Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 589

Wu Dong was tied with his hands and feet and left in the secret room. At this time, he had no way or even could not inform Wu Tian of the imminent danger.

At this time, Wu Qi rushed to the iron cage with people. Since he had decided to kill the dead and the net was broken, he didn\'t need to carry out the so-called interrogation. He planned to directly kill Li Luoyang and others in the iron cage, but when he came to the iron cage, looking at the empty iron cage, Wu Qi roared angrily: "where are the people! Where are the prisoners!"

Two guards who had been knocked down by Wu Nian got up from the ground faintly. Wu Qi immediately grabbed one of them and raised him: "where are the people! Where are the people locked in!"

"Wu, brother Wu Qi, I, I don\'t know. A dark shadow appeared at that time, and then I fainted."

Wu Qi threw the guard on the ground and put his foot on the guard\'s stomach: "useless waste! Take someone to find it immediately!"

Wu Qi immediately came to the guard at the entrance of the village: "has anyone left Wujia village?"

Several guards said firmly, "no one left. What\'s the matter, brother Wuqi?"

"Especially, the prisoner ran away."

"Ran away?"

"Are you sure no one left?"

"We have been here all the time, never slacking off, let alone people. We haven\'t even flown a fly."

With the confirmation of the guards, Wu Qi smiled: "so the three guys are still in the Wu family and haven\'t left! Hehe, you don\'t want to leave here alive. You guys, be vigilant. The prisoners may want to take the opportunity to leave the Wu family and watch the door for me!"


Wu Qi turned and looked at the entourage: "you guys, take your hands to search the Wu family and find that the prisoners will be killed."


Watching the guards go away, Wu Qi returned to the secret room at home with a smile. He just saw Wu Dong left aside. Wu Qi immediately understood the situation in front of him. Except Wu Dong, others had already surrendered. Wu Qi went straight to Wu Mojun and whispered, "father, Li Luoyang and others have been let go!"

"What?" Wu Mojun frowned, bounced up and sat down: "who let them go? Li Luoyang is a key figure. If he wants to be completely okay, he must die. Otherwise, even if I become the master of the house, we have been robbed for a long time."

"Father, what\'s so important about that guy?"

"You don\'t have to ask. When the dust settles, I will naturally explain to you."

Looking at Wu Mojun\'s worried appearance, Wu Qi whispered, "father, I have investigated just now. Li Luoyang and others have not left the Wu family. Now they are likely to hide somewhere in the Wu family."

After listening to Wu Qi\'s words, Wu Mojun breathed a sigh of relief: "hoo, that\'s good."

"I\'ve arranged for someone to look for it in the Wu family so that they can be killed if they meet the prisoner."

"Well done."

"Father, when shall we do it?"

Wu Mojun touched his white beard and whispered, "don\'t worry. I\'ll let you do it when the time is ripe."

"Father, what are you worried about? More than half of the Wu family are on our side. As long as you give an order, we will kill people into Wu Tian\'s house and take his power before he returns. When he returns, there will be only one way out."

"What do you know? Sometimes you really should use your brain. We all know Wu Tian\'s strength. We can\'t underestimate it. Since we want to do it, we have to do it clean. Now there are less than half of the people who support Wu Tian. I want these people to disappear completely and then do it. At that time, no one can stop us."

Wu Qi smiled treacherously: "father, do you want to completely break Wu Tian\'s power and then take action? Just in case?"

"Yes, at the same time, we need to find Li Luoyang first and kill him before we act. The secret of the Wu family is not as simple as you think." as an elder of the Wu family, Wu Mojun naturally knows the secrets of the two families inside and outside the Wu family. What he worries most is that someone in his family will come forward to intervene. If it was normal, he wouldn\'t worry at all, but now he has Li Luoyang, It\'s not that simple.

Wu Mojun knew very well that if he wanted to completely let Wu Qi live, he must kill Li Luoyang first, so as to avoid being punished in front of the possible inner family.

The party rushed to search the Wu family. The bamboo houses where all the Wu family lived were searched once, but Wu Tian\'s house had not been found. At this time, several guards stood outside Wu Tian\'s house and dared not knock. Helpless, they had to return to the secret room of Wu Mojun\'s house.

"Did you find it?" Wu Qi immediately asked as he watched his people return. Wu Mojun, lying on the marble bed, also looked at several people.

"Report to elder Wu and elder brother Wuqi. Almost all the Wu family have searched, and no prisoners have been found. Now there is only one place that has not been searched."

Wu Qi roared excitedly, "why not look for it? Since there are no other places, they must hide there!"

Instead, Wu Mojun smiled and said to Wu Qi, "don\'t blame them. I believe the place they didn\'t search should be Wu Tian\'s home?"

Several guards nodded.

Wu Qi looked at Wu Mojun in surprise: "father, do you mean that Li Luoyang is likely to be at Wu Tian\'s house at this time?"

"Although Wu Tian is not at home, the Wu family is also useless. She should know Li Luoyang\'s identity through Wu Tian, so she specially protects it. However, Wu has no ability to bind chickens and has no martial arts skills. It is impossible to stun the two guards and save Li Luoyang. By the way, Wu Nian! There is also Wu Nian\'s girl!" Wu Mojun immediately guessed who rescued Li Luoyang.

"You mean Wu Nian saved Li Luoyang and others?"

"Hum! You just don\'t listen to me when I ask you to use your brain. Alas, most of the Wu family are our people. They can knock out two guards unprepared. Although there are many people in the Wu family, they can also see the clue. Other people who support Wu Tian have the same strength as your men. They can\'t do it. At this time, there are only a few people in the Wu family who can do this People, Wu Qing, me, Wu Dong and Wu Nian. "

Wu Qi listened attentively. Wu Mojun paced back and forth, stroked Bai Xu and continued: "Although Wu Qing also knows Li Luoyang\'s identity, since he has promised you to interrogate Li Luoyang, he will not go back on his word to save them. Naturally, I don\'t need to say. I\'m eager to kill Li Luoyang as soon as possible. How can I let him go? Only Wu Dong and Wu Nian are left. Wu Dong doesn\'t know what happened so far. How can he do it."

Wu Qi turned to look at Wu Dong struggling on the ground and then said to Wu Mojun, "only Wu Nian!"

"Yes, the girl probably took orders from Wu and secretly took Li Luoyang away."

"Father, what shall we do now? Rush in with people?"

"Don\'t worry. Haste makes waste. Take someone to Wu Tian\'s house to test."

"OK!" Wu Qi immediately took several guards to Wu Tian\'s house. Although he wouldn\'t do it directly this time, he also wanted to test the reality.