Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 566

"Better than living in the Wu family?" Wu Tian didn\'t expect to get such an answer.

Li Luoyang straightened up and said with a smile, "compared with elder Wu Tian, Xinyi knows better. The wonderful outside world is enough to disturb her mind for the first time. However, with your good education, Xinyi has always maintained a naive attitude, but even so, please don\'t forget that there is a time when the golden Canary will not return from the cage."

Li Luoyang originally thought that Wu Tianhui, like Wu Nian and others, interrogated himself about poisoning. However, Wu Tian was more concerned about Wu Xinyi, which gave Li Luoyang a chance to vent if she had been in her stomach. In Li Luoyang\'s view, Wu Xinyi was poor, although she was good at martial arts, and knew nothing about the world outside the Wu family, just like a canary in a cage, Looking forward to the outside world, however, he has to keep his original heart and avoid being tempted by the outside world. Therefore, Li Luoyang can feel that Wu Xinyi has been living in contradiction.

On the one hand, Wu Xinyi was afraid to touch new things and worried about being addicted to them. On the other hand, she was curious about everything. If she did not trust Li Luoyang enough, Wu Xinyi would not be addicted to creating books now.

"The golden bird leaves the cage? Hehe, it\'s a good metaphor. I know what you want to say and how you think of Xinyi. As a father, I thank you for your reminder, but as the owner of the Wu family, Xinyi must bear the fate of the Wu family." Wu Tian is helpless. Who doesn\'t want his daughter to live a good life. Wu Xinyi practices martial arts and develops a boy character since childhood, Having seen anything in the world, he never knew what Rouge was. This was his debt to his only daughter.

Wu Tian turned and looked at everything in the Wu family village, shook his head and said slowly, "the fate has not changed. The prisoner dragon has no heaven. When the destiny is to return, Yulong will be willing to make it. Xinyi will know the Wu family\'s good intentions sooner or later."

Although Li Luoyang did not understand the meaning of Wu Tian\'s poems, he could feel the helplessness of the Wu family owner.

"Li Luoyang, if you want to leave the Wu family, you will prove your innocence. Find the person who poisoned, and I will let you leave."

"Your huge Wu family hasn\'t found anyone to poison. Do I have this strength?"

"If you didn\'t, Li Guo would have been executed on the charge of being a murderer. If you didn\'t, how would you settle down in the mixed city of Luoyang?" Wu Tian looked at Li Luoyang with a smile.

Li Luoyang was surprised. Wu Tian\'s words made it clear that he was watching him. Wu Tian seemed to know everything from Li Guo\'s being wronged to his every move in Luoyang.

Wu Tian threw the key to the cage to Li Luoyang and then said, "you can get out of the cage temporarily. I\'ll let people take good care of the two friends behind you. I\'ll ensure their safety before you catch the real murderer." Wu Tian\'s words have been very clear. Li Luoyang needs a person to investigate the poisoning. Only after everything is found out can he exchange for the freedom of Li Guo and Xiao Si.

Li Guo patted Li Luoyang on the shoulder and said with a smile, "go to Luoyang. Xiao Si and I will wait for you here." Li Guo unconditionally believed that Li Luoyang had this strength. After all, Li Luoyang had shown strength to prove Li Guo\'s innocence. Although Li Guo didn\'t know what method Li Luoyang used at that time, he still had confidence at this time.

Xiao Si also nodded hard and said firmly, "master, you go. Don\'t worry about us. Since the Lord of the Wu family has spoken to ensure our safety, you don\'t have to worry about it." listening to Xiao Si\'s emphasis on Wu Tian\'s safety, Li Luoyang smiled: "ha ha, your little son is getting smarter and smarter. Are you deliberately reminding senior Wu Tian?"

Li Luoyang turned to look at Wu Tian. Wu Tian laughed wildly: "hahaha, you three are really cunning. Do you want me to write down the guarantee?"

"No, as the head of the family, it\'s hard to trace a word. I trust senior Wu Tian very much, but I also know a little about poisoning, and I don\'t know the environment outside the Wu family. Is it difficult for me to investigate alone?"

Li Luoyang only knows the way to the Wu family, but he doesn\'t know the environment near the Wu family. If he doesn\'t go out, he will get lost soon. At that time, self-protection is a problem. How can he clear the suspicion.

Wu Tian said to the haystack nearby, "come out and hide for how long?"

"Someone?" Li Luoyang was surprised. He didn\'t notice anyone nearby until he saw Wu Nian sticking out his tongue and drilling out of the haystack. Li Luoyang knew that this guy didn\'t go far at all.


"Did you hear what I said just now?"

Wu Nian nodded cleverly. Her playful appearance really didn\'t look like a 30-year-old woman. With her childlike facial features and figure, if she didn\'t say it, others wouldn\'t know her age.

"It was also decided at the family meeting to let Li Luoyang prove his innocence. From now on, you can follow Li Luoyang and find out the real murderer of poisoning. If you are familiar with the surrounding environment, you can be his guide."

"I\'ll show him the way?" listening to Wu Tian\'s arrangement, Wu Nian jumped up immediately. She didn\'t want to spend another minute with Dengtu prodigal son, let alone alone alone.

Wu Tian ignored Wu Nian\'s complaint and turned to Li Luoyang: "The first 80 miles and the last 80 miles of the willow forest have complex roads. Wu Nian played in the forest with Xinyi since childhood. She is the most familiar person in the Wu family. I believe with her guide, you can find out the truth. I\'m not unreasonable. I won\'t give you time to find out the truth, but there\'s one thing you should remember."

"Please make it clear." Li Luoyang nodded.

"The Wu family never raises idle people. Your two brothers can\'t live here for nothing. The Wu family now has less food and more people. It\'s very kind to be able to support your two brothers, so the sooner you come back, the less likely they will starve to death."

Wu Tian is telling Li Luoyang that I won\'t give you time to limit the time to find the truth, but if you delay for a long time, Li Guo and Xiao Si may starve to death. After all, there is a lack of food. If it comes to a critical time, the Wu family won\'t give food to two suspects. At that time, only the Wu family starved to death.

"Please don\'t worry, Master Wu Tian. I will do my best." Li Luoyang doesn\'t have a spectrum in his heart. He can only promise first and then find a way. He can\'t return to Taiyuan to find Mo Jiao and others for help. So far, Li Luoyang really has no one to help him. There is only one Wu Nian. Looking at Wu Nian\'s unwilling expression, Li Luoyang prayed in his heart that this guy would not make trouble for himself.

Just like Li Luoyang just arrived in Luoyang City, there was no one to trust. However, at that time, Li Luoyang was safe with the care of six doors and the secret protection of Wu Xinyi. However, this time, Wu Xinyi didn\'t come. Six doors had something to do with the Wu family. Li Guo and Xiao Si were imprisoned. Li Luoyang was completely alone without any help, There are no forces, only one Wu Nian who will fill in trouble at any time.

The boat goes straight to the end of the bridge. Now it\'s only one step at a time.