Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 721

At the gate of Lingnan City, the dust of wind and sand covers the sight. The gate is very crowded. Recently, in order to avoid accidents, there are many fewer people entering and leaving the gate than usual. The people in the city try to hide at home and reduce their time out. Even walking in the Street, they feel monitored.

According to Li Luoyang\'s arrangement, several people dressed as ordinary people swaggered to the city gate with loads of wild vegetables picked in the jungle. Li Kui also carried the remaining wild boar meat behind him. They looked like ordinary villagers selling goods nearby.

As soon as he came to the city gate, Li Luoyang was attracted by the scene in front of him. There were more than 50 soldiers with long hair standing at the city gate. Lingnan city had six gates, and so many people were put in each place. This degree of tightness exceeded Li Luoyang\'s expectation.

Looking up at the city wall, the height of the city wall doesn\'t allow climbing conditions at all. Many soldiers with bows and arrows are patrolling back and forth on the city wall. Just the guard of Lingnan city gate gives people a feeling of suffocation.

Li Luoyang took a deep breath and adjusted his nervous mood. He knew that as long as there was a little mistake, even with the protection of Liangshan heroes, he would die, and no matter how powerful the master would be drowned by the crowd.

"Stop!" a guard with a red scarf stopped Li Luoyang and others. Judging from the guard\'s appearance and dress, Li Luoyang recognized this guy as the person in charge of the city gate.

"What\'s the matter with the official?" Li Luoyang bent over, his hands in his sleeves, curled up, and his obscene appearance is easy to be mistaken for a real down-to-earth villager.

"Routine inspection!" dozens of soldiers immediately came forward and surrounded Li Luoyang. Then someone began to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Li Luoyang, searching from head to toe, from inside to outside. Lin Chong and others behind could only endure unhappiness and wait patiently for the inspection of the soldiers.

"What\'s this!" a soldier stood in front of Lin Chong and pointed to the mole on Lin Chong\'s cheek. It was the most obvious sign of Lin Chong. It was a brand from the government. In order to avoid identity exposure, Li Luoyang specially made up Lin Chong and hid the brand in the way of mole, but unexpectedly it attracted the attention of the guards.

Lin Chong tightly held the shoulder pole and looked at the soldiers with his eyes straight. Li Luoyang hurried to Lin Chong, grabbed Lin Chong\'s back in one hand and twisted it hard to remind him to keep calm. In the other hand, he stuffed some silver coins into the hands of the soldiers who examined Lin Chong: "officer, this is my eldest brother. He is born disabled and can\'t speak. Don\'t mind. The mole on his face is also born."

The soldier looked at the broken silver in his hand and smiled with satisfaction. Then he took it into his arms: "it\'s a mole, or a mute. Stand aside." Lin Chong was dragged aside. It seems that he has escaped the inspection.

The soldier then came to Hua monk and looked at the ring scar on Hua Heshang\'s head. The soldier immediately asked, "monk?"

The flower monk narrowed his eyes and smiled. He looked much kinder than usual, giving people a simple and honest feeling: "officer, when I was a child, my family was poor, and my parents sent me to the Shaolin Temple in the nearby mountains."

"Oh? So you can do some boxing?"

"No, no, no, I\'m just a cook in Shaolin Temple. The abbot said that I\'m too angry and difficult to practice martial arts. In addition, I can\'t stand the clear rules there. I went to Xiaoshan early years."

The soldier walked around monk Hua and looked at him carefully: "meat and wine monk? Hehe, what are you going to do in Lingnan this time?"

Monk Hua pointed to Li Luoyang: "don\'t you follow your brother to Lingnan city to do some small business?"

The soldier turned to look at Li Luoyang and looked at the flower monk: "are you brothers?"

"Well, when I came down from Shaolin Temple, he took me in. We talked for a long time and felt sorry to meet each other. So we became brothers with different surnames. We didn\'t want to be born on the same day in the same year, but on the same day."

The soldier impatiently pulled the flower monk aside: "enough, enough, mother-in-law grinding haw, go away."

The soldier went to Li Kui. He saw Li Kui\'s black face with a fool like smile. His stiff smile gave people a penetrating feeling: "you!"

"I\'m here. I\'m here. Please tell me."

The soldier began to check the things Li Kui carried with him. Even the boar carried by Li Kui was carefully checked. Touching the muscles of Li Kui, the corners of the soldier\'s mouth rose slightly. Li Luoyang thought to himself: "that guy can\'t be. There are such people who like special people in this era? Can\'t he?"

The soldier patted Li Kui on the shoulder, smiled and said, "boy, you are in good health and have good muscles."

"I\'ve been playing in the mountains since I was a child and hunting with my family. Naturally, I have a good body!" Li Kui put down the wild boar and raised his hands to show the muscles of his arms.

"Yes, yes. Do you want to make money?" the soldier stared at Li Kui with a sly smile.

Looking at that smile, Li Luoyang helplessly covered his face and thought, "it\'s over. It seems that that guy has a crush on Li Kui." however, things did not develop in the direction of Li Luoyang\'s blind thinking.

"Boy, why don\'t you join our government and be my man? I promise you\'ll make a lot of money."

Hearing the soldier\'s words, the stone in Li Luoyang\'s heart fell to the ground. He was worried that Li Kui would really be taken away alone. At that time, the soldier must have no children or grandchildren. Unexpectedly, the soldier just wanted to win over Li Kui.

Li Kui looked at Li Luoyang. After receiving the eye hint, he smiled and said, "Oh, yes! I want to make money, but my father taught me from childhood to be a man from the beginning to the end." Li Kui pointed to Li Luoyang and said to the soldiers, "this time I promised to do business with him. It\'s better for me to come to you when my business is over, won\'t it?"

The soldier turned to look at Li Luoyang and thought about the silver coins in his arms. He had to reluctantly say, "in that case, well, when you finish your business, come here to find me, and I will naturally arrange a better job for you."

After that, the soldiers went to the last Wu Song. Compared with others, Wu Song was born with a smell of soil and put on the villagers\' clothes without any violation of the rules. The soldiers still conducted a careful examination of them, and found no exception. The soldiers waved their hands to other guards, and dozens of guards dropped to the side. Li Luoyang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, go in, but I want to remind you that it\'s hard to do business in Lingnan city these days."

"Thank you for reminding me." just as Li Luoyang was preparing to take Lin Chong into Lingnan City, a sweet call came from behind: "husband, wait for me."

Li Luoyang and others turned their heads and looked. When they saw the familiar figure, Li Luoyang\'s eyes stared as big as cattle: "you, how did you come?"

"You forget, I said yesterday that I would enter Lingnan city with you today. I want to buy some cloth and knit some clothes for you at home."

"Yes, yes, look at my memory. Forget, forget."