Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 676

In Luoyang at night, Mo Jiao brought more than a dozen people with six doors to the brothel. The red light and green tile door looked particularly dazzling. Standing at the door, Mo Jiao didn\'t have an embarrassed expression. After so many years of crime experience, she had already gone in and out of this place many times.

"Tiger skin, Xiaohui will come with me, and others will wait outside!" this time, the six doors are just looking for Li Luoyang, not arresting fugitives. There is no need to mobilize people to rush in. Mo Jiao decides to take Xiaohui and tiger skin into the brothel to explore the situation first.

"Young lady, it\'s not good to break into the brothel at night."

"Yes, it\'s not a good thing to disturb the people in your dreams."

Xiao Hui and Hu PI are worried. Such a surprise visit will find out many embarrassing people. After all, there are countless dignitaries and dignitaries who like women in Luoyang. If they are right, it will be more urgent and embarrassing.

"What are you afraid of? We\'re just going to have a look!"

Mo Jiao said this and went straight into the gate. As soon as she entered the gate, a woman waved a PU fan and came to Mo Jiao. She looked about the same age as Ouyang Wenjun, but more dusty than Ouyang Wenjun. The woman smiled, looked at Mo Jiao up and down, and then slowly said, "what can I do for adult Mo Jiao with six doors to come to my brothel?"

Mo Jiao looked at the woman with a puzzled face: "do you know me? Who are you!"

"The little woman Huang Ying is the boss of this brothel."

Xiaohui and tiger skin around Mo Jiao look at each other. They clearly remember that they have never seen this woman in Luoyang City. It is obviously impossible to open such a large brothel in Luoyang city without any ability. They wonder who is supporting Huang Ying behind.

"Huang Ying? We are looking for someone this time." Mo Jiao said solemnly without expression.

Huang Ying still smiled and whispered, "I don\'t know if you have brought the oracle of six doors? I remember you six doors go anywhere to find someone, but if you show the Oracle, if you come here to find a friend, please withdraw all the men outside the door. If you mobilize so many people to let outsiders see, you think there\'s a big case here."

Mo Jiao frowned and smiled: "boss Huang Ying, it\'s enough for us to be guests. There\'s no need to be so nervous. Since you\'re a legal businessman, maybe you care about the men at the door. They only attack the prisoners targeted by the six doors. They\'ve never shot good people and ordinary people. Please rest assured."

"Oh, really? So Lord Mo Jiao is here to handle the case today? Please show me your instructions." Huang Ying said calmly. There are many women watching the excitement around her. From the clothes and behavior of these women, everyone knows that they are the goods here, waiting for guests to choose.

Looking at the anger on Mo Jiao\'s face, Xiao Hui quickly pulled Mo Jiao aside: "eldest lady, don\'t mess around. We\'re just looking for people, not arresting people. It\'s not easy for Huang Ying to open such a big brothel here. In case someone catches the handle and ends up with the crime of arresting good people and breaking into private houses, we can\'t afford it."

"Hum! That woman made it clear that she wouldn\'t let us go in and find someone. Are you going to be soft?"

"I mean, it\'s better to do according to her requirements. Let our people withdraw first. We look for Li Luoyang as guests, so that we can find Li Luoyang without damaging our reputation."

Mo Jiao thought for a moment, then nodded and promised: "so far, it\'s the only way!" after that, tiger skin went out of the door, evacuated more than a dozen six door men, and then returned to the brothel hall.

Looking at the people outside the door leaving, Huang Ying smiled and said, "since it\'s a guest, we\'ll entertain naturally. Please come here!"

Following Huang Ying to the round table at the corner of the first floor, several women immediately jumped on Xiaohui and tiger skin: "the uncle of six doors patronized, we have to serve well."

"Yes, it\'s the first time I\'ve served the uncle of six doors." a woman even sat directly on Xiaohui\'s legs, hugged Xiaohui\'s neck with both hands, and her eyes kept teasing Xiaohui\'s limits.

Mo Jiao looked at Xiao Hui and tiger skin with disgust. They suddenly felt their backs cool. Then they hurried to support the women around them. Huang Ying, who had been standing aside, said with a smile: "what to drink? In advance, I don\'t have Li Luoyang\'s immortal drunk or yaochi Yulu. If you want to drink these, you\'d better go to your old place Wenjun Yazhu."

Mo Jiao looked up at Huang Ying: "it seems that you have great skills. You know not only me but also Li Luoyang. Have you done a lot of work in advance?"

"Look at what you say, you are the future successor of six doors. Who knows in this city of Luoyang?" that Li Luoyang is the leader of this period of time. Even if he does not secretly investigate, he can find out a common people. Why do I need to investigate it deliberately?

Huang Ying sat directly opposite Mo Jiao and looked at the red faced little gray and tiger skin. The tossing of several women just now made them blush: "Lord Mo Jiao came here to look for someone late at night. It can be seen that that person must be very important to you? It\'s normal for this man to come to the brothel, and you don\'t have to be nervous. Tell me who I want to find, and I\'ll let someone find it for you."

In this brothel, Mo Jiao doesn\'t want to stay long: "Li Luoyang."

Huang Ying\'s eyebrows tightened and a surprised look flashed on her face. Mo Jiao and others didn\'t notice: "Li Luoyang? What adult Mo Jiao said is Li Luoyang built by Wen Jun?"

"Who else but him."

"Hehe, if he really comes, I\'ll serve him myself."

Mo Jiao stared at Huang Ying and whispered, "so he hasn\'t been in the future?"

"I\'ve never seen Li Luoyang, let alone entertained here. If you don\'t believe it, I\'d like you to find it on the second floor."

Xiao Hui put his mouth to Mo Jiao\'s ear and whispered, "Miss, I don\'t think she needs to lie. After all, people open doors to do business, they are not black shops, and Luoyang brothers are not such lecherous people."

"If not here, things would be really troublesome!" Mo Jiao knew very well that the newly opened brothel was the last and only hope. If Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts could not be found here, there would be no clues. It would be impossible to turn Luoyang city upside down. Even if Mo Jiao had this idea, she didn\'t have this manpower.

With Huang Ying\'s promise, Mo Jiao stood up and went straight out of the brothel. Xiao Hui and tiger skin quickly got up and left together. Huang Ying alone fanned the feather fan with a smile and looked at the back of Mo Jiao and others.

After leaving the brothel, Mo Jiao immediately said to Xiaohui and tiger skin: "Xiaohui, you go to Lin\'s house and tell Lin Luoshui the investigation results. I\'ll inform Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er, tiger skin. You go back to liumen and tell my father that Li Luoyang is missing! This matter should be kept strictly confidential!"

Xiaohui and Hupi also realized the seriousness of the problem. Without hesitation, they nodded and said, "yes!"