Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 515

The stream on the side of the road always has gurgling water. Even now it has dried up, Li Luoyang has observed the stones and moss next to the stream. The moss has not completely lost water, and even some places are still wet, which shows that the stream has not dried up for too long. Otherwise, the moss should have become withered and yellow in the sunny sun for many days, But there is a faint green.

Walking along the stream to the source is a little far from the main road. Although Mo Jiao doesn\'t agree with Li Luoyang\'s proposal, she still doesn\'t trust Li Luoyang alone. As a result, Li Luoyang caught up not far away.

Because it was getting late, Li Luoyang took a torch when he left. He heard the sound of footsteps and looked back. He saw Mo Jiao carrying two torches to follow up. He couldn\'t help stopping, "why, I\'m afraid I won\'t come back."

"I\'m afraid you can\'t find the way. It\'s almost dark. Who knows if you\'re a road fool."

"It\'s really possible." Li Luoyang shrugged his shoulders.

In fact, getting lost basically doesn\'t happen. Even when night falls, he won\'t get lost as long as he doesn\'t leave the stream. Li Luoyang doesn\'t want to run around. He just goes up against the current to see the source.

However, since Mo Jiao has followed up, it is also a kind intention of others. Li Luoyang can\'t get people back. After nodding, they continue to move forward.

Fortunately, the stream has almost dried up. The two people can step on the broken stones at the bottom of the stream. Instead, they don\'t have to go deep and shallow by the stream, that is, for an hour. The width of the stream is less than one foot, indicating that the source is coming.

"You see, in fact, no one has been here, and the surrounding shrubs are still there."

Mo Jiao also found this.

The road didn\'t come completely along the stream, so after they walked so far, they were no longer the desolation they had seen all the way. Even under the night, they could still see the green shine, and the moist smell in the air made people feel comfortable.

"Since it is so, why does it dry up?" Li Luoyang seems to be talking to himself and asking Mo Jiao. Even if Mo Jiao lacks common sense, she can see that something is wrong now. Obviously, the drying up of the stream is abnormal, and Li Luoyang\'s judgment is no problem.

But now there is a new problem. If someone really did something at the source of the stream, do they continue to move forward or turn around?

If you turn around and call people to come together, it will take almost two or three hours to reach the source. I\'m afraid everyone will have no spirit tomorrow.

If they don\'t turn around and move on, if there are evil people at the source, can they cope with their strength?

Now Mo Jiao has some regrets in her heart. Just when Mo Shou asked, she should take Mo Shou with her. At least she can arrange someone to go back and report.

"Why don\'t you go back and report, and I\'ll go on."

"That won\'t work!"

Mo Jiao almost rejected Li Luoyang\'s proposal without thinking. How can Li Luoyang do things that are dangerous for both of them? There is no such rule even in the six doors. Besides, Li Luoyang is not from the six doors.

"It doesn\'t matter. In fact, it\'s more convenient for me to walk alone. I don\'t have a sound, and I have good eyesight at night. I can see far away."

"If I say no, I can\'t. why don\'t you go back and tell everyone that I\'ll move on!"

"You are a woman, I am a man!"

"I\'m so much older than you! What\'s the use of arguing about gender and age."

"Then" Li Luoyang looked up at the sky and felt that it was meaningless to continue arguing. If you have this Kung Fu, you might as well move forward. The big deal is to be careful.

"Let\'s go together."


They didn\'t speak any more and walked carefully. It was almost an hour\'s Kung Fu. Li Luoyang suddenly stopped.


"I see!"

Mo Jiao stood on the left side of Li Luoyang. At this time, they didn\'t see human shadow activities through layers of shrubs, but the weak bonfire was so conspicuous in the night.

The campfire in the forest is enough to prove that there are human activities. There is no doubt that human beings are also the only animals that have mastered the fire source.

Mo Jiao\'s eyebrows wrinkled. Unexpectedly, Li Luoyang said it was accurate. This stream was really tampered with.

"Let\'s go to the source again."

In fact, Li Luoyang is also a little nervous, but he has been here. If he doesn\'t find out what\'s going on, he is always unwilling.

A moment later, they arrived at the source. The source of the stream was a clear spring flowing from the pile of troubled times. Then the stars in the sky could see that the seams of troubled times had been blocked. Li Luoyang estimated that the spring pressure in the stone cracks should not be very great, so it did not erupt after being blocked, but infiltrated into the surrounding soil, So that the downstream can not be supplemented at all, coupled with environmental changes, it will dry up.

"Would you like to go and have a look?"

After finding out the source of the stream, Mo Jiao pointed to the fire and asked softly.

"I don\'t know how many people there are."

"How can you know if you don\'t go and have a look?"


Li Luoyang thought for a while and nodded heavily, which was in favor of Mo Jiao\'s plan. They tried their best to hide and close to the fire twenty feet away. They almost held their breath all the way for fear that they would disturb the creatures in the forest at night. If they let these small animals flutter, they would certainly disturb the people around the fire.

"It seems a lot."

When I looked from a distance, I didn\'t feel it. When I really got close, I found that there were a lot of people lying around the campfire. Their clothes seemed to be no different from those of refugees, but they all looked very strong. At first glance, they were not that kind of good people.

"What should I do?"

When the problem is found, the people are also found. There are two choices in front of Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao. Either they take the initiative to take these people down, or they withdraw first and go back to discuss.

At the moment, Li Luoyang doesn\'t want to make his own decisions. After all, he is just a enlisted servant master. It\'s better to listen to the master Mo Jiao in major events.

"Are you sure?"

Mo Jiao bit her silver teeth. Things are not going well these days. She has already held a breath in her heart. Most of those who secretly block the stream have something to do with Manichaeism. Even if they are not Manichaeism, they must be playing the idea of the food team. Killing all of them will not be wronged.

"It should be about the same." Li Luoyang took out the steel knife from his waist. He had a lot of experience this time. If he wanted to do it again now, he had no tension in his heart, but indifference.