Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 599

After seeing off Li Guo, Li Luoyang welcomes Wu Tian.

"Elder Bai Ran is gone?"

"Let\'s go."

Wu Tian sat opposite Li Luoyang, drank beauty wine and said slowly, "I believe your question has not been answered by elder Bai ran. I can see from your expression that the doubt has become deeper."

Li Luoyang said reluctantly, "elder Bai ran gave me a year and came back to accept his test in a year. I really don\'t understand why I did this. I have nothing to do with your Wu family. Why did you test me?"

"Since elder Bai ran didn\'t tell you, I won\'t reveal it."

"Even if I helped you keep your position as head of the house, you don\'t want to tell me the truth."

"I appreciate your help, but that doesn\'t mean I have to tell the whole truth. Trust me, it\'s for your good."

Li Luoyang drank a glass of beauty wine, waved his hand and said, "forget it, your Wu family God is mysterious. Don\'t mention it. I want to waste my head and brain. By the way, what are you going to do with Wu Qi and Wu Mojun?"

"According to the order of elder Bai ran, after you find out the truth, you will be imprisoned in a cage for life."

This is the Wu family\'s leniency to the two people.

"What about those who defected with Wu Mojun?" Li Luoyang asked curiously.

"They are all family members of the Wu family. It is inevitable to be bewitched. A little punishment is enough. Killing them is tantamount to destroying the foundation of the Wu family. Therefore, elder Bai ran did not propose to kill them all."

"That\'s true. There are few people in the Wu family. How can I live if I kill all of them. Since elder Bai ran asked me to investigate the truth, I naturally try my best. I don\'t know if elder Wu Tian knows that Zhang Kui?"

Not much difference between Zhang Kui\'s strength and Zhou Dong, such master can not be unknown, although Wu Tian has long been reclusive in Baiyun Mountain, but there are many Wu\'s eyeliner in the world, so Li Luoyang wants to start from Wu Tian to understand.

However, beyond Li Luoyang\'s expectation, Wu Tian shook his head: "I don\'t know I\'ve never heard of this person\'s taboo, and there\'s no news of this person in the green forest. I\'m also curious that such strength has not left any gossip, so I can\'t inquire about his identity. I\'m more worried about what force he belongs to, and why do you want to attack the Wu family?"

Li Luoyang asked with a smile, "you have to ask yourself who you have offended. The other party actually sent experts to secretly calculate the Wu family, and it is still an extremely secret organization."

"The Wu family lived in seclusion here many years ago and rarely went out. Naturally, they won\'t make enemies with people."

"Before living in seclusion in Baiyun Mountain? Do you have enemies?"

Wu Tian said slowly with a smile, "brother Luoyang, don\'t try to set me up."

"This is not a set of words. The other party can send experts to calculate the Wu family. Naturally, they have incomparable hatred with you, and the other party knows your strength very well."

"What do you say?"

"Obviously, how does Zhang Kui\'s strength compare with you?"

"Bozhong is even better than me."

"Why didn\'t the other party choose to go directly to the village to kill for revenge? Instead, they chose an extremely secret way to poison secretly. That\'s because they are afraid. Now I believe they are afraid of the real experts in the Wu family. This is enough to show that they know your Wu family very well and don\'t want to risk entering the Wu family, so they look for opportunities to persuade the Wu family to rebel and cooperate with them Poison the water. "

Wu Tian nodded and echoed: "in reason!"

"So if you want to know each other\'s identity, you should recall what enemies the Wu family had before they lived in seclusion? I\'ll analyze it for you."

Wu Tian smiled faintly and then said, "before the Wu family lived in seclusion, there were indeed many enemies, but with the changes of the times, those family owners had long been lost and could not exist. Even if there were some scattered enemies outside, they could not pose a danger to the Wu family with their strength."

Looking at Wu Tian\'s confident appearance, Li Luoyang whispered, "the changes of the times? Did the Wu family begin to live in seclusion here in the former dynasty?"

Wu Tian smiled without answering.

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that the Wu family had such a long history and lived in seclusion here since the previous dynasty. Therefore, the families that had enemies with the Wu family at that time may have disappeared in the changes of the times.

"Since Master Wu Tian is so sure that the enemies of the previous dynasty have disappeared, the scope is narrowed down. In the current world, liumen is the biggest enemy of the Wu family."

Before Li Luoyang finished, Wu Tian raised his hand to stop Li Luoyang from saying: "Brother Luoyang, although liumen has been investigating the Wu family, there has never been a clue. As far as I know, liumen just stays in the investigation stage and does not have any evidence of improper actions of the Wu family. Even if they find the seclusion place of the Wu family, they have no right to start with the Wu family. In a word, we Wu family are just tired of the disputes in the outside world and find a place outside the world Taoyuan just lives in seclusion. There is no conflict with the imperial court. They don\'t need to attack us. "

After listening to Wu Tian\'s answer, Li Luoyang said with a smile, "Master Wu Tian is so sure. Can you say that there are people in the six doors? If so, I have to admire Master Wu Tian\'s ability." six doors is the core Department of the imperial court. If Wu naive has the ability, Li Luoyang naturally admires it.

Looking at Wu Tian, who chose to remain silent again, Li Luoyang knew what he was talking about. He said again, "since the imperial court will not target the Wu family, what about the people in the green forest?"

"The Wu family has always had nothing to do with them. They just make friends occasionally. They live in peace with each other. Most people in the green forest are heroic and upright. We Wu family are also willing to make friends from all over the world. Naturally, we won\'t make enemies with them."

"The imperial court ruled it out, and Lin Lu ruled it out. There\'s not much left, Manichaeism?"

"It\'s even more impossible. Mani will only be the enemy of the imperial court. They don\'t need to set up enemies everywhere. That\'s bad for them. I honestly told my brothers in Luoyang that there are people from my Wu family in Manichaeism, so I knew they didn\'t intend to provoke us at all."

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Tian in surprise: "are there your people in Manichaeism?"

"That\'s natural. Manichaeism has sprung up, causing a lot of trouble to the outside world. Naturally, it has also attracted our attention. Where the clouds and dragons are mixed, it is indeed the place where the outside news is most concentrated. Arranging people to enter Manichaeism can grasp more clues and news at the first time."

"According to you, there is only one Federation of businessmen left."

Hearing the name, Wu Tian frowned and whispered, "I can\'t rule out this possibility. This organization is extremely mysterious. I\'ve tried to investigate their whereabouts and news many times, but they all failed. Their whereabouts are strange and there are many experts. Zhang Kui is likely to come from there, but I really can\'t think of why they want to attack our Wu family."

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "it seems that we can only find the answer from Zhang Kui."