Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1137

The little four on one side suddenly laughed wildly, as if such a long time had been vented in an instant: "Hahaha, master, I understand. They can\'t bring you to Mrs. Bai in three days. Mrs. Bai will certainly not get a flash in the pan. Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming will certainly be blamed by Mrs. Bai. That\'s the Queen\'s anger. Can they bear it? I think we might as well wait here and wait for Mrs. Bai to leave in three days After opening, we swaggered in front of Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming, killing them! "

The tiger skin looked at Li Luoyang, wrinkled his eyebrows and said slowly: "Master, this is my second question. Now it seems that the initiative of the situation is entirely in your hands. As long as you continue to hide, Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming will certainly be punished. It depends on how you plan to deal with this opportunity, whether to let them recover in Luoyang city or take advantage of it after letting them go. I believe master should have you in mind Hu PI knows that this is a great opportunity for Li Luoyang. He can easily retaliate against Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian. A small move can even make them fall to the bottom of the valley. All this depends on what decision Li Luoyang makes.

Before Li Luoyang answered, Xiao Si said excitedly: "Do you need to ask Shifu? Of course, those two guys are doomed! Think about it, Shifu is exhausted in Lingnan city. He could have returned to Wenjun Yazhu to have a rest, but I didn\'t expect that these two despicable people crossed the river and demolished the bridge to kill Shifu and ensure our own interests. We returned to Luoyang City and hid here for so long and were on the way back I almost died in the hands of the eagle dog of six doors. This revenge will be avenged now. Anyway, I just stay here for a few more days. It\'s cost-effective! "

Tiger skin turned to look at Xiao Si and said with a smile, "you hate them so much because you can\'t see Miss yu\'er after you come back? I believe Shifu has his own consideration on this matter. You don\'t have to worry about it!"

"No big or small, I\'m your senior brother. Am I wrong? After we left Luoyang, Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming didn\'t do anything good. As soon as master left, their faces showed up. They didn\'t take care of Wenjun Yazhu once, which hurt sister Wenjun. Because Wenjun Yazhu\'s business was exhausted, they even bowed their heads to the merchant Federation to buy raw materials. They were also hurt Ge Cheng\'s provocation. What are Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian doing at this time? They not only didn\'t help Shifu\'s industry, but also arranged for people to ambush us outside the city and intend to kill us. These revenge will not be rewarded? Do they bypass them and deal with us like this when they find a chance in the future?

It was master\'s clever plan this time. After meeting Mo Jiao in Lingnan City, he analyzed the situation in Luoyang City. If master was not smart and vigilant, we would have been poisoned by them when we came back. Can you ensure that the two guys won\'t do such a thing again after master leaves next time? In my opinion, if we have the opportunity to get rid of them now, we should cut the grass and root and let them live forever Disappear so as not to worry about the future. "

The tiger skin said slowly: "What you said is reasonable. This time, Shifu expected their plan in advance, so that they could escape smoothly and safely. If Mo Jiao didn\'t appear in Lingnan City, Shifu would not speculate that Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming had secretly cooperated with each other. This time around them, no one can ensure what they will do when they encounter similar things in the future, but Xiao Si, don\'t Forget, at this time, Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming knew that master had seen through their plot, and they thought master had just not come back. "

"Yes, let them think so all the time. We haven\'t come back. It\'s only three days before we officially come back. We can only blame them for their stupidity." Xiao Si smiled. It\'s great to have the initiative in his hand.


Looking at the hesitant tiger skin, Xiao Si raised his eyebrows and said slowly, "tiger skin, are you worried about Mo Yuntian? After all, he raised you from childhood. Now master wants his life, don\'t you give up?"

The tiger skin looked at Li Luoyang and then said seriously: "Master, anyway, when I was young, Mo Yuntian saved me and Xiao Hui. Without him, we would have died. He saved our life. Xiao Hui and I followed you in the hope of creating a world. Mo Yuntian\'s means were opposed by Xiao Hui and I, but we had no right to speak at that time. Xiao Hui and I didn\'t decide to leave until you appeared Fanmen is no longer Mo Yuntian\'s puppet, killing people for him and helping him, but in the final analysis, we betrayed him, but he always saved our lives. I, I beg you to let him go this time, which can be regarded as the reward of Xiaohui and me for saving his life. We will certainly not owe each other in the future. "

Xiao Si slapped the tiger skin on the back of the head: "Are you stupid? Are you still thinking about Mo Yuntian now? I doubt if you really want to go with Shifu. Mo Yuntian saved you and Xiao Hui from practicing martial arts. He trained you to kill and set fire when you were young. This is good for you? You are called a thief. You should think clearly. Let Shifu set Mo Yuntian free, isn\'t it Does it mean that you are still on Mo Yuntian\'s side? To be honest, are you the exercise he sent to master? "

Tiger skin turned his head and stared at Xiao Si fiercely: "If I were really instructed by Mo Yuntian, I had countless opportunities to tell him the whereabouts of you and Shifu. I also had countless opportunities to bring people from six doors here. Why didn\'t I do it? My heart to Shifu can be learned from the sun and the moon. No matter how Mo Yuntian taught us when we were young, even if he trained us into killing machines, even if he saved me and Xiaohui Is to let us become his tools when we grow up, but there is one thing that cannot be changed. If it were not for him, Xiao Hui and I would have died long ago. There is no doubt that he saved our lives! "

"Stubborn, you\'re just trying to get to the point? Xiao Hui knows a lot better than you. If he were here, he wouldn\'t persuade Shifu to release Mo Yuntian. How long have you been with Shifu? Now you want Shifu to let go of your enemies? By the way, you haven\'t been around Shifu and experienced the ambush of your six sects outside the city. Naturally, you don\'t know how dangerous the situation was at that time, if it weren\'t for it We are prepared. Shifu has died in the hands of your companions. What would you do if things turned out like that? If Shifu died at that time, would you kill Mo Yuntian to avenge Shifu? Or would you stay with Mo Yuntian as if nothing had happened? "

Tiger skin clenched his teeth and stared at Xiao Si. In the face of Xiao Si\'s questions, tiger skin didn\'t answer for a moment. He was speechless, so he had to lower his head and stop arguing with Xiao Si.