Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 509

As a court that can still operate normally, it must not ignore the disaster in a place. After all, if disasters, especially famine, are allowed to go unchecked, major problems will occur and even lead to civil unrest. If the imperial court, which has learned from Manichaeism, let Taiyuan government ignore it again, the Wuzhou Dynasty should really perish.

In fact, under normal circumstances, from civil servants and military generals to emperors, they are not willing to change a dynasty. After all, those who stand in these high positions are real vested interests. How can they be willing to reshuffle their cards and start again?

After the famine in Taiyuan Prefecture, the imperial court actually attached great importance to it. If it was a general famine, the imperial court only needed a few orders to transfer enough food from other places. At most, it sent one or two officials to take care of it, and then the matter ended.

Under normal circumstances, even if the emperor wants to send people from six doors, those ministers are unwilling, just because the people from six doors usually deal with officials. Under the existing system of Wu Zhou Dynasty, most officials have such and such connections with each other, just like a dense network.

The six gates is the destroyer of this big net. Any official targeted by the six gates will often become a loophole in this big net. More importantly, this big net is actually a tool used by Wen Chen to fight against imperial power, and almost every Wen Chen is a node on this big net. If there is a problem with a node on this net, It is possible to involve other nodes around, and those nodes are in danger, thus affecting the operation of the whole network.

Agree to let the people of six doors go to Taiyuan house, which means that those literary ministers in the court have felt that the situation of Taiyuan house is too critical, and even it is time to give up some nodes to protect the whole network. Only in this case did Wen Chen have to cooperate closely with the imperial power.

Strictly speaking, in terms of the current overall strength of Wu Zhou, when Wen Chen and military generals are closely united around the imperial power, there is almost no opponent. This can be seen from Mo Jiao\'s whole action to Taiyuan mansion. First, sneak in, then clean the interior, and finally send grain to Taiyuan mansion.

In fact, the demand for food in Taiyuan government at this time is not so urgent. The significance of food delivery is only to stabilize the people, especially the emotional stability of the people in the city.

After the Xu family was destroyed by the whole family, the people in Taiyuan were indeed scattered for a while, but soon the government released all kinds of things about the Xu family\'s food problems, which can be said to make the people applaud. Let\'s say why the Xu family can get back up so quickly. Their feelings are to secretly collude with the officials in the granary, do those really unreasonable businesses, and use the lives of the people as chips. If such people don\'t die, who will die?

In fact, the common people are very good at fooling. As long as they are given an acceptable reason and fueled by public opinion, they basically cover up the matter, and no one will investigate the truth of the matter.

Mo Jiao asks Li Luoyang to accompany her to pick up food. Li Luoyang doesn\'t object.

In fact, with the passage of time, the refugees outside the city are gradually dispersing. It has to be said that Mo Jiao and Zheng Shi\'s various operations outside the city have finally achieved results. The refugees have begun to split up and go to the farms with a large amount of grain in the legend. As for whether the people in the farms are innocent, to tell the truth, Li Luoyang doesn\'t care, Since Mo Jiao and Zheng Shi were finally elected, let them bear the cause and effect.

Before leaving, Li Luoyang carefully checked his equipment. He thought there should be no problem, so he went out with Mo Jiao. However, he didn\'t take Xiao Si\'er with him. On the one hand, Xiao Si\'er\'s martial arts are not strong enough. On the other hand, Li Luoyang is worried that people from Baiyun Mountain will come to him.

"Where\'s your little apprentice?"

Since everyone came together, Mo Jiao could find that Li Luoyang was missing one person at a glance.

"It\'s no use taking him."

"Hum, I think you\'re afraid of something wrong with him. Forget it. There\'s no time. Let\'s go."

In addition to liumen and Li Luoyang, Zheng Shi also arranged an official and four yamen servants, and Wang GUI also sent a small team of warriors. These people said they were going to protect food, but in terms of quantity, they could not form a real combat effectiveness, but it was just to warn the common people and thieves that if they met a large group of bandits, I\'m afraid there\'s nothing I can do.

However, considering that all the refugees around her have been dredged, Mo Jiao doesn\'t think there are any big problems around her. If she does, it will only be discussed at that time.

"You\'re not responsible enough to say that. Once there is no plan, it\'s very passive in case something happens." Li Luoyang corrected Mo Jiao\'s point of view. He likes to plan before moving.

"Why, do you think we are the only people in the whole grain team to protect?" Mo Jiao glanced at the people in front and back. Indeed, there are only twenty people, and many varieties of designs and colors are worn out. In such a case, it is said that it is the regular army. No one believes it. It is shameful.

However, Mo Jiao\'s words reminded Li Luoyang that it was impossible for other people\'s grain team to come all the way without the protection of the army. In terms of the surrounding chaos, if they only relied on civilian men to transport grain, they would have been robbed clean and even robbed all the grain with people. Where could it be his turn for Li Luoyang to pick up the grain.

If that\'s true, the so-called food collection has nothing to do with the protection of food. It\'s just going through the motions or leading the way for the food delivery team, which shows the importance of the food team.

In this way, the task is not too heavy, especially for Li Luoyang. He doesn\'t have any official position. Even if there are mistakes in the task in this process, it doesn\'t need him to take responsibility. It\'s a breath to go out. After all, they have been bored in Taiyuan for too long.

Thanks to the fact that Chinese people have attached great importance to their family environment since ancient times, even if the city is closed for so long, the sewage means in the city can continue to operate, so as not to make the whole city stink.

The team finally set off to go out from the east gate. Wang GUI and Zheng Shi were waiting for Mo Jiao at the gate of the city early. Seeing Mo Jiao and others coming, the warriors brought by Wang GUI raised their weapons one after another, while Zheng Shi was wearing official clothes and taking the officials still in power in the city. Their faces were full of expectation.

At this moment, Li Luoyang suddenly felt that he seemed to become important, as if the safety of the whole Taiyuan city was on his shoulder.