Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 295

Things are not as difficult as Li Luoyang thought. Many people will lower their heads in front of money. After all, there is nothing. Steamed bread and big meat that can fill their belly are more attractive. Under the guidance of those people in the farm, the people participating in the assessment began to divert and go to different places.

Li Luoyang doesn\'t need to participate in the next thing. Although he still seems to be a minor child, it doesn\'t affect the fact that he is the head of the whole system. Especially after he owns such a farm outside Luoyang, he is serious to set up camp in Luoyang, a world-class city.

"I\'m going to start copying books again."

The core area of the farm is Li Luoyang\'s "residence". The Lin family took good care of it. Even though the residence should have been in place for a long time, it is still well maintained. Li Luoyang took place after his first visit. A lot of designs were added to the residence, allowing Li Chengcheng and other craftsmen to take the time to complete it.

In fact, the backward times also have advantages. For example, there is no need to worry about toxic and harmful materials for decoration. All the materials that can be used are non-toxic, harmless and natural. As long as the decoration is completed, you can move in immediately and even smell the smell of nature - if there is no gust of northwest wind to bring the smell of animal feces, Li Luoyang thinks he will love here.

The farm is a farm. No matter how hard several animals eat and drink, Lasa will not have much impact. The influence of nature can quickly decompose those odors. However, in the northwest area of the farm, there are not a few animals, but hundreds of animals.

"It would be better if we could make glass." Li Luoyang didn\'t close the window. Unfortunately, the light transmittance of the window covered with white paper is really good. In order to write better, he had to light an oil lamp. "In this way, I will develop into myopia."

"What\'s wrong with myopia?" Wu Xinyi asked in the room.

Since there was xianliangye, a good thing that made Wu Xinyi reluctant to give up her hand, she changed her hobby of always climbing on the beam of the room. More often, she always carried a wine pot in her hand. Li Luoyang had an idea two days ago and replaced the heavy silver wine pot in the girl\'s hand with a gourd, a small but perfectly shaped gourd, The thin waist of the gourd is also wrapped with a red silk belt. The cork used to block the gourd mouth is also worn with a red silk belt and tied to the gourd waist. Wu Xinyi liked it at the first sight and couldn\'t put it down.

Although Li Luoyang can\'t find the similarity between Wu Xinyi and the "eternal Oriental invincible" in his mind in facial features, when Wu Xinyi holds the wine gourd in her hand, lifts up her slender white neck, and the nectar flows down the red lips, Li Luoyang\'s heart will ring the melody:

The sea laughed and the tide surged across the Strait

"What are you humming?"

Wu Xinyi is a martial artist. Her facial features are sensitive and terrible under the blessing of martial arts. Therefore, even if Li Luoyang only whispers, it is impossible to escape her ears.

"A song, have you ever considered using smaller weapons?" Li Luoyang began to stir his small abacus.

"A smaller weapon?" Wu Xinyi looked at the long sword around her waist. "You mean a dagger?"

"No, no, no, the dagger is still hit. I think if women use needles and threads as weapons, they will have a very beautiful feeling. Slender needles and colorful threads can be hidden in the big red windbreaker when they don\'t do it. What a perfect scene."


Wu Xinyi sneered at Li Luoyang\'s nonsense and used needle and thread as a weapon. This is a dream. When the two sides are in the same state, the only thing they can compete is the weapon. Cutting someone\'s long sword with a sword and then stabbing the sword tip into each other\'s heart is victory. How to fight with needle and thread? Do you tie others with thread? To tie Wu Xinyi\'s martial arts, the thread must be at least as thick as the thumb. Even the ox tendon is incompetent. Maybe only countless iron wires are twisted together to succeed. Is that called a thread?

Seeing that his "suggestions" were ignored, Li Luoyang was not disappointed. Anyway, he prepared another wine gourd, or he could choose an appropriate time to give it to his aunt, the woman named Lin Wanjin, who sometimes coincided with the figure in his memory, such as drinking and laughing.

Unfortunately, both women don\'t like that kind of big red clothes, which makes Li Luoyang feel a little disappointed. Can it be said that there is only one "Oriental invincibility" in both this world and that world? Even wearing a red skirt will only make people feel the vigorous Oriental invincibility?

"What are you thinking? Why don\'t you write your book well? Those ghost stories are much more meaningful than red skirts and needles. You\'d better hurry. I\'m waiting to see."

"Just a copy of strange tales from a lonely studio has made you feel very satisfied? Are those monsters all the world?" Li Luoyang suddenly smiled and asked.

Wu Xinyi opened her eyes containing alcohol and looked at Li Luoyang: "what do you want to say? Jingguai is certainly not the whole of the world."

"So what is the whole of the world?" Li Luoyang raised his finger to the sky. "Do you think there are immortals living above those clouds?"

"Immortal? What kind of immortal?" Wu Xinyi blinked. She was really stunned by Li Luoyang\'s rich association ability. What lived on the clouds? This is a good question. No one in Baiyun Mountain will ask such a question, because everyone knows that there are gods living on the clouds, although no one has seen them.

"Isn\'t it a God?" Wu Xinyi asked after a moment of silence. Li Luoyang spread out his hands, "maybe I can\'t answer your question, but I can write a story book that can answer your question."

"Story book? Is it like a story like Liaozhai?"

"No, no, no, the stories of Liaozhai are all separate, not coherent or even interrelated. What I want to write is a complete story. The beginning of the story is a stone on the beach, which suddenly burst one day."

"The stone burst? Why did the stone burst? What would it have to be if the stone on the beach would burst? What would appear in the cracked stone, precious stones?" Wu Xinyi asked so many questions that Li Luoyang didn\'t know how to answer.

"Maybe I can take some time to write it down, but I really don\'t have time to record word by word."

"I think if it\'s a story, I can help," Wu Xinyi said with a smile.