Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 738

After a lot of hard work, Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi finally came to the gambling house and entered the dark channel. Before they went far, the space suddenly widened. Four guards appeared in front of Li Luoyang, but they didn\'t have the killing intention of one eyed dragon. They greeted Li Luoyang with a smile: "Sir, do you need to pawn things?"

Li Luoyang noticed that after entering the channel, the first window he saw was the pawn place, which was specially prepared for those with family property.

Before Li Luoyang spoke, he heard a rush of footsteps in the passage behind him. A man dressed as a scholar rushed directly to the pawn window with his luggage in his arms. A guard smiled politely and said, "childe Huang, you\'re here again? Didn\'t you just leave?"

Childe Huang said fiercely, "you can control it? Go away, I\'ll get it back today!" after that, childe Huang put the antiques in his luggage at the window of the pawn shop. An old man slowly took over the antiques, looked at them casually, and whispered, "a bronze wine bottle is worth 300 Liang!"

"Three hundred liang? I spent two thousand Liang to buy it at the beginning!" said childe Huang reluctantly.

"Young master Huang, you know there are bronze wine bottles everywhere now. Its value is not as high as it used to be. Three hundred Liang is already the face given to you by Laozao. If someone else, Laozao will only give him two hundred Liang at most."

The old man looked at young master Huang with a sly smile; "Three hundred liang of Childe Huang can be a teacher?"

"Dang! Dang, and these things, you can identify them for me!" Huang childe poured out all the things in his luggage and looked like he had brought all the valuable things in his family.

The old man identified one by one with a smile: "one amber, worth one hundred liang of gold inlaid jade, one emerald glass lamp, worth five hundred Liang, and one golden nanmu Buddha statue of the previous dynasty, worth three hundred Liang." then the old man picked up a piece of paper and smiled more brightly: "young master Huang, are you sure you want to be?"

"Of course! When I go in and play, I will redeem it. It should be able to be used as some money."

The old man couldn\'t hide his joy. He nodded and said, "one Lingnan land deed is worth 50000 Liang!"

Childe Huang looked at the old man with a puzzled face: "just 50000 liang?"

"Mr. Huang, although the house is expensive now, there is no shortage of rich people. People without money can\'t afford it. It\'s equal to chicken ribs. 50000 Liang is already a very high price."

Childe Huang bit his teeth, patted the board of the pawn window and said fiercely, "fifty thousand Liang is fifty thousand Liang!"

However, Wu Xinyi, who had been watching all the time, asked in a puzzled low voice, "is this guy crazy? He has become his own house to gamble?"

When the guard heard Wu Xinyi\'s question, he whispered to Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi: "people like childe Huang are everywhere here. Some gambled their property, became house deeds, and some even lost their wives and children."

Li Luoyang frowned and asked, "wife and children?"

"You don\'t know. The Lost Lady usually becomes a welcome here."


"It\'s for guests to have fun. It\'s a man\'s paradise. It must make you linger and forget to return. Don\'t forget some external things." as the guard said, he looked at Wu Xinyi and indicated something to Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang knew that this guy was telling him that if he had no money, he could exchange his wife for money and continue entertainment, How could Li Luoyang be so stupid? He didn\'t like gambling in his own time, and he wouldn\'t spend it wantonly here. Li Luoyang can\'t pawn anything except money.

Just after that, there was a cry in the passage behind him. A woman\'s desperate cry filled the whole passage. In the dark, a man dragged a woman to Li Luoyang and others. The woman was still begging: "husband, husband! Please don\'t sell me, I beg you!"

The man didn\'t move at all. He turned to look at the guards around Li Luoyang and said ferociously, "I haven\'t come to help yet!"

The guard reluctantly whispered, "Hey, there\'s something troublesome!" after the guard left Luoyang, he went to the woman, raised the wooden stick around his waist and directly hit the woman on the back of her head. Then the guard carried the woman to the pawn window. The old man gently lifted the unconscious woman\'s jaw, looked carefully for a moment and said to the man, "your wife\'s appearance can only be medium."

"Medium? She was the village flower of our village. I spent a lot of money to get her!"

"A thousand Liang at most. It\'s inappropriate for love. It\'s inappropriate for you to take her home and keep her."

"Bah! I\'m a pawn! 1000 Liang is 1000 Liang. If I can get back today, I\'ll marry someone else." before long, the man rushed to the end of the passage with 1000 liang of white silver. He didn\'t look back at his hairy wife.

Wu Xinyi bit her teeth and said fiercely, "beast! This kind of man should be killed."

Li Luoyang looks dignified. He didn\'t expect that the gamblers here have become crazy. Judging from the actions of Childe Huang and the man selling his wife, they have long been addicted to gambling and must have been gambling for a long time, which has formed such a break. Li Luoyang has no interest in gambling since childhood, even after he has been a successful person, And never took part in any gambling.

Li Luoyang held Wu Xinyi\'s hand tightly and told her with action that she couldn\'t make her like this. Wu Xinyi suddenly tightened her heart and looked at Li Luoyang with a red face. At this time, the guard who returned after putting the woman into the warehouse stared at Wu Xinyi with a smile: "your wife\'s red face is shy and charming. I believe she should sell more than that guy\'s wife just now."

Wu Xinyi suddenly felt murderous. If Li Luoyang hadn\'t been holding her hand, she would have rushed up at this time. Li Luoyang\'s face was gloomy and the murderous intention between his eyebrows was overwhelming. The guard immediately felt as if he had been stared at by a wild beast. Under the condition of reflection, he stepped back two steps and gave way to the entrance to the gambling house. Li Luoyang clenched his teeth and whispered: "Your attention had better not hit me. You will bear the consequences."

The guard swallowed his saliva, summoned up his courage and said, "I also tell you, it\'s best not to be wild here. This is not a place you can offend!"

Li Luoyang didn\'t have any superfluous words. He took a step to the guard. The guard immediately felt the pressure on his face. It was an irresistible killing intention, which made him retire involuntarily. However, several other guards suddenly surrounded the two people and shouted, "all the visitors are guests. If you want to make trouble, don\'t blame us for being impolite!"

Li Luoyang looked at the four guards around him. There was no fear in his eyes: "is that how you treat guests?"

The head guard took a deep breath and said slowly, "Sir, if you still want to play, please come inside."

When others gave him the stairs, Li Luoyang would not make trouble, so he led Wu Xinyi to the gambling house.