Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 596

The hearts of Wu Mojun shook. Wu Mojun knew that Li Luoyang couldn\'t go on. He immediately took out his long sword and rushed to Li Luoyang. He was very fast. Fortunately, Wu Tiantian was ready to fight with Wu Mojun in an instant. The two jumped into the courtyard and fought with each other, but the rest didn\'t act. They were still hesitating.

Looking at the nearly 100 supporters behind him, Wu Qi shouted, "you\'re up! What are you doing?"

Li Luoyang smiled and said: "They are not as heartless as you, Wu Qi. Up to now, you still insist on your mistakes. If you hadn\'t trusted outsiders and poisoned the only water source of the Wu family, how could your father launch this rebellion for you. Brothers of the Wu family, think about it carefully. Does Wu Mojun really want to betray? He is helpless, for his own son, and you are just his work It\'s just a tool. "

Wu Qi clenched his teeth and shouted to his supporters, "don\'t forget the promise my father and I made to you. If we fail this time, we will still live in prison in the future. Do you want to continue like this?"

This sentence rekindled the desire of the Wu family - hope, they have long been fed up with the boring seclusion life, which makes them willing to support Wu Mojun and Wu Qi. The biggest driving force is the life they can go out in the future: "yes! Kill them and we will be free."


Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that these people yearned for the outside world so much. They were willing to become the unkind and unjust people. They also had to find a way to leave the Wu family. Nearly 100 people rushed to Li Luoyang with long guns. Wu Tian, entangled by Wu Mojun, had no skills. They could only watch Li Luoyang and others surrounded.

At this time, a lazy voice suddenly came: "Hey, how did the original good thing get involved in Li Luoyang? Wu Mojun, you didn\'t do it properly."

As soon as the sound fell, they saw the white shadow on the roof slowly jumping down, as if stepping into the air. It was Bai ran who came.

Bai ran just fell between Wu Tian and Wu Mojun. His left fingers clamped Wu Mojun\'s sword. The palm of his right hand grabbed the back of the sword in Wu Tian\'s hand and easily threw them several meters away, which surprised the people present. Wu Mojun and Wu Tian had the strongest strength in the Wu family, and Bai ran was so easy to blow them away, which was enough to frighten everyone.

Looking at Bai ran in front of him, Wu Tian immediately knelt on one knee: "Wu Tian has seen elder Bai ran."

Li Luoyang opened his mouth in surprise. Judging from Wu Tian\'s attitude towards Bai ran, this guy should be the elder of his family.

Bai ran ignored Wu Tian and turned to Wu Mojun: "do you remember the Wu family oath?"

Wu Mojun, who was arrogant and domineering before, was in a cold sweat and dared not breathe in front of Bai ran. Facing Bai Ran\'s inquiry, Wu Mojun just nodded repeatedly: "remember."

"Since you remember, why did you commit it? Today\'s incident was just a disturbance in a foreign family. You know that it doesn\'t matter to us who should be the master of a foreign family. As long as you have enough strength, any of you can become the master of the family. It\'s your strength to lead people to mutiny. You can only blame Wu Tian for his lack of preparation. You deserve to be calculated by you, but you know the benefits and are determined to do it. Look You\'ve forgotten all the Wu family instructions! "

Bai ran doesn\'t have any expression on her face, and Wu Mojun feels more pressure without anger.

However, at this time, Li Luoyang was even more surprised at Bai Ran\'s words. The people in the family actually allowed the foreign family to betray. As long as you have enough strength, you can become the foreign family leader. To put it bluntly, even the family leader may be eliminated at any time. Li Luoyang doesn\'t know the reason for the Wu family to select the strong so strictly and allow betrayal and calculation. The premise is that you have enough strength, which can be ignored Unlike a normal family that believes in unity.

"Elder Bai ran, I didn\'t think about it completely."

"Thoughtless? Hum, your opportunities were used up many years ago, and I will punish you today." after that, Bai Ran\'s figure flashed, leaving only a white shadow in place, which was far faster than Li Luoyang\'s imagination.

When he sees Bai ran again, he has come to Wu Qi. He pinches Wu Qi\'s throat with both fingers of his right hand and lifts Wu Qi up. Wu Qi has no response at all. He feels that the air in his throat is squeezed out. Wu Qi panics. Bai ran still looks at Wu Qi with expressionless eyes: "Boy, your strength is vulgar and you attack your mind. It\'s illegal for Wu Mojun to teach you Linglong array privately. I shouldn\'t be involved in foreign disputes no matter what the result is. But you have contacted our bottom line by calculating the Wu family with outsiders. Today I\'ll take your life and lose your Wu family identity. When it comes to reincarnation, I\'ll take care of myself."

"No!" Wu Mojun begged, kneeling on the ground, clasping his hands and praying Bai ran to let go of his son.

Bai ran ignored Wu Mojun at all. She didn\'t even look at Wu Mojun. Her fingers gradually worked hard. Wu Qi\'s face was congested.

"Senior, I wonder if I can save his life." Li Luoyang stood in front of Bai ran and bowed politely. He didn\'t want to save Wu Qi. He was eager to kill Wu Qi himself for what Wu Qi did. But he thought that Wu Qi and Wu Xinyi grew up together. Wu Xinyi also called Wu Qi his brother and was killed. Li Luoyang didn\'t know how to explain to Wu Xinyi when he returned. Moreover, he could see the reluctance and helplessness of Wu and Wu Nian, After all, I watched Wu Qi grow up since childhood. Even if Wu Qi made a big mistake, when I saw that Wu Qi was about to die, the feelings of women\'s benevolence eventually betrayed them. Therefore, Li Luoyang proposed to let Wu Qi go.

"Oh? Boy, you plead for him?"

"To tell you the truth, I want to kill him more than anyone, but after all, he is Xinyi\'s brother. Now Xinyi knows nothing about it. If the elder wants his life, I don\'t know how to explain it to Xinyi."

"Xinyi? Is Wu Xinyi the girl?"


"Ha ha, Wu Tian, Wu Tian, you play a good game of chess. It\'s your daughter Xinyi who protects Li Luoyang. It\'s good." Bai ran looks at Wu Tian, then stares at Li Luoyang and says, "why should I give you this face?"

"Elder, don\'t you want to know the truth?"

"The truth?"

"Then why did outsiders find Wu Qi and attack the Wu family? What\'s their purpose? Although we caught Zhang Kui in our hands, there are still many things they need to confront each other before they can know the truth. Even if the elders want to execute Wu Qi, they might as well find out the truth and do it again."

"Since you want to find out the truth, Wu Qi and Zhang Kui will give it to you. After you find out the truth, let Wu Tian inform me. I\'m also curious about who wants to attack the Wu family."

"Let me check? This is your Wu family affair. It\'s not good for an outsider to intervene."

"Love is what you ask, and what you say. If you don\'t send me, I\'ll kill these two people and save a lot of trouble."

Looking at Wu Tian\'s eyes and Wu Mojun\'s prayer, Li Luoyang reluctantly said, "thank you for your trust."