Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 684

Inside the six doors, Mo Jiao hurriedly knocked on Mo Yuntian\'s door. At this time, Mo Yuntian was sleeping soundly. Disturbed by Mo Jiao, she was immediately angry, but the other party was his only favorite daughter, so she had to put on her clothes and open the door: "Mo Jiao, what\'s the matter so late?"

Originally, I didn\'t think Li Luoyang would really disappear, so Mo Jiao didn\'t report to Mo Yuntian. The six men who were looking for Li Luoyang in the city were transferred by Mo Jiao without permission. At this time, Mo Yuntian didn\'t know about Li Luoyang\'s disappearance.

"Dad, something big has happened."

Mo Yuntian was suddenly sleepless. I\'m afraid it wouldn\'t be a small thing to make Mo Jiao so anxious: "what\'s the matter?"

Mo Jiao walked into the room and sat at the round table: "Dad, Li Luoyang is missing."

Mo Yuntian\'s eyes widened and his face was blank: "missing? When did it happen?"


"It\'s been two days and one night! Why didn\'t you report!" Mo Yuntian is really flustered. It\'s estimated that he won\'t be so worried if something happens to other people in Luoyang. Only Li Luoyang can\'t have any trouble at this point. Li Luoyang and Sima Yingming\'s cooperation with Mo Yuntian is clear. If Li Luoyang has something wrong when it comes to delivery, Mo Yuntian can\'t tell him.

"Dad, you know, Li Luoyang has many friends. It will take some time even to find his possible places in Luoyang. I found all his possible places once. I can\'t find anyone to report his disappearance to you."

It\'s no wonder Mo Jiao, and Li Luoyang usually likes to wander around. It\'s not the factory outside the city, Sima Yingming\'s residence, or Lin Luoshui. Mo Jiao can conclude that Li Luoyang is missing only after it is determined that there is no shadow of Li Luoyang.

"Have you found all the places to look?"

"Well, the Lin family has also gone, and so has Lord Sima\'s house. Wenjun Yazhu, Li\'s herbal medicine store, factories outside Luoyang, and even the newly opened brothel have gone where they can go."

"Have you asked the people guarding the city gate?" Mo Yuntian looked at Mo Jiao with a serious face.

"The tiger skin has gone to investigate, but don\'t hold much hope. Thousands of people go in and out of the city gate every day. The guard can\'t pay close attention. By the way, Li Luoyang has been to the factory once. No one knows whether he has returned to the city."

Mo Yuntian took a deep breath and said slowly, "since everything should be done, you must have something to do when you come to me late at night?"

"Well, Dad, now we suspect that Li Luoyang is probably in the hands of the merchant Federation."

Mo Yuntian frowned and asked, "why is there such doubt?"

"Ouyang Wenjun just mentioned that after Li Luoyang came back from Taiyuan, he has always been very interested in the merchant Federation. In addition, they targeted the immortal drunk before. Ouyang Wenjun worried that Li Luoyang would take Xiao Si to the merchant Federation and want to investigate them. They may be controlled after they found out."

Mo Yuntian frowned and paced back and forth in the room: "the merchants\' Federation should know very well that Li Luoyang\'s current power in the city will not be good for him."

"But we have searched the whole Luoyang City. There is no clue of Li Luoyang and Xiao Si. So far, only the merchant Federation is there."

"Do you want me to take a look?"

"Well, Dad, now you are the only one. If Li Luoyang is there, it will be a good thing, but if Li Luoyang is not there, we have to find another way!"

Looking at hesitant Mo Yun Tian, Mo Jiao rose up and said, "Daddy, what are you hesitating about? What if Li Luoyang did something wrong? What do we do in Lin\'s house? What do we do in Sima\'s Ying Ming? If he can\'t get the goods, he will blame us. No one escapes. Don\'t forget, Li Luoyang\'s perfume is now very popular with the emperor!"

"I know all this! I just led a team to investigate the merchants\' Federation. We should not act rashly. On the surface, the well water between us and them does not violate the river, but you also know that we have spent a lot of time on the investigation of the merchants\' Federation over the years. If we find Li Luoyang there, it\'s good to say. If we don\'t find it, I\'m afraid they will take this opportunity to make us six gates Give them an explanation and let them hide deeper. All these years of efforts are in vain. "

Mo Jiao looked at Mo Yuntian blankly: "Dad, do you mean to give up investigating the merchant Federation? Don\'t look for Li Luoyang?"

"I didn\'t say that. Of course Li Luoyang wants to find it. I just wonder if he will really be in the merchant Federation?"

"Dad, do you think about the consequences if something happens to Li Luoyang? The biggest loss in this investigation of the merchant Federation is undoubtedly the loss of the line to trace them secretly. If we don\'t go and lose Li Luoyang, we may lose the six door brothers of the whole Luoyang City. Who can escape from the six doors?"

As the person in charge of six doors, Mo Yuntian doesn\'t know the interest gap between the two. If he leads the team to the merchant Federation and finds a clue about Li Luoyang\'s disappearance, everyone will be happy. If he doesn\'t find anything, six doors will not only lose adults, but also be asked by the merchant Federation, and it will attract the attention of the merchant Federation, In recent years, liumen has invested too much human, material and financial resources to investigate the merchant Federation. Up to now, there are still some eyebrows. If the other party further strengthens confidentiality, liumen\'s efforts over the years will only be in vain.

Mo Jiao can follow her character and temper, but Mo Yuntian can\'t. He must take the overall situation into account. However, Mo Yuntian can\'t deny one thing in Mo Jiao\'s words, that is, the loss of Li Luoyang, the result of the six doors is unbearable.

"Now it seems that there is only one trip to the merchant Federation." Mo Yuntian put on the black government, waited for the sign of six doors and walked out. Just when he came to the door, Mo Yuntian turned and looked at Mo Jiao: "Remember, when you get there, no matter what happens or finds, don\'t scare the snake. In the absence of evidence, we can only ask them to cooperate with our investigation, not break in."

"Don\'t worry, I know. Everything depends on your eyes."

Looking at Mo Jiao\'s unprecedented worry, Mo Yuntian frowned and said slowly, "forget it, you go to inform Xiao Hui and tiger skin to come, I\'ll take them, and you stay at home."

"Why?" Mo Jiao immediately stamped her feet and exclaimed.

"Why? You\'re so worried about your lover. I\'m afraid it will be bad if you go!"

Mo Jiao immediately blushed and her ears were red: "you, what are you talking about? What lover! Who is a lover?"

Mo Yuntian shook his head and looked at Mo Jiao, revealing a rare woman\'s shame: "look at you now. You don\'t admit that you have feelings for Li Luoyang. You should come. You\'re not young. You\'re waiting to get married. It\'s a little feminine."
