Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 762

"Open! It\'s four, five, sixty-five!"

A proud smile appeared on the dealer\'s face. This game was the result that Zhang Yue and the dealer wanted to see most. Li Luoyang, who made a small bet alone, lost 10000 Liang, while master Mo won 50000 Liang, and Zhang Yue also won a lot. Zhang Yue was most satisfied with such a result. After all, this situation can make master Mo happy and win Li Luoyang\'s money.

Zhang Yue gave the dealer a certain look. With the affirmation of the boss, the dealer is full of confidence.

However, seeing that Li Luoyang lost 10000 Liang, Wu Xinyi asked suspiciously, "didn\'t I just tell you that it was big? Why did you bet on small?" Wu Xinyi clearly gave Li Luoyang the correct answer and even told Li Luoyang the points. She really didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to buy 10000 Liang directly.

Li Luoyang put his mouth to Wu Xinyi\'s ear: "you\'re stupid. Winning all the time will certainly arouse their suspicion. Even if they can\'t find the evidence of our thousands, Zhang Yue will watch us win? He will find an excuse to drive us out. How can I get close to master Mo at that time." Li Luoyang told Wu Xinyi his plan, He doesn\'t want Wu Xinyi to misunderstand that she is fooling around.

Wu Xinyi nodded suddenly: "well, if we keep winning, Zhang Yue, the boss here, can\'t let us go easily." Wu Xinyi understood Li Luoyang\'s intention, so she ignored Li Luoyang\'s bet.

"Two, two, three, seven o\'clock!" the dealer excitedly opened the sieve cup again. He saw himself put down the sieve cup. At the moment, Li Luoyang threw ten thousand Liang silver tickets on the big side, and he knew that they had won again.

"Hahaha, as I said, the one who laughs last is the one who wins." master Mo shakes the newly won silver ticket and looks at Li Luoyang obliquely.

Li Luoyang was still smiling and had no emotional fluctuations because he lost money.

Zhang Yue smiled and said to master Mo, "master Mo is lucky today. I won a lot of bets with you." Zhang Yue will not miss the opportunity to flatter master mo.

"Zhang is in charge. What\'s the difference between winning and losing? Anyway, the money in the casino is yours in the end."

"Don\'t I play with master Mo? The Fengyue building has developed so fast in recent years. Naturally, it can\'t do without the care of the government, let alone the care of master mo."

"Hahaha, I don\'t want any trouble in Fengyue building. After all, I can get a lot of money here every once in a while by relying on my gambling skills." up to now, master Mo doesn\'t know that his gambling skills are almost zero. The reason why he has been winning money is entirely the arrangement of Zhang Yue, so that master Mo can take care of Fengyue building, Obviously, his goal has been achieved. There has never been any trouble in the wind and rain building in recent years, which is the result of the turnover of master mo.

The dealer hurriedly agreed and said, "master Mo\'s gambling skills are really superb. I\'m willing to lose. Every time master Mo comes to my table, he can win nine of my ten innings. I\'m ashamed."

Zhang Yue pretended to be surprised and said to the dealer, "you are the first dealer here. You can\'t win Master Mo? It seems that master Mo\'s technology has been superb." Zhang Yue saluted with a fist, as if she admired him.

The boasting of Zhang Yue and the dealer made master Mo blush. Master Mo, who stroked his beard, looked up at Li Luoyang with a provocative smell in his eyes.

Li Luoyang shook his head reluctantly. He didn\'t expect that the martial master actually liked this set. Li Luoyang couldn\'t do it if he wanted Li Luoyang to butter up like Zhang Yue and the dealer.

After winning two in a row, master Mo became more excited. He had finished drinking the wine bottle in his hand. At this time, his attention was almost on the gambling game. Wu Xinyi whispered in Li Luoyang\'s ear. After learning the points of the sieve cup, Li Luoyang thought he could not lose any more. He had only the last 5000 Liang left.

Zhang Yue has been staring at the silver ticket in front of Li Luoyang. When she sees that Li Luoyang has only 5000 Liang left, she is happy. Here, she must bet at least 5000 Liang in one game, which means that if Li Luoyang loses and wants to play again, she can only pawn something valuable. Zhang Yue naturally thinks of the jade pendant.

"Buy will leave, buy will leave!" looking at the hint given by Zhang Yue, the dealer nodded confidently.

Li Luoyang pretended to be helpless and said loudly, "Hey, the last one. It seems that he will return with empty ears today!" Li Luoyang casually left 5000 liang of silver notes on the big. The dealer immediately frowned and told Zhang Yue that Li Luoyang had bought the right one.

Zhang Yue cursed in secret: "special size! I didn\'t expect to turn this guy over. It\'s all right. Play a few more to win him!" Li Luoyang lost several in succession. Zhang Yue was sure that the first two Li Luoyang were just relying on luck and couldn\'t see through the sieve cup. As long as you play again, Li Luoyang will lose everything sooner or later.

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s big, master Mo smiled and said, "boy, have you never heard of the saying to follow the red handed people in the casino to ensure you win money? I bought a small one, but you bought a big one. It seems that you really don\'t know how to live or die."

"Thanks for Mr. Mo\'s advice, but I like to be different. Maybe it\'s a trap designed by others?" Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile and didn\'t care about the embarrassment on Mr. Mo\'s face.

"Five, five, sixty-six!" the dealer reluctantly announced the result of the game. Like Zhang Yue, he knew that Li Luoyang would have no money if he lost, but he didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang was right at the last minute. He handed Li Luoyang ten thousand Liang silver tickets. Li Luoyang patted his chest and breathed deeply: "fortunately, if you listen to other people\'s mind, I\'ll end this one!"

Master Mo glared at Li Luoyang fiercely, and then impatiently asked the dealer to start the next game.

"One, one, two, four o\'clock!"

"Three two, leopard!"

"Two, two, three, seven o\'clock!"

After winning four times in a row, Li Luoyang has changed from 5000 Liang to 120000 Liang. Zhang Yue is sweating. Looking at more and more silver tickets in front of Li Luoyang, he starts to panic. At this time, the dealer is wet with sweat. He is almost successful. Unexpectedly, Li Luoyang has won so much only in the last 5000 Liang.

Li Luoyang lay on a pile of silver tickets, looked at master Mo who wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeves and said with a smile: "it seems that the God of wealth is back again. Why doesn\'t master Mo\'s gambling skills work? Feng Shui turns around. You have to buy it with me now, otherwise you will suffer!"

"You! Boy, don\'t be complacent. I don\'t like this money. It\'s just your hundred thousand Liang. It\'s just a matter of a few games. I can win it back casually."

"Well, I\'ll see how you beat me, dealer, go on!" Li Luoyang said quietly, ignoring master Mo\'s anger.