Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 747

Three thousand six hundred Liang, which was the result of Li Luoyang\'s exchange of one hundred Liang. With Childe Huang as the pioneer, Li Luoyang naturally fished along the water for several times, but it also attracted the dealer\'s complete attention. Before, the dealer was just vigilant, but now he is paying close attention, because childe Huang has left. At this time, Li Luoyang has the most money on this gambling table.

Li Luoyang knew that the dealer must have begun to prepare for himself. He smiled and said to Wu Xinyi, "get ready to do it." Li Luoyang didn\'t want to stand on unfair treatment with the dealer. If you want to win again, you must first get out of the hands and feet under the table. However, Li Luoyang looked at the wooden door in the deepest part of the underground casino, where there were four guards, Inside is the private room where dignitaries gather to gamble. That\'s Li Luoyang\'s goal. He wants to find someone who can provide valuable information for himself.

In the underground casino, there are also distinct levels. Small gambling is only participated in outside. The deepest place closely guarded by the casino is the core position of the casino. Most of Li Luoyang\'s positions at this time are just some ordinary people or slightly rich dignitaries, but the people who are really valuable are still in the depths and only have contact with those people, It is possible to get the clues Li Luoyang wants. After all, only people with identity can get access to the information about Hua Rong.

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said to the dealer with a smile, "it\'s too small here. Is there a more exciting gamble?"

The dealer looked at Li Luoyang and wanted to refuse. After all, in his opinion, Li Luoyang didn\'t look like a person qualified to enter the depths. However, at this time, a guard quietly came to the dealer and whispered: "the master has explained, won all the money of the gang, and try to let him pawn the jade pendant handed down by the Yang family\'s ancestor."

The dealer looked at the guard in surprise: "the jade pendant handed down by the Yang family ancestor is in the boy\'s hand?"

"Well, this is the order of the master."

"Then I\'ll clean him up here."

"This guy doesn\'t look simple. To be on the safe side, if you can\'t succeed, take him into the internal casino, where you can take all his money in one game."

The dealer smiled treacherously: "double insurance? Hahaha, don\'t worry, I let this guy fall here. He doesn\'t have a chance to enter the internal casino."

The guard nodded and turned to leave. The dealer smiled and replied to Li Luoyang: "if you want to play a big game, you can, but I don\'t think you have enough money now. You might as well play two more. As long as you have 10000 Liang, the small one will naturally take you to a more exciting gambling game. How about it?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly: "ten thousand liang? Yes, let\'s continue!"

The dealer shook the sieve cup in an instant, buckled the sieve cup on the table, looked at Li Luoyang and said, "young master, please bet."

"This one is not in the mood. Let\'s go next."

The dealer frowned in surprise. He didn\'t know what Li Luoyang wanted to do. The reason why Li Luoyang did so was that he was buying more time for Wu Xinyi. Before he handled his hands and feet under the table, Li Luoyang wouldn\'t be foolish enough to bet, because it was doomed to lose.

Wu Xinyi squatted on the ground and gently moved the edge of the table with an iron plate. The baffle was soon removed. Wu Xinyi saw a man squatting inside. The man looked at Wu Xinyi with fear and seemed to be going to run. However, Wu Xinyi was ready for it. The moment she opened the baffle and saw the man, the iron plate in Wu Xinyi\'s hand became a concealed weapon. Prompted by Wu Xinyi\'s martial arts, The sharp edge of the sweet slice instantly cut the man\'s throat and went deep into the throat.

The man lay on the ground and covered his throat with his hands to stop the blood gushing. However, all this came so suddenly that he didn\'t take any precautions at all. After a moment, he fell motionless into the angel under the gambling table and packed everything. Wu Xinyi reinstalled the baffle, then slowly stood up and watched Wu Xinyi get up, Li Luoyang knew that everything was going well.

Li Luoyang has contacted the third inning and didn\'t bet. The dealer seems to be a little impatient. He holds his hands on the table and stares at Li Luoyang: "what do you mean now, my friend? You just shouted that you were going to a more exciting gambling game, and now you\'re reluctant to bet. If you don\'t want to play, please leave."

The dealer is really afraid that his method will fail. If Li Luoyang turns around and leaves at this time, he will not only violate Zhang Yue\'s order, but also lose more than 3000 liang of silver in vain.

"Are you more anxious than me? Do you still stipulate that I must bet here?"

"Naturally, there is no such mandatory provision here, but it doesn\'t seem very good that you don\'t bet and waste our position."

"Just let it go!" Li Luoyang waved and reluctantly agreed.

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s promise to bet, the dealer kept a smile on his face, but his toes gently kicked the baffle under his feet, indicating that the people inside were ready. However, he didn\'t know that the guy inside was almost cold and couldn\'t cooperate with the dealer.

Li Luoyang took a deep breath at this time. Before, he could follow the rules of other gamblers and win some things by relying on the rules of making money in the casino. However, without a reference, Li Luoyang could only rely on his life. He didn\'t have the ability to see through the sieve cup, and no one could use it as a reference. Therefore, Li Luoyang seemed hesitant. If he bought it wrong, all his money would be lost here, Fortunately, he won more than 3000 Liang in only one hundred Liang, and he brought 300 liang of principal, which could keep him turning over again, but he knew that time would not allow him to do so.

The sieve cup shook rapidly. The dealer stared at Li Luoyang with a confident smile and buckled the sieve cup on the table. The dealer made an invitation gesture to Li Luoyang.

When Li Luoyang hesitated, Wu Xinyi said, "three three one, seven o\'clock!"

Li Luoyang turned in surprise and looked, "how do you know?"

"It\'s very simple. Focus on your ears, use your breath to eliminate the noise around you, and listen carefully. I\'ve been trying before. After several verification, I heard the law of the sieve cup in the sieve cup, so now I naturally know the points in it."

Li Luoyang listened to Wu Xinyi\'s explanation in amazement. He knew that Wu Xinyi spoke lightly, but it was extremely difficult to do it. He didn\'t expect that Wu Xinyi, who first contacted the sieve, could hear the points in the sieve cup through observation and martial arts. This was her first contact.

"Why are you looking at me?" Wu Xinyi is not used to Li Luoyang looking at herself with such eyes.

Li Luoyang smiled and whispered, "now I finally understand why you are called the talented boy of Baiyun Mountain. I\'ve learned it today." this is the first time that Li Luoyang thinks Wu Xinyi is very suitable for this title. Her amazing talent really exceeded Li Luoyang\'s expectation. She can find the trick only for the first time, This is something that Li Luoyang never thought of.