Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 703

Seeing off Mo Jiao, who was anxious to continue looking for Li Luoyang, Sima Yingming laughed wildly, and his wanton laughter returned in the empty parliament hall, which seemed particularly penetrating: "ha ha ha, it\'s a good means for Mo adult. One word will make Mo Jiao completely trust, which is also the result of Mo adult\'s love for many years."

Mo Yuntian proudly held her head high: "it\'s natural. She\'s my baby daughter. No matter what happens, she will stand on my side!" although Mo Yuntian has this confidence, she can\'t imagine whether her father and daughter can maintain such feelings one day when Mo Jiao learns that she sent someone to hunt down Li Guo and Li Luoyang.

Sima Yingming smiled and asked in a low voice, "is Lord Mo so confident? Did you look worried that Mo Jiao would hear the conversation just now? Has Lord Mo ever thought about Mo Jiao\'s feelings for Li Luoyang now? Maybe she will stand on the side of her beloved in the future."

Sima Yingming\'s words made Mo Yuntian\'s face sink like water. How can he not see Mo Jiao\'s feelings for Li Luoyang? This is also Mo Yuntian\'s most worried problem. Since he promised the Lin family elders to assassinate Li Guo and Li Luoyang, Mo Yuntian knew that he was already Li Luoyang\'s enemy, but the window paper had not been pierced. Once the matter was exposed, He didn\'t know whether Li Luoyang would completely break with himself, and how Mo Jiao should choose at that time.

Looking at Sima Yingming\'s smiling face, Mo Yuntian whispered, "Lord, can I understand your words as taking precautions?"

"What does that mean?" Sima Yingming asked with a smile.

"Do you want to tell me that one day in the future, my favorite daughter may turn against me for other men?" Mo Yuntian naturally heard the meaning of Sima Ying\'s Mingyan.

"I\'m just reminding Lord Mo that Mo Jiao is still young and doesn\'t have any vigilance for the relationship between men and women. Li Luoyang is also the best of the younger generation in Luoyang City. Naturally, she can attract the attention and attention of many girls. Although Mo Jiao is masculine, she is also a girl after all, and it\'s inevitable to be attracted. I believe Lord Mo, you can see Mo Jiao\'s different feelings for Li Luoyang , if Mo Jiao knows the truth one day, does he choose you or the person she loves? Do you know the answer? "

Facing Sima Yingming\'s problem, Mo Yuntian fell silent, which is always his biggest worry. He has only such a daughter and has loved her for so many years, but one day another man will lead his daughter\'s hand through his life. From the bottom of his heart, Mo Yuntian last wants this man to be Li Luoyang, And what happened before has become an irreconcilable and insurmountable gap between Mo Yuntian and Li Luoyang. Although Li Luoyang has not noticed so far, Mo Yuntian knows that one day Li Luoyang will know the truth. At that time, no one can tell what will happen between Mo Yuntian and Li Luoyang.

Perhaps in Mo Yuntian\'s heart, he regretted more at this time. If he knew that Li Luoyang had such talent, he would not easily agree to the requirements of the Lin family elders before, or he also regretted that he promised Lin Luoshui to save Li Guo and Li Luoyang. Anyway, now Mo Yuntian knows that he has left hidden dangers, giving a person who shouldn\'t grow up a chance to grow up quickly.

Looking at Mo Yuntian in silence, Sima Yingming raised his mouth slightly and said quietly: "Lord Mo doesn\'t have to worry so much. As long as Li Luoyang doesn\'t know about it, the relationship between you and him will only get better and better according to the current situation. But if Li Luoyang learns that the man who chased Li Guo and him is the man of six doors, you and him are destined to be enemies. It depends on Mo Jiao\'s choice at that time."

"Plan ahead! It seems that I need to find a way to prevent everything from happening." Mo Yuntian knows that these are not assumptions, but are likely to happen. After all, in terms of Li Luoyang\'s ability, as long as it develops for a period of time, he can have the strength to inquire about the truth. The day when the matter is exposed is when Mo Yuntian breaks up with Li Luoyang and opposes Li Luoyang. Mo Yuntian doesn\'t mind. He just worries about how Mo Jiao will choose, himself or herself Her beloved, Mo Yuntian, has lost her previous self-confidence.

"Lord Mo, I have a way, but I don\'t know if you are willing to accept it."

"Oh? Tell me."

"In the final analysis, you worry that Mo Jiao will betray you when she gets together with Li Luoyang in the future. All this is related to Li Luoyang. Why don\'t you get rid of this related person? As long as Li Luoyang dies, no one will investigate the truth of that year, and Mo Jiao can\'t know that you have done such a thing. Your father and daughter will always be together, and you don\'t have to worry about it She will betray you. "

Mo Yuntian frowned at Sima Yingming: "Kill Li Luoyang, Sima, Wang Ye, and kill him with this knife. It\'s really good. I know that I get the perfume formula now. Li Luoyang\'s value has been greatly reduced. He has no use for you. Let me kill Li Luoyang to cover up the previous events. Then I will not cover up the fact that I killed Li Luoyang." hum, then my handle is not held by you. " Real? "

Mo Yuntian knows that once he follows Sima Yingming\'s plan, Sima Yingming is likely to threaten him in the future. If Mo Yuntian does not obey, Sima Yingming will tell Mo Jiao all the truth. At that time, the relationship between father and daughter will be worse. Mo Yuntian is not so stupid.

Sima Ying said with the same smile: "Lord Mo, you misunderstood me. If I wanted to threaten you, I could tell Li Luoyang earlier about what you did. Why wait until now."

"You don\'t think it\'s time! I\'ve learned from Lord Sima\'s style today."

Sima Ying Ming bowed and smiled and said, "let moo laugh at you! I wonder if we can continue our cooperation." Sima Ying Ming\'s eyes were looking at the secret recipe of Mo Yun Tian\'s fragrance.

Mo Yuntian naturally knew what Sima Yingming wanted. He threw the secret recipe to Sima Yingming and then said slowly, "I know I have a handle in your hand, that is, I sent someone to assassinate Li Luoyang and Li Guo, but don\'t forget that I also have your handle in my hand. If the people in the court know about your cooperation with the court, it must be easy to convict you of rebellion."

"That\'s natural. I came here today to establish a cooperative relationship of mutual trust with Lord mo. you have the handle to kill me. I have evidence to break your father and daughter. As long as we cooperate well, I believe these will become a secret in the future. Am I right, Lord mo."

Mo Yuntian laughed wildly, then said with a sly smile, "yes! I hope our cooperation goes well."

"As soon as it is clear, I will arrange for people to refine perfume according to secret recipe. As long as they are successful, they will supply perfume to the court. Even if it is not for him, Li Luoyang will lose nothing! Ha ha ha!"