

"Marksmanship! Shifu only taught me a little and left." at this point, the little guide\'s face inevitably showed disappointment.

"Marksmanship?" Li Luoyang picked up the stick on the ground and handed it to the little guide: "show it."

Holding the stick in his hand, the little guide seemed to be a different person. He raised his hand and behaved with maturity and perseverance inconsistent with his age. Every move was with a clear sense of war. However, he was still young, and the power of this set of marksmanship was not fully displayed by him, and maybe the master of the little guide didn\'t teach it well. After waving half of the marksmanship, he stopped.

Li Luoyang got up, grabbed the stick and said slowly, "you don\'t have enough strength. Although this set of spear is strong, you can\'t give play to one tenth of its power. You should practice your body first and strengthen your physical strength, so as to give full play to its power."


"Well, your age is just the age to practice boxing. I\'ll give you a set of boxing techniques. You can integrate your marksmanship and find your own martial arts. In this way, your marksmanship will become your most handy martial arts while improving your physical quality, but the premise is that you should be able to bear hardships and stick to it. If you give up halfway, you may not achieve anything in your life."

"You mean self creation?"

"Yes, this set of boxing is suitable for your age, but in a few years, it can only be regarded as the foundation, so you need to integrate your gun skills. In this way, no one can give you guidance on your martial arts Road, so it will be 100 times more difficult than others, but once you succeed, I believe this set of boxing will benefit you immensely."

Li Luoyang took out a boxing book from his arms, which he got together with Yuchi Gong\'s whip in his hometown courtyard. Since Li Luoyang no longer needs this basic boxing, it\'s better to give it to the little guide, which can be regarded as a reward for the little guide just reminded.

Looking at the Yellow martial arts script in his hand, the little guide frowned and said, "this, this is really for me?"

"Well, I hope you will practice well in the future."

The little guide immediately knelt on one knee and said sincerely, "I will never forget the gift of books." he has a double knee kneeling teacher. Naturally, he will not kneel on Li Luoyang\'s knees. Li Luoyang doesn\'t mind.

He helped the little guide up. Li Luoyang whispered, "my name is Li Luoyang, from Luoyang City. I will have a good chat with you when I have the opportunity to come to Luoyang City in the future. If you have something, you can come to me, and I will do my best to help."

The little guide looked surprised and asked slowly, "you, why did you help me?"

"I don\'t know. Maybe it\'s fate, or maybe it\'s for something."

The little guide smiled: "you are really strange. I always think you are different from ordinary people. Can you help me just by virtue of fate?"

"Maybe, seeing your heart is not bad, I\'m afraid you\'ll take the wrong path. It\'s an achievement to lead others on the right path in one\'s life. At least I think so. If one day you run counter to righteousness, maybe we will be enemies."

The little guide nodded hard.

Li Luoyang put his hand on the small guide\'s shoulder: "little brother, I\'ll see you again."

Li Luoyang turned and left. When he was pulling up the curtain of the tent door, the young voice of the little guide came from behind: "my name is Yue Pengju. Thank you, brother Luoyang! I will not be a person against the great righteousness in the future. My wish is to serve the country faithfully!"

Li Luoyang trembled, smiled helplessly, and then whispered to himself, "it\'s really you. Maybe we\'ll see you again, maybe we\'ll never see you again..."

At this time, Li Luoyang recalled a story in his student history class: Yue Fei, the word Pengju.