Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 775

At this time, Li Guo sat in the room arranged by the government and stood next to a woman. The woman was wearing the same armor as Li Guo. Her cold face made people afraid. Unlike Wu Nian, the woman looked mature and steady. Compared with Wu Nian\'s naughtiness, Li Guo seemed afraid to approach. Although it was the relationship between his boss and his subordinates, Li Guo seemed afraid to command this woman.

"Captain, the guards in the city have been arranged according to your plan."

"It\'s hard for you, Ye Yu. Fortunately, I brought you this time. Otherwise, I can\'t handle so many things alone."

"The captain is serious. It\'s hard to work for the captain. Captain, there\'s one thing my subordinates don\'t understand. Today you ordered Zhang Qiong\'s soldiers to guard at the west gate. They have made it very clear that they are executing Zhang Qiong\'s orders. Aren\'t you afraid that Zhang Qiong said you were managing him beyond your authority?" Ye Yu and Li Guo entered the Barracks at the same time, But Li Guo didn\'t understand how ye Yu, a daughter, entered the military camp. After all, she was not Hua Mulan. Women in this era had no right to enter the military camp unless she had extraordinary military talent or the imperial court allowed her to come to the military camp for special reasons.

Although the two entered the barracks together, Li Guo\'s ability was slightly stronger. When competing for the position of captain, Li Guo narrowly defeated Ye Yu, who killed 34 foreign enemies, by killing 36 foreign enemies. Therefore, Li Guo became the captain of the team, and Ye Yu became the vice captain.

Facing Ye Yu\'s question, Li Guo whispered, "there are no outsiders here. I\'ll tell you the truth! Our mission to Lingnan this time is not as simple as you think. Guarding Hua Rong until he is executed is just one of them. There is another important thing that needs us to do after Hua Rong is handled."

Ye Yu frowned and asked in a low voice, "what\'s the matter?"

"The imperial court has long known about the activities between Zhang Qiong and the mountain bandits, but has been suffering from no evidence, so it ordered us to find evidence to convict Zhang Qiong after Hua Rong was executed, and take him to the imperial court for interrogation. The reason why I deliberately mobilized Zhang Qiong\'s soldiers was to stimulate him and expose his flaws. I went to the mountain stronghold outside the city with him to understand The relationship between him and the mountain stronghold, but this guy was very careful and asked me to leave first in the mountain stronghold. In order to avoid being suspected by him, I had to quit the mountain stronghold and didn\'t have his evidence. "

Ye Yu then understood why Li had been in contact with Zhang Qiong after he came to Lingnan City, and the two had a duel. All this was originally Li Guo\'s premeditation: "Captain, what are you going to do now?"

Li Guo said with a smile: "I thought it was difficult to find Zhang Qiong\'s evidence in the current situation. I planned to go to the nearby mountain bandit\'s nest to clean up after Huarong\'s affair. As long as they caught those mountain bandits, they would confess their activities with Zhang Qiong, but I was afraid that the mountain bandits were afraid of Zhang Qiong\'s revenge and refused to tell the truth. After all, Zhang Qiong\'s reputation was not weak in Lingnan."

"Can\'t we finish this task?"

"This is not a chance. When Zhang Qiong and I left Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold this time, I found that he returned to Lingnan city with a famous man. This guy seems to have occupied Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold and become the leader, but why did Zhang Qiong bring it back? Compared with the relationship between him and Zhang Qiong, it\'s not simple, so I want to find the person he brought back to Lingnan city."

Ye Yu asked in a low voice, "where is this person now?"

Li Guo raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "just now I looked around the government and didn\'t find the existence of that person, which means that Zhang Qiong didn\'t bring this person back to the Yamen. In addition to the government, he could only put the person in another place in Lingnan City, the Fengyue building of his brother Zhang Yue!"

Ye Yu nodded: "Zhang Yue, I know that the head of Fengyue building is Zhang Qiong\'s brother. You mean the man brought back by Zhang Qiong is probably in Zhang Yue\'s hands."

"That\'s right, so I want you to sneak into the Fengyue building when it\'s dark. This person\'s characteristics are very obvious. He is a one eyed dragon. If we can take him here to hide and let that guy tell about Zhang Qiong\'s crime after Hua Rong\'s affair, our task will be successful."

Ye Yu did not hesitate: "as soon as it gets dark, I will act."

"So far, neither Zhang Qiong nor the people of lingnancheng government know that you still exist around me. I specially arranged it so that you can move easily."

"I understand. Don\'t worry, captain. I promise to finish the task."

"I\'ve inquired. Zhang Yue\'s own martial arts are not strong, and the guards around her are just some three legged Kung Fu thugs. As long as Zhang Qiong doesn\'t fight, I believe no one in Fengyue building is your opponent, but you should remember that your actions can\'t be found. Now it\'s a sensitive time, and any crime in Lingnan city will attract attention."

"I see! By the way... Captain, did you find your brother?" Li Guo was worried since he received the news that Li Luoyang was missing. If it hadn\'t been for this mission, Li Guo would have rushed to Luoyang to find Li Luoyang.

After a long sigh, Li Guo said helplessly, "there is still news about him so far, but I believe he will be fine."

"I\'ve heard a lot about your brother from you, captain. I\'m also curious about how a young man got a foothold in Luoyang and what kind of skills he has. Since he is so magical, he won\'t be in any danger. Even if he has him, he can save the day."

"Thank you, Ye Yu. After this task is completed, I want to go back to Luoyang. I hope Luoyang has gone back safely at that time."

A smile finally appeared on Ye Yu\'s face: "I\'ll come with you."


"Well, we are in the military camp, and all actions should be reported. If the task of Lingnan city is over, we should return to the military camp as soon as possible. You don\'t have a chance to return to Luoyang unless I go back with you. In this way, we can explain that we are going to Luoyang City for business, and at least you won\'t be punished."

Li Guo laughed wildly: "it seems that you really want to see my brother."

"I\'m just curious. Captain, you\'re already excellent. I\'d like to see what kind of person li Luoyang, who has been praised by you, is."

"Well, well, you go. It\'s getting late. It\'s getting dark. Go and prepare. As for whether to take you back to Luoyang City, it\'s up to you."


After Ye Yu left, the smile on Li Guo\'s face disappeared. Naturally, he was worried about the safety of Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang\'s sudden disappearance made Li Guo almost quit his position as the captain and return to Luoyang City. If it hadn\'t been for Ye Yu\'s persuasion, Li Guo would have ruined their plan. However, Li Guosi didn\'t know that his brother Li Luoyang, whom he cares about every day, was coming to the government at this time, The government is the only way to Yihua building.

Humming a tune, Li Luoyang looked at the government gate not far in front and walked over as if nothing had happened.