Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 656

With Wu Xinyi as a helper, Li Luoyang\'s next step is naturally to find Mo Jiao.

Wenjun Yazhu has obviously become the gathering place of the six gates in Luoyang. Whenever the sun goes down, Mo Yuntian always appears here with small ash and tiger skin. Because the salary of the six gates is really too small, it is impossible to work in the workplace. Mo Yuntian\'s daily expenses of several bottles of immortal drunkenness or yaochi jade dew, plus Mo Yuntian\'s purchase of Li Luoyang\'s carriage, the doctor is shy at this time.

Fortunately, Zhou Dong, as the wine taster of Wenjun Yazhu, can provide Mo Yuntian with some drinks every day, but it\'s only a bottle. To put it bluntly, Mo Yuntian, the person in charge of the six doors, rubs and drinks at Wenjun Yazhu every day, or brings some ordinary drinks to Wenjun Yazhu to enjoy the unique music and dance beauty.

Naturally, Mo Jiao came with Mo Yuntian.

Mo Jiao, who had nothing to do, sat beside Mo Yuntian and looked at the dancers dancing on the stage. She raised her nose and snorted and said with a smile, "what\'s good about this? It\'s better to go back to practice martial arts." as a girl, she had never been in contact with female items such as red rouge. Even she couldn\'t find any women\'s clothes and pants in her wardrobe. Naturally, she developed her rejection of dancing.

Mo Yuntian drank the wine he brought, looked ruddy at the crowd on the stage, enjoyed the melodious music and said slowly, "I shouldn\'t have allowed you to practice martial arts. You see, you don\'t look like a girl at all." Mo Yuntian was also very helpless. Mo Jiao had a daughter under her knee. With the whisper and eye dye from childhood, Mo Jiao began to practice martial arts, Since then, he has developed a boy\'s character. At the beginning, Mo Yuntian is also proud of his daughter\'s martial arts talent. But as Mo Jiao gets older and older, Mo Yuntian starts to worry about how to find her mother-in-law with Mo Jiao\'s character like every father.

"I don\'t like girls\' things, hypocritical!" Mo Jiao stared at Mo Yuntian. Mo Yuntian shook his head helplessly, but he was afraid that his daughter would stop him from drinking again.

At this time, Li Luoyang slowly walked to Mo Yuntian with two bottles of jade dew in yaochi. Looking at the wine gourd in Mo Yuntian\'s hand, Li Luoyang smiled and said, "senior Mo, drink the wine you brought today? Can the wine in Wenjun\'s elegant building not satisfy your appetite?"

Mo Yuntian raised his head, stared at Li Luoyang, took a drink with a wine gourd and said, "you know, I have all my money in your pocket. Do you really think I\'m a rich family? The minimum consumption to come to you every day is 1000 Liang. Two bottles of yaochi jade dew are not enough for me to plug my teeth. I can\'t afford it."

With a smile on his face, Li Luoyang put two bottles of jade dew of yaochi in front of Mo Yuntian. Looking at the jade dew of yaochi in front of him, Mo Yuntian\'s eyes straightened, swallowed his saliva and asked in a low voice, "what do you mean?", But Mo Yuntian really can\'t think of the reason why Li Luoyang did this.

In fact, it\'s very simple. Li Luoyang just pities Mo Yuntian. After all, Mo Yuntian is the person in charge of the six gates in Luoyang. It\'s really pitiful every day. Besides, this is Li Luoyang\'s little thanks to Mo Yuntian. After all, Mo Yuntian directly cut off the idea of making trouble because he spent all day in Wenjun\'s elegant building. Wenjun\'s elegant building has been going smoothly, Partly because Mo Yuntian was in charge, Li Luoyang brought two bottles of yaochi jade dew.

"Master Mo has no doubt. I invited these two kinds of jade dew from yaochi. I have nothing to ask you to do for me. It\'s just a little token of filial piety." Li Luoyang unscrewed the bottle. The aroma has made Mo Yuntian salivate.

Mo Yuntian wiped his mouth and frowned at Li Luoyang: "I don\'t believe you\'re young but cunning. You\'re a businessman. You have your purpose in doing tasks and things, don\'t you?" since seeing Li Luoyang communicate with Mrs. Bai, Mo Yuntian determined that Li Luoyang is a business genius in his bones, But he didn\'t know that Li Luoyang\'s talent came from a lifetime of experience.

"It seems that I haven\'t done enough, which makes senior Mo distrust. If you think there\'s something fishy in it, I\'ll take it away. It\'s suspected to have a purpose."

Seeing that Li Luoyang was about to get up and leave with two bottles of yaochi jade dew, Mo Yuntian coughed: "cough, put it down. Even if my brother in Luoyang asks me for help, I will naturally go all out."

Before Li Luoyang put yaochi Yulu down on the table, Mo Yuntian grabbed it, drank a bottle of yaochi Yulu and said, "that\'s wine." Mo Yuntian said, looking at his wine gourd suspiciously.

Mo Jiao whispered, "I don\'t want my old face for wine!" only Mo Jiao dared to talk to Mo Yuntian like this. In the face of Mo Jiao\'s ridicule, Mo Yuntian really didn\'t dare to talk back. He had to continue to drink the yaochi jade dew presented by Li Luoyang as if he hadn\'t heard it.

Xiaohui and the tiger skin slowly moved from behind Mo Yuntian to Li Luoyang. Xiaohui licked his face and whispered, "master, you see the relationship between us is also deep. Can you give me a bottle, just one?"

Li Luoyang remembered that Xiao Hui, like Xiao Si, is his own disciple, but Xiao Hui is still at the six gates and has not been announced. However, Xiao Hui\'s worship and trust in Li Luoyang has already exceeded his loyalty to Mo Yuntian, and Li Luoyang knows this.

Li Luoyang waved to Xiao Hui with a smile. Xiao Hui put his ear to Li Luoyang\'s mouth: "starting tomorrow, I\'ll ask Ouyang Wenjun to arrange a bottle of yaochi jade dew for you every day. Remember, keep it a secret."

Hearing what Li Luoyang said, Xiao Hui wanted to kneel down on the spot to thank Shien. Fortunately, he suppressed his inner impulse. Otherwise, if Mo Yuntian saw it, it would be endless.

The tiger skin on one side looked at Xiao Hui, with a happy smile on his face, and quickly said to Li Luoyang: "brother Luoyang, please me too. Look at the time you left, I didn\'t spend less time on Wenjun Yazhu and your factory."

Li Luoyang knew that during the time he went to Taiyuan, the tiger skin was responsible for taking care of Wenjun\'s elegant buildings and the safety of the factory. Li Luoyang naturally wouldn\'t treat him badly: "yes." Li Luoyang arranged the bartender to bring a bottle of yaochi jade dew and handed it to the tiger skin. The tiger skin returned to Mo Yuntian\'s back with satisfaction and carefully opened the wine bottle, Began to sip a little.

Looking at his father and the face of the little grey tiger skin, Mo Jiao said wearily, "you three are going to throw all the faces of the six doors here?"

After they looked at each other and smiled, they all chose to automatically shield Mo Jiao\'s voice. They simply raised their glasses and collided, ignoring Mo Jiao\'s words.