Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 550

It was late at night when they returned to Taiyuan. After walking for a full day and night, Li Luoyang and others met some hungry people on the road, but with the existence of Li Guo, the hungry people did not get any benefits at all, but paid the price of their lives.

Back in Taiyuan, Mo Jiao and Niu Gao came to Li Luoyang for the first time. Mo Jiao stared at Li Luoyang with an expressionless face: "where\'s Molu?" she was ready. In her opinion, Molu\'s injury was serious. Even if he could be saved, the final result would be a loser as Li Luoyang said.

Li Luoyang pointed to the carriage and said with a smile, "go and see for yourself."

Mo Jiao jumped into the carriage with an arrow step. After opening the door, she was surprised to find that Mo Lu lay motionless on the ground. When she mistakenly thought that Mo Lu was dead, Mo Lu suddenly turned around and snored everywhere.

Li Luoyang said slowly, "he\'s all right. He\'s just drunk."

"Drunk?" Mo Jiao couldn\'t believe her ears. When she left, Molu\'s life was hanging on the line. How could she drink in the twinkling of an eye? She was still drunk.

"He\'s all right. After the wound recovers, it shouldn\'t affect his future martial arts practice." Li Luoyang said casually, but Mo Jiao and Niu Gao were like five thunders. Mo Lu\'s injury is well known. There are many arrows in his body. Even the best acne medicine can\'t recover in such a short time. However, Mo Lu not only recovered, according to Li Luoyang, There will be no sequelae in the future, which makes Mo Jiao even more amazed at what methods Li Luoyang used to do all this. At this time, Mo Jiao began to feel why Mo Yuntian insisted on bringing Li Luoyang.

Looking at the surprised faces of Mo Jiao and Niu Gao, Li Luoyang smiled and asked, "where\'s the grain?"

"Zheng Shi has been asked to put food in the granary. Wang GUI put some food into the people in the city yesterday. Now the situation in the city has been controlled, but outside the city"

Li Luoyang also knows that this is the most critical moment. Although the food in the city can ensure the famine of the people in Taiyuan, they dare not directly open the city gate to let the hungry people enter the city to receive official food for disaster relief. That will only lead to more people looting and the situation will turn more crazy. Before Li Luoyang comes back, Mo Jiao and others are worried about how to rescue the people outside the city.

Mo Jiao stood next to Li Luoyang and whispered to Li Luoyang about the whereabouts of Manichaeism, which surprised Li Luoyang. He didn\'t expect that Xu Fang and others had not given up, but Li Luoyang\'s words made Mo Jiao and others realize that they seemed to think too much: "Xu Fang, Ying Ming, Xu Tong, with Baiming cannon fodder, although they have the strength to snatch the food in the village, they have more time to snatch more food? To put it bluntly, they only have the strength and time to snatch one or two villages, which is not enough."

As Li Luoyang said, although Xu Fang and others have plans and actions to rob Zhuang Luo, their people are already defeated. In addition, they are all cannon fodder. Xu Fang can\'t attack more Zhuang Luo with the help of the three of them. The other party is not a vegetarian. They can only rob one or two Zhuang Luo at most, and the hungry people who return encounter Manichaeism in two Zhuang Luo This also confirms Li Luoyang\'s idea.

Li Luoyang believed that Manichaeism could not attack many Zhuang Luo, not only because Xu Fang and others were short of hands, but also because of the expert who suddenly appeared during the last battle with Wang Xiaohu. At that time, Li Luoyang analyzed and learned that the nearby Zhuang Luo was under the protection of this expert. Zhuang Luo was like a six pointed star, and this expert was the center of the six pointed star, Xu Fang and others He was not the opponent of this guy, so Li Luoyang decided that the Manichaeism plan could not succeed.

On the other hand, Xu Fang and others who successfully captured a villa are facing a crisis. When attacking the second villa, an expert suddenly appears and kills Ying Ming. This person is brilliant.

Looking at the mysterious man in front of him, Xu Fang felt that his life was being threatened for the first time: "who are you, who dare to oppose our Manichaeism!"

Gao Ming\'s mouth rose and there was a smell of evil: "Manichaeism? Hum, how dare you run wild in my land? Today you must have your life and no life to return!" Gao Ming rushed to Xu Fang with an arrow pace, leaving a remnant in place.

Xu Fang immediately raised his iron whip to defend, and exclaimed in his heart: "a master of martial arts! Are there such people in Taiyuan mansion? This guy seems to be protecting Zhuang Luo here. Who is he? Where is he from!" Xu Fang regretted at this time. He knew there was such a person here. He shouldn\'t have listened to Xu Tong and Ying Ming\'s opinions and robbed the food in the village. Now it\'s better that his life might have to stay here.

Seeing that Xu Fang was losing and retreating, Xu Tong immediately stepped in and cooperated with Xu Fang to deal with Gao Ming. Although there was a big gap in the strength of the two opponents, the victory was that Xu Fang and Xu Tong cooperated with each other and attacked together, so Gao Ming really couldn\'t take them for a while and a half. However, Gao Ming wouldn\'t let Xu Fang and Xu Fang go. He also wanted to kill them, let the people in nearby villages see them and prove to those people that they were here How important it is to need a protector in this era.

Waving the iron whip and steel knife in the air, Gao Ming sidestepped to avoid. There was a fierce battle between the two sides. The dead Ying Ming\'s body had been dragged into Zhuang Zi by Zhuang Luo\'s guard yard. They also wanted to find out who the attackers were. They knew that when they saw Ying Ming\'s Manichaeism tattoo, they understood the Manichaeism\'s plan to rob in Taiyuan house, so the villa leader ordered the guard yard to cooperate with Gao Ming Kill Xu Fang and others together.

Xu Fang, who was fighting with Gao Min, watched nearly 100 guards rush out of the courtyard with weapons. He immediately retreated. He had only some cannon fodder around him, which was not the opponent of the other party at all. In addition, he and Xu Tong were entangled by Gao Ming at this time. If the cannon fodder died, Xu Fang and Xu Tong would only be protected by the guards, and there would be no chance to escape.

Seeing the guards remove the cannon fodder one by one, Xu Fang grabbed Xu Tong\'s back collar and said, "go!"

Xu Tong also knew that the only way to escape was to escape. Xu Fang\'s Kung Fu of running for his life was also first-class. He took Xu Tong to Zhuang Luo\'s horse shed, got on his horse and leaned back on his whip. Although there was a yard guard to stop him on the road, these guys were not the opponents of flying bear general. Even if Gao Ming wanted to chase, he was entangled by cannon fodder. After killing the cannon fodder quickly, Xu Fang and Xu Tong had long disappeared.

At this time, Xu Fang was very upset. All his 3000 troops and horses were damaged, and 50 Manichaeism elites were brought in. Not only that, but also Ying Ming, who was the twenty-four manichaeiss, died. Xu Fang didn\'t know how he would face the Lord, but there was no second way to go except Islam. However, the plan of Manichaeism in Taiyuan government, With Xu Fang\'s failure, Taiyuan city and others are missing an object that needs to be vigilant.

The situation has been stabilized. So far, people in Taiyuan are discussing how to help the hungry people outside the city. They don\'t open the city gate, but they want to help. Everyone\'s eyes have fallen on Li Luoyang.