Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 503

Although Li once said "green forest", in fact, his concept of this word is limited to those who have martial arts and do not use martial arts in the right way. Yes, Li Guo believes that "green forest" is associated with wrongdoing. All "green forest heroes" must be ironic. In fact, they are villains and destroyers of order.

Hearing this, Zhou Dong felt it necessary to explain to Li what green forest is.

"Actually, Greenwood is not a thing."

"Hmm? Master, what are you talking about?"

"Cough, I\'m telling you about the green forest."

"Oh, let me listen." Li Guo is not a one track minded person. In fact, he is also very curious about the green forest. But in the past, Zhou Dong didn\'t want to let Li Guo know the green forest, and Li Guo couldn\'t ask himself. Today is not in a hurry. Speaking of this, in a sense, Zhou Dong may not be able to tell Li Guo these things in order to correct his name.

"Green forest is actually divided into North and south, regions and factions."

"Wow, master, this sounds very complicated. Did you belong to the South or the north? What faction did you belong to?"

"Well, it\'s a long story. In fact, master, I was neither South nor North in a strict sense, and it was not easy to divide factions."

"Why?" Li Guo was curious. Isn\'t this north-south faction the same as people, either male or female? Is it difficult that there are men and women?

"Do you have such a metaphor? What\'s so ugly about being neither male nor female!" Zhou Dong glared at Li Guo and said immediately: "The reason why I can\'t say the North-South faction is because when I was young, I worshipped many masters, including North and south, and several factions. Therefore, in terms of inheritance, it\'s really difficult to distinguish the North-South faction, but it\'s also good. It\'s for this reason that it\'s very convenient for me to be a teacher in the green forest, whether it\'s north-south or that faction, right I don\'t reject being a teacher. I also let my teacher have a very comfortable life in the green forest. "

"Oh? Since you\'re comfortable, master, why did you finally leave the green forest?" Li Guo couldn\'t understand when he heard this. It\'s said that since a person feels comfortable in life, why should he get rid of it? It\'s not human nature.

"You don\'t have that feeling now, but you will know in the future that when a person has too many and too many layers of networks, in fact, you are not yourself. You can\'t do what you like to do. You can only be involved by these networks. Seriously, the apparent comfort can\'t hide the fact that you have become a matchmaking puppet. It\'s really uncomfortable Yes. "

Living in the green forest and dealing with green forest people, they have such a relationship with each other after a long time. Although not everyone in the green forest is willing to live that kind of life at the beginning, there are always such people in your circle. When he goes out to cut people, he takes them with him and asks you for help when he is cut. If he loses his life, you have to take revenge.

Yes, at the beginning, you can decide whether to go or not. Going must be getting deeper and deeper, and you can\'t extricate yourself in the end; if you don\'t go, how will the people around you come to see you? Those people around you will feel that you are not loyal enough, and some people will choose to alienate you. As time goes by, you will only become a lonely person. At that time, you\'re okay to say Are you a Greenwood man? Even people are not in the "forest". What else do you say about a Greenwood man?

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Dong stayed in the green forest for a short time, and then gradually cut off the networks around him. Even Lin Chong, one of his former apprentices, ignored these things. In addition, he promised the merchant Federation to bury his name in Lijia village for several years. Now Zhou Dong can say that he is no longer in the green forest, but there is still him in the green forest It\'s just a legend.

"Wow, master, you can still leave a legend in the green forest. It\'s really this!" Li Guo thumbed up. Unfortunately, Zhou Dong didn\'t look happy on his face and whispered: "What\'s the use? In fact, several of the mountain bandits and robbers we\'ve experienced these days are people in the green forest. As you said, there are really few good people in the green forest. For example, they may just want to have a meal at the beginning, but soon they will find that they are in deep mud."

"So, master, you\'d better not leave me. When I find my mother and brother, we\'ll raise your old age and die together."

"Ha, well, that\'s what you said. Don\'t wait until you don\'t admit it in the future." Zhou Dong rubbed Li Guo\'s head and melon seeds. He turned around and saw a peddler walking through the countryside in the distance, shouting something. Li Guo had not seen such a peddler for a long time. When he was in Li family village, what he and the children in the village expected most was the peddler, because when the peddler came, there were always endless stories and some sweet snacks, of course There are also a lot of daily necessities.

In short, for remote villages, the arrival of salesmen is like a festival.

"Master, let\'s listen to what the salesman is saying."

"All right."

Zhou Dong is quite accommodating to Li Guo in these aspects. Although Li is no longer a child too early, he has little contact with the outside world, so sometimes his nature is revealed. For Zhou Dong, a weather beaten old man, this childlike innocence can touch him most.

The salesman is telling a story again.

Today he is telling a story about a child.

The child gave birth to a child in a poor mountain village, which is much poorer than here. The family is poor. It is often unable to eat. Originally, it was miserable enough, but who knows, a few years later, the child\'s father was requisitioned as a civilian husband and died miserably when the mountain bandits were exterminated. It was not long before the child\'s mother was captured, It\'s a pity to be a child. There is no one to take care of in the village, but the child left the village to live in the town.

I thought he could not live this time, but who knew that the child could read and write. More importantly, the child could also make up stories, and the stories were very popular. They were all ghost and strange stories. As a result, the stories were popular in the town, and they were also made into books. After printing, they sold well.

With the book called "funny stories in a strange studio", the life of children began to change. Then he soon had the capital and then left town to go to a bigger city. Luoyang opened not only bookstores, but also restaurants and wine making, followed by the invention of toilet water and perfume.