Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 686

Mo Yuntian smiled and said slowly: "You\'re right. I never wanted to attack senior Li Yan. At that time, I had no choice. What could you do if it was you? On the one hand, they were forced by the Lin family. In order to prevent Lin Luoshui from being with Li Luoyang\'s father, they used the relationship with the imperial court to force the people in the imperial court to get rid of all relatives and cultivation related to Li Luoyang\'s father. Li Yan, as Li Luoyang\'s father\'s brother, I wanted to let him go, but Mo Jiao was in the hands of the imperial court! "

"So you can only frame Li Yan to betray the country and seek glory according to their requirements."

"Yes, the court didn\'t even want to let go of the young Li Luoyang and Li Guo. If Zhou Xiangong hadn\'t come back in time to stop me."

Zhou Dong frowned and said slowly, "what\'s the matter with you? You\'ll kill them?"

"Do you think I have a choice for Mo Jiao and my family? You know the later things. The man lived in seclusion with Lin Luoshui and two children for his family. After many years, the man died. The two children grew up. One became your disciple and the other became an important person in Luoyang. Ha ha."

Zhou Dong sat next to Mo Yuntian and recalled the past. Mo Yuntian was like an old man. Zhou Dong handed the jade dew of yaochi to Mo Yuntian: "no wonder you are so willing to help Lin Luoshui. You are not for her relationship with the Lin family, but for atonement?"

Mo Yuntian opened the wine cap and took a swig: "Yes, at that time, Lin Luoshui wrote to me. I thought she was still angry about killing his husband\'s brother. Unexpectedly, she received the news that someone wanted to harm Li Luoyang and Li Guo. However, the other party was probably the housekeeper of the Lin family. They knew me. I couldn\'t go out in person. Mo Jiao and others didn\'t have the strength to stop, so I thought of you."

"Are you so sure I\'ll help you?"

"Sure, after all, I have no friends in my life except you."

"Hahaha, I\'m funny! If you hadn\'t begged me, I wouldn\'t have come here."

Mo Yuntian gave Zhou Dong a white look: "hum, it\'s because of this trip that you received a good apprentice!"

"You mean I have to thank you? Forget it! When are you going to tell Li Luoyang the truth?"

"Lin Luoshui never mentioned this to Luoyang. Should I take the initiative to provoke him? Tell him I killed his uncle?" Mo Yuntian drank all the wine in the bottle and wiped the casual wine helplessly asked.

Zhou Dong patted Mo Yuntian on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "based on my understanding of Luoyang, he is not a person who remembers revenge, but the hatred he wrote down must be rewarded. He knows good and evil clearly and understands the world truth. If you really want to make friends with him, don\'t play tricks. Maybe he can treat him out of his heart, and he can treat you as a friend."

"Do you want me to tell Luoyang the truth?"

"It\'s up to you to decide. I\'d better think about how to find him. I\'m here to ask if you leaked the news. Even if not, Luoyang\'s life should not be threatened. I\'m going to go to the green forest to see if someone took Luoyang and Xiao Si away. Don\'t be idle here. Go to the merchant Federation." Zhou Dong got up and was about to leave. He suddenly looked back at Mo Yuntian: "by the way, I forgot to tell you, Luoyang doesn\'t know what\'s the matter. He has always been interested in the merchant Federation since he came back from Taiyuan. My intuition tells me that he has not only dealt with Gaoming in Taiyuan, but also probably contacted other people of the merchant Federation."

Mo Yuntian frowned and whispered, "have you contacted others?" looking at Zhou Dong who left, Mo Yuntian turned his head and stared at Gao Ming: "you heard what we said just now!"

"Hahaha, it\'s clear that you are also a mean person!"

"It\'s not up to you to evaluate these rounds. Answer me. Have Li Luoyang contacted other people of your merchant Federation in Taiyuan? You can\'t be the only one in charge of such a large Taiyuan government." Mo Yuntian interrogates Gao Ming. He wants to know what Li Luoyang has experienced in Taiyuan mansion. Is it the same as Zhou Dong\'s feeling that Li Luoyang has had contact with other businessmen\'s Federation.

Gaoming knew that Li Luoyang had contact with other companions. It was Zhang Kui who was sent to the Wu family. Zhang Kui died in the Wu family. Gaoming knew that Li Luoyang must have something to do with him. Facing Mo Yuntian\'s inquiry, Gaoming naturally wouldn\'t tell him the truth. He just smiled and said: "Do you think I\'ll tell you? Hahaha, you\'re too naive. I couldn\'t have left here alive. Now I know your past secrets. You can\'t let me go. There are no conditions between us. I can only tell you that I don\'t know anything!"

"Really? You haven\'t tasted enough of the feeling that the next life is better than death."

Gao Ming laughed wildly and then said, "hahaha, to tell you the truth, even if you keep it a secret, the merchant Federation will know what Li Luoyang did in Taiyuan. You\'d better pray that he didn\'t fall into our hands, or you won\'t even find the body!"

Mo Yuntian looked at Gao Ming in surprise. However, as Gao Ming said, after the mysterious woman came to the Luoyang Merchants Association, she told Ge Cheng the fact that Gao Ming was arrested by Li Luoyang. However, no one knows how the mysterious woman learned the news. Maybe even Gao Ming doesn\'t know.

"How\'s it going? Scared? Hahaha, Mo Yuntian, I really hope that Li Luoyang has come to us. In this way, we don\'t need to do it. The six doors in Luoyang will suffer unbearable retribution!" after listening to the dialogue between Zhou Dong and Mo Yuntian, it\'s wise to know that the retribution comes from the white lady.

Mo Yuntian squatted in front of the iron gate, grabbed his brilliant hair and said slowly with an expressionless face: "you\'re right. I never wanted you to leave. Besides, you know my secret now, but you don\'t want to die happily. I have countless ways to make your life worse than death!"

With that, Mo Yuntian took out the dagger and directly inserted it into Gao Ming\'s mouth. When the dagger was pulled out, it was accompanied by a bloody piece of meat. Gao Ming suddenly had blood all over his mouth, and he could only wail and scream when his tongue was cut off. Mo Yuntian grabbed Gao Ming\'s mouth with one hand, took out hemostatic medicine with the other hand and stuffed it into Gao Ming\'s mouth, and then sealed Gao Ming\'s mouth with a cloth strip to prevent her from losing too much blood and dying.

However, Mo Yuntian\'s cruel means did not stop. After cutting off Gao Ming\'s tongue, he aimed at Gao Ming\'s ears, and two knives pierced Gao Ming\'s eardrums. Gao Ming suddenly fainted in pain. Mo Yuntian did a series of hemostatic work for Gao Ming without expression, and then put Gao Ming in a big jar, The medicine stone powder inside is enough to maintain a wise life.

At this time, Gao Ming was already a man without any resistance. Even death was an extravagant hope for him. He would stay in the big VAT forever and wait for death for a long time.