Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 693

Late at night, the lights of Wenjun Yazhu were bright, and the personnel patrolling the six doors were helpless to shake their heads. They knew that the people inside were more worried about the missing Li Luoyang than anyone, so they didn\'t sleep all night. However, who knew that at this time, three women were facing a situation of near death in Wenjun Yazhu.

Yu\'er, who was seriously injured, lay down at the door leading to the backyard and got a sword on her back. Fortunately, the mysterious woman didn\'t kill her. She used the sword as a knife to cut yu\'er. If the sword was directly penetrated, it is estimated that yu\'er would have died at this time. It can\'t be just a flesh wound on her back as now.

Ouyang Wenjun sat next to yu\'er. When yu\'er fell to the ground, Ouyang Wenjun was naturally involved. At this time, she was pointed by the woman with a sword, but the remaining light in the corner of her eyes clearly saw that Wu Xinyi was not far away.

"When!" with a crisp sound, Wu Xinyi will point to Ouyang Wenjun\'s sword and fight back. The woman smiled and turned around and stabbed the sword horizontally at Wu Xinyi. Wu Xinyi took the sword with her eyebrows and fought back.

While parrying Wu Xinyi\'s attack, the mysterious woman smiled and said, "the Wu family of swordsmanship? Hehe, I didn\'t expect that Wenjun Yazhu was hiding dragons and crouching tigers. I didn\'t expect anyone to meet Baiyun Mountain here!" the woman recognized that Wu Xinyi\'s skill belonged to Baiyun Mountain at a glance, But she didn\'t understand why the Baiyun mountain people who had been hidden suddenly appeared in Wenjun Yazhu against themselves.

Wu Xinyi didn\'t answer. At this time, she was more nervous and surprised than ever. She had tried her best, but the other party was able to deal with it freely. Obviously, the other party didn\'t take the contest seriously. On the contrary, it was very relaxed. Wu Xinyi felt the pressure for the first time. Since she carried out the order to protect Li Luoyang with the name of genius, she faced many crises in Li Luoyang, Wu Xinyi can avert danger, but this time her opponent makes her almost lose hope: "Wenjun! Take yu\'er and go!"

This is her only choice. How many can escape? Maybe she will stay here.

Ouyang Wenjun hurriedly helped yu\'er up and walked back to the yard. The mysterious woman smiled and said, "although I don\'t want to offend Baiyun Mountain, no one knows even if I kill you!" the woman turned back to attack and stopped blindly defending Wu Xinyi\'s fast sword. Taking advantage of Wu Xinyi\'s lack of defense, the woman kicked on Wu Xinyi\'s abdomen and Wu Xinyi flew out in an instant, He fell heavily on the wine table in the hall, and the wooden table suddenly collapsed.

Wu Xinyi vomited a mouthful of blood and watched the mysterious woman go back to the backyard. She rushed back to the backyard again when she got up hard. She just saw that the woman\'s Sword Pierced Ouyang Wenjun\'s calf. Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er fell into the backyard at the same time, and their bodies were already full of blood.

"I said, no one can go today! Hand over the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu!"

Wu Xinyi jumped up with her long sword stabbing straight, and her back was slightly to one side of Wu Xinyi\'s mysterious woman, perfectly avoiding Wu Xinyi\'s attack. Wu Xinyi landed with her feet and stopped in front of the woman. Behind her were the injured Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er. Looking at the panting Wu Xinyi, Ouyang Wenjun whispered, "you go, don\'t care about us. There\'s no problem running for your life with your strength!"

Ouyang Wenjun knew that there was no room for hesitation in the current situation. He and yu\'er had no strength to bind the chicken. Now they were injured and it was impossible to escape. Only Wu Xinyi could escape. Looking at Wu Xinyi, who was motionless, Ouyang Wenjun bited his teeth and said fiercely: "If you don\'t go, you will never have a chance to let Luoyang know the truth. Do you want him to see our three bodies when he comes back, but you don\'t know who did it!"

The mysterious woman laughed wildly, and her smile was full of contempt: "hahaha, Ouyang Wenjun, you have been in Luoyang for many years. Can\'t you see that this girl can go? Will she not go? Look at her feet carefully."

Ouyang Wenjun looked puzzled. At Wu Xinyi\'s ankle, a wooden table fragment was deeply inserted into her muscles. Her shoes were full of blood: "you"

"Don\'t talk. It seems that none of us can go today." Wu Xinyi was sweating, endured the pain and stared at the mysterious woman.

Yu\'er held Ouyang Wenjun tightly. She also knew that she would die today. At this time, she wanted to know whether Xiaosi and Luoyang were safe and where they were.

Ouyang Wenjun breathed and tried to calm her heart. She spit out a turbid breath and said to the mysterious woman, "don\'t you just want the secret recipe? Let them go and I\'ll take you to find the secret recipe."

Yu\'er looked at Ouyang Wenjun in surprise. She knew that Ouyang Wenjun had no secret recipe at all. The reason why she said so was to strive for the chance to live with Wu Xinyi.

"Let them go? Hehe, it\'s obviously impossible. It seems that I have to change my mind!" the mysterious woman knew that Ouyang Wenjun was crafty. In order to leave Wenjun Yazhu as soon as possible and cover up her killing behavior, she had to give up the secret recipe, choose the second scheme, destroy the wine stored in Wenjun Yazhu and leave.

The mysterious woman changed her mind because Wu Xinyi appeared. She didn\'t expect that there would be people from Baiyun Mountain here. Since she had decided to kill Wu Xinyi, she naturally didn\'t want to leave any clues. If she agreed to Ouyang Wenjun\'s request, she couldn\'t tell what accidents would happen. What the mysterious woman needs to do now is to kill Wu Xinyi and leave the scene as soon as possible In order to avoid the danger of being found to the greatest extent.

Looking at the woman walking towards her, Wu Xinyi slowly retreated with her teeth clenched. Ouyang Wenjun obviously felt that the other party had a murderous heart. If the previous injury was a threat, the other party obviously wanted their lives: "Don\'t you want a secret recipe? It\'s a priceless thing. I believe you also know how much a bottle of immortal wine and a bottle of yaochi jade dew in Wenjun Yazhu can sell, and the benefits are beyond your imagination."

The woman walked to Wu Xinyi and said with a smile: "I admit that I am very interested in money and business and want to get the secret recipe of Li Luoyang, but compared with my life, those are floating clouds. If the girl Baiyun Mountain didn\'t appear, I would be willing to cooperate with you, but now it\'s different."

Ouyang Wenjun looked at Wu Xinyi in surprise: "you are from Baiyun Mountain!"

Wu Xinyi did not answer. She was trying to find the possibility to live.

The woman looked at Wu Xinyi and said with a smile, "I don\'t know whether Li Luoyang can come back. If he comes back and sees the bodies of the three of you, what kind of expression will he have? I\'m really looking forward to it. I look forward to the day he comes back and look at his heartbroken look, ha ha ha."

Ouyang Wenjun\'s eyes were full of blood and said fiercely, "vicious!"

"Thank you for your praise. I don\'t have to waste time with you. I killed you and destroyed the wine in the warehouse. I also retired. Don\'t blame me. If you blame me, it\'s Li Luyang\'s people."

The mysterious woman rushed to Wu Xinyi at a very fast speed. Wu Xinyi took a deep breath and shook her head helplessly. She knew that she couldn\'t catch each other with her current state and strength. She even closed her eyes slightly and gave up.