Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1124

Tiger skin returned to the attendants and sat down. One of the attendants seemed embarrassed: "Captain tiger skin, let\'s forget if we don\'t have money. I asked Ouyang Wenjun to give us wine. Isn\'t it too embarrassing for our six doors, or let\'s come back another day." all the attendants thought that tiger skin and Ouyang Wenjun borrowed a step to talk in order to invite them to drink, But this completely disgraced six doors, and they didn\'t want to see a dignified six doors team leader beg others for a few bottles of wine.

Tiger skin smiled and said, "I\'m looking for Ouyang Wenjun to be the head of the family. It\'s not for wine. I\'m just looking for her for some private affairs."

As soon as he finished, several attendants looked at him in surprise. Ouyang Wenjun held a plate with eight bottles of yaochi Yulu wine on it. The attendants stared and watched Ouyang Wenjun bypass the guests at other tables and directly came to them and put yaochi Yulu in front of everyone: "Captain tiger skin, your wine is here. Do you mind if I sit down and have two drinks with you?"

At this time, the attendants\' attention was on the yaochi jade dew in front of them. Looking at the eight bottles of yaochi jade dew, they were stunned. It would cost 4000 Liang. The tiger skin directly unscrewed the wine bottle and wiped his mouth after a big mouthful: "hahaha, it\'s still this taste. It\'s delicious! You all drink it. What are you doing?"

With the command of tiger skin, the attendants came back to their senses, carefully opened the wine cover and began to try to taste yaochi Yulu for the first time. The voice of admiration kept remembering that a mouthful of yaochi Yulu made people want to stop. Some attendants even covered the wine bottle again after drinking a mouthful and secretly put it into their arms. Even a little wine fragrance is a waste.

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "it seems that you are tasting it for the first time."

The crowd nodded and one of them said: "Ouyang is in charge of the family. Wenjun Yazhu has been established in Luoyang City for so many years. Before that, we were also regular customers here. But after the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu came out, we seldom came here and couldn\'t afford to spend. The price of a bottle of five hundred and two points is not within our tolerance, but we taste it today. It\'s worth it. The taste of yaochi Yulu is amazing. I haven\'t had it in my life I have drunk such good wine. "

Ouyang Wenjun said slowly with a smile: "I don\'t blame you. The brewing of this wine is complex, the raw materials are exquisite, and 500 Liang is also the lowest price. But the treatment of six doors is really lower than I thought. You deal with the king of hell every time, and you get very little in the end. It\'s not as good as some powerful mountain bandits. Are you weaker than mountain bandits? I know there were many rich people outside Luoyang As for the mountain bandits, it was you six Gates who got rid of them and gave peace to the people here. All the money in the stronghold has entered your pocket. Why are you still arguing about having no money? "

"Hey, Ouyang Wenjun is in charge of the family. You don\'t know. All the money has been handed over to the imperial court."

Ouyang Wenjun immediately turned to look at the tiger skin, and the tiger skin suddenly understood: "The imperial court? You think too much. I know that the money should go into Lord Mo\'s pocket. After all, I am the leader of the team. Many years ago, we surrounded and suppressed the mountain bandits outside the city. Finally, we handed over the silver of the knife from them to Lord Mo, who reported and handed it over to the imperial court. According to the understanding of Captain Xiao Hui and me, Lord Mo handed in only a little and left the rest."

Hearing the words of tiger skin, several people immediately began to talk one after another: "how can this happen? We have no benefit at all?"

"That\'s right. The imperial court didn\'t even give us a reward after handing in a little money and eliminating the mountain bandits. Lord Mo also received the reward. At that time, we were working hard with our heads in our hands. Lord Mo didn\'t even participate in a bandit suppression, and the final benefit was his."

Most of the discussions tend to complain about Mo Yuntian. This is what tiger skin and Ouyang Wenjun most want to see. If they want to see whether these guys are willing to leave six doors, they must first create a contradiction between them and six doors. This is a piece of cake for understanding the tiger skin of six doors. As long as they freely say some embarrassing things about Mo Yuntian, these followers will complain in front of them.

As Ouyang Wenjun guessed, tiger skin\'s words aroused great reaction from the followers at the beginning. While they complained, Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said: "It\'s too unexpected. I\'ll tell you why Mo Yuntian had so much money to buy the carriage developed by Li Luoyang. The carriage was twenty thousand liang of silver. He also lent money to tiger skin and Xiaohui. With Mo Jiao, Mo Yuntian\'s volunteer paid 100000 Liang. He was so rich that he came like this."

The attendants even burst into flames: "what, it\'s still so expensive to buy carriages with our money? We fought our lives to get them back!"

"It\'s too much for Lord Mo to do so! He has taken all the benefits."

Tiger skin shook his head and whispered, "forget it. It\'s not good to speak ill of Lord Mo behind his back. After all, he is the person in charge. Alas, maybe Xiao Hui can\'t see it anymore. He chose to leave quietly. I really admire his courage and go if he can."

Before waiting for the attendants to answer, Ouyang Wenjun was convenient for tiger skin dialogue: "This is power. In the six gates, whoever has power can cover the sky with one hand and order others to buy their lives. He can get countless benefits, whether it\'s money, the reward of the imperial court, or the power of promotion. Your Lord Mo is also the person in charge of the six gates in Luoyang. These benefits are naturally his own. The most sad thing is that these benefits will fall in the future If it\'s not in your hands, don\'t forget that Mo Jiao is likely to be the person in charge of the six doors in the future. You can become a tool for me all your life. Just get used to it. "

The tiger skin pretended to be helpless and sighed: "Hey, there\'s no way. Who let us enter the six gates? I admire Xiao Hui more and more when we meet such a person in charge. If he really betrays Lord Mo, it may be a relief. If he leaves the six gates, how can we not find money with our strength? Even if it\'s worse, we become mountain bandits. Our strength is also the leader of mountain bandits. We eat and drink hot all day without engagement Shu, I won\'t be scolded by Lord mo. it\'s not even as dangerous as the task we\'re doing now. Hey, I don\'t know what to do with staying at six doors. "

After listening to tiger skin\'s words, the attendants nodded and agreed. They began to imagine the life after leaving the constraints of six gates. As tiger skin said, their strength was not weak. They were much stronger than other mountain bandits. At least they would not starve to death after leaving six gates, but it might be enough to be relaxed and free.

Seeing that the attendants were all immersed in thinking, Ouyang Wenjun put his wine glass in front of the tiger skin. They met and smiled. They all knew that these guys had begun to shake. Maybe they could really succeed and let them leave the six doors.