Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 782

The darkness of the black market is far more serious than that imagined by Li Luoyang and others. The secret of the existence of the gray chain is that it never knows when there is a sudden accident. At this time, Li Luoyang and others are not aware of the fact that Bao inquired in front of them and have already thought out countermeasures. After they leave, Bao inquired will bring the news of Liangshan heroes appearing in the black market to the government.

However, Bao underestimated other businessmen in the black market. When Li Luoyang was whispering with Bao, the businessman in the tent beside him had listened to the dialogue between the two sides. He showed a treacherous smile, and his eyes even flashed money. He knew that it was a lot of income for him. As long as he gave the clues he just got to the government, He can\'t get a big reward.

The merchant walked out of his tent as if nothing had happened. He strolled outside the black market. The little guide looked at the merchant\'s back with a frown, and then pulled the corner of Li Luoyang\'s clothes. Li Luoyang turned and looked down at the little guide and asked with a smile, "what\'s the matter? Don\'t worry. When we buy the information, we will naturally pay you."

Li Luoyang thought the boy was thinking about the reward. After all, the number of silver tickets Li Luoyang inquired about for Bao was amazing, and the little guide seemed to be excited.

"I don\'t mean that. I want to tell you that you\'d better leave quickly. Your identity may have been exposed." although the little guide is young, he often wanders in the black market. He has learned to watch his words and colors. He also knows the businessman who left the tent just now. This guy rarely leaves his own store. Except seeing off guests, he solves all his life in the store, However, this time he appeared and left, which naturally aroused the little guide\'s suspicion. In addition, the dialogue between Li Luoyang and Bao just now was only separated from the merchant\'s tent, which was easy to be eavesdropped. Therefore, the little guide judged that this guy was probably going to Gaomi when he left the black market.

Hearing the little guide\'s reminder, Li Luoyang\'s face sank like water: "why do you say that?" Li Luoyang asked himself that after he came to Lingnan City, he was careful in all his actions. In order to avoid identity exposure, he even went through camouflage. Even when he was in the casino, he and Wu Xinyi were careful. Why would his identity be exposed soon after he came to the black market?

It\'s not that Li Luoyang doesn\'t believe the little tour guide. At least in his opinion, he doesn\'t know what went wrong.

The little guide whispered, "your conversation with Bao may have been overheard." the little guide pointed to the businessman slowly leaving in the distance: "His name is mouse. He is also an intelligence businessman in the black market. He rarely leaves his shop, let alone the black market. The place where you talked just now is less than one meter away from his shop. He may have heard it. If he tells the government your identity, he can exchange a large sum of money, and you are in danger!"

As soon as the little guide finished, Lin Chong walked to the black market gate with rapid steps.

Looking at Lin Chong\'s actions, Li Luoyang only prayed that he could catch up before the businessmen left the black market. Outside the black market, there was Yihua building. Although Yihua building was not responsible for the safety of the black market, it was important to be responsible for the safety of his own store. If Lin Chong forced to bring back the businessmen in front of so many brothel guests, it would easily attract the attention of others. In addition, there were patrols all over the street outside Yihua building Depending on the personnel, Lin Chong\'s move is obviously a trap.

"Boy, you\'ve broken the black market rules. You won\'t have good fruit to eat in the future!" Bao inquired. Naturally, he heard the tip of the little guide. It\'s taboo to interfere in other people\'s business in the black market. Although Bao inquired and hated the eavesdropping businessman and ruined his chance to make money, he was more tired of the behavior of the little guide. If he cut off his money, he would be excluded or even retaliated by the black market businessman.

The little guide smiled, looked up at the bag and asked, "even if he doesn\'t go to Gaomi, will you go? You haven\'t done less of this."

"Don\'t talk about it."

"I know whether you are wronged. You know better than anyone how many guests you have betrayed over the years."

Wu Song\'s head locked on one side stared at the little guide: "since you know this guy will be secret to the Lingnan government, why did you take us to him to buy intelligence?"

"As I said just now, in the whole black market, he is probably the only one who has this information, unless you don\'t want to get Huarong."

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and patted the little guide on the shoulder: "it seems that the black market environment has not made you black. You also have a judgment in your heart." Li Luoyang knows that if the small tour guide has the same selfishness and black heart as others in the black market, he doesn\'t have to tell them about the merchant\'s whistle blowing. The small tour guide can reach a consensus with Bao, share the whistle blowing and get paid.

The little guide said firmly, "my master told me that if I want to learn kung fu well, I must first learn to be a man. I came to the black market just to hone myself, which does not mean that I have to go with those." the child showed a rare maturity. A pair of firm eyes with incomparable sincerity gave people a sense of credibility.

"Oh? It seems that you have a good master." Li Luoyang knows that the master\'s practice is personal, but it\'s not easy to enter this door. A good master will naturally set an example for his disciples and lead them to the right path. Those who have evil intentions and are teachers will not be good enough. Thinking of this, Li Luoyang is also asking himself whether he is a qualified good teacher Father.

Chaijin stood behind Li Luoyang and whispered, "Luoyang brothers, what shall we do now? Now that we have received the information from Huarong brothers, we might as well leave first to avoid complications." Chaijin was worried that the merchant would attract countless government or military barracks soldiers after reporting, and they would not have the strength to leave here at that time.

Li Luoyang said calmly: "Now we have no choice but to believe that Lin Chong can bring him back. Even if we leave now, once the news reaches the hands of the government, they will know that Liangshanpo people have sneaked into Lingnan City, and they will also know that we have learned about Hua Rong\'s information and information, and are changing the place where Hua Rong is detained and the strength of guards, so we have to wait and wait Lin Chong\'s news. "

Chaijin nodded helplessly: "as you said, that\'s what I\'m worried about. Once the news reaches the government, our plan won\'t have to be arranged."

With a smile on his face, Li Luoyang turned to look at Bao to inquire. He said to Wu Song and others around him: "In contrast, we\'d better deal with the things in front of us. So far, only three people know our identity. We can trust the little guide. He wants to betray us. There\'s no need to warn us. There are still two left. One Lin Chong has gone after us, and the other has a big plan to tell the secret."

When Bao inquired, he naturally knew that Li Luoyang was referring to himself. He nervously wiped the sweat on his forehead and squeezed out a distorted embarrassing smile on his face.