Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 709

"What! This bottle costs five hundred Liang!" Guan Sheng exclaimed and stood up. Sima Yingming\'s words surprised Guan Sheng and Yang Zhi.

"Indeed, this is only sold in Wenjun Yazhu. The immortal is drunk in a bottle of 500 Liang, and so is yaochi Yulu." Sima Yingming had no smile on his face at this time, only disguised helplessness and loss.

Guan Sheng didn\'t notice Sima Yingming\'s expression. At this time, he said another thing: "brother Yang Zhi, how can Wu Er have the money to go to Wenjun Yazhu to consume 521 bottles of immortal wine? Did this guy misappropriate the money of our stockade?"

"Don\'t talk nonsense!"

"But it was five hundred and twenty-one bottles of immortals drunk. One bottle, two bottles and three bottles." Guan Sheng began to count the empty wine bottles on the table. He wondered how much he had drunk this meal.

However, the careful Yang Zhi naturally noticed that Sima Yingming\'s expression was wrong: "brother Sima, why do you show such an expression? Did you come to us today because it was related to the immortal drunken yaochi Yulu? Otherwise, you wouldn\'t specially invite us to drink so much and expensive wine."

Sima Yingming had tears in his eyes. He never lacked acting skills. He sighed: "Hey, do you know who brewed the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu?"

Guan Sheng picked up the empty wine bottle on the table and continued to pour it into his glass for fear of missing a drop: "of course, we know that our intelligence work in Liangshan is not bad. It was brewed by a boy named Li Luoyang who was built by Wenjun Yazhu. This boy had a contact with Wu Yong and Wu Er before."

Yang Zhi nodded and said slowly, "well, it\'s said that this boy has something to do with the Lin family, but almost no one in the Lin family admits his identity and existence. Only Lin Luoshui and Zhou Xiangong love a woman. She seems to be Li Luoyang\'s mother. She was a martyr who left with a man surnamed Li."

"Well, he brewed the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu."

Yang Zhi smiled and nodded: "last time Wu Yong contacted him. When he came back, he praised him for his intelligence. Unexpectedly, at a young age, he could get such appreciation from the military master. In addition, he brewed immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu. This boy can be regarded as a once-in-a-lifetime genius. The Lin family should be happy, but it\'s a pity for the boy\'s father."

Sima Yingming lowered his head and looked at Yang Zhi from the corner of his eye: "the two brothers only know one, but they don\'t know the other."

"What does brother Sima mean by this?"

"To be honest, the brewing formulas of immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu are actually the ancestral secret recipe of Sima\'s family!"

Sima Yingming\'s words are amazing. Guan Sheng and Yang Zhi face each other. Yang Zhi frowns and stares at Sima Yingming.

Sima Yingming sighed helplessly, and his words were full of regret: "I believe both brothers knew the position of my grandparents. From the beginning of my memory, I knew that there were many things handed down by my grandparents, including the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu. When Li Luoyang first arrived in Luoyang, Lin Luoshui secretly found me with the support of Zhou Xiangong and asked me to give Li Luoyang the basic foundation of a foothold in the city. I cherish Luoyang\'s youth and am afraid of it Sin Lin Luoshui gave Li Luoyang the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu. "

Guan Sheng immediately asked, "then why didn\'t Sima brothers brew immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu before? Wouldn\'t it be a pity if the secret recipe stayed there and didn\'t brew?"

This is also the question Yang Zhi wants to ask. Since immortal Zui and yaochi Yulu are all the ancestral things of Sima family, why didn\'t Sima Yingming brew it? Instead, he finally gave the secret recipe to someone who had nothing to do with it.

Sima Yingming said with tears and remorse: "Two brothers, don\'t you forget? Although I am a lord, I don\'t have any power. If I brew immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu, and the wine startles the imperial court, the imperial court will only incorporate my secret recipe, and I won\'t get any benefits, so I keep it and wait to show it to the world when I have a chance in the future. Unexpectedly, a Li Luoyang came."

Guan Sheng slapped him on the round table. He roared angrily with a red face: "fuck, I\'ll say that a yellow haired boy who doesn\'t drink, how can he brew such good wine for no reason? It\'s just like people without any martial arts foundation can create unique martial arts skills in the Wulin, it\'s impossible!"

Yang Zhi nodded: "I agree with Guan Sheng on this point. Li Luoyang is still young. No matter how much the military master praises his intelligence, brewing doesn\'t matter. It requires accumulated brewing experience and understanding of wine. Now Li Luoyang doesn\'t have such conditions. I always doubt that Li Luoyang can brew such good wine. Someone behind him helped me, but I didn\'t expect it to be like this However, brother Sima, isn\'t it a pity that you handed over the secret recipe so easily? In your capacity, even if you don\'t have the right, Lin Luoshui doesn\'t dare to attack you. You can\'t give in to her threat! "

"Alas, your two brothers don\'t know. Li Luoyang is not an ordinary person. You know that before he came to Luoyang City, he was just an unknown person in a small village. However, one day, a group of people in black broke into his house and escaped to assassinate him and his brother Li Guo. Li Guo was rescued by a secret man. Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts were unknown. When he appeared again, he had already come to Luoyang City, the world is not calm now. His little children can escape the chase and come to Luoyang City safely, which is enough to attract my attention. "

Yang Zhi looked at Sima Ying Ming and said, "so you secretly investigated him?"

"Yes, I found that he had already joined Manichaeism. He followed Manichaeism people to rape and plunder all the way. He also killed more than a dozen children the same size as him."

"Impossible!" Yang Zhi shouted, "even if I haven\'t seen him, I don\'t think a young child can be so cold-blooded and ruthless. It\'s still more than a dozen people who kill children of the same age."

Sima Yingming looked at Yang Zhi firmly: "my little brother, every sentence is true! More than that. As far as I know, because Li Luoyang is smart, he soon got the attention of Manichaeism. At a young age, he has become the leader of Manichaeism, followed by dozens of people. At that time, where he passed, women were caught and insulted, children were killed, and he didn\'t let go of lonely and widowed old people."

Sima Yingming unscrupulously fabricated the story of Li Luoyang. He knew that even if the intelligence network of Liangshanpo was strong, it was impossible to find out the identity information of the real Manichaeism hall leader. Coupled with Sima Yingming\'s vivid description, he was confident that Li Luoyang could play a role of evil in the hearts of Guan Sheng and Yang Zhi.

Cautious Yang Zhi looked at Sima Yingming, who was crying bitterly: "is it for Li Luoyang that Sima brothers invited me here this time?"

Sima Yingming nodded with a wronged face and said, "I am not a saint or a hero who saves people from water and fire, but after learning about Li Luoyang\'s crimes, I really want to do something for those wronged souls, so I want to ask you to act on behalf of heaven, except Li Luoyang!"