Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1072

Wenjun gracefully built the back garden. Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er sat in the pavilion. They quietly looked at Ye Yu. The one eyed dragon standing behind Ye Yu with a smile looked like a soldier.

Ye Yu asked in a low voice with an expressionless face, "I don\'t know why you two stared at me from the beginning?" Ye Yu naturally noticed the eyes of Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er. It felt uncomfortable to be stared at by the two women.

Ouyang Wenjun said with a smile, "it\'s all right. I just never thought I could see such a woman general in this life. She has an imposing face and extraordinary bearing. Before, I thought that girl Mo Jiao was a heroine among women. It\'s amazing to see the momentum of vice captain Ye Yu today."

Ye Yu shook his head and said slowly, "Ouyang Wenjun is in charge of the family. You\'ve heard a little about it. We don\'t have to compliment each other. Today, the one eyed dragon and I came here with the task of Captain Li Guo."

Ouyang Wenjun immediately said, "about Li Luoyang?"

Standing behind Ye Yu, the one eyed dragon smiled and said, "that\'s natural. The captain knows that Li Luoyang has returned here. He asked us to report peace to the Luoyang brothers, and some things need to be reported to the Luoyang brothers. By the way, come and see captain Li Guo\'s mother."

Ouyang Wenjun looked at the one eyed dragon in surprise: "do you know Li Luoyang?" before, Ouyang Wenjun thought that the one eyed dragon\'s behavior in front of Mo Yuntian was really unaware of Li Luoyang\'s existence. At this time, the one eyed dragon completely overturned Ouyang Wenjun\'s guess.

Looking at Ouyang Wenjun with a blank face, the one eyed dragon smiled: "Captain Li Guo already knew that Mo Yuntian of the six doors was likely to attack the Luoyang brothers. Wenjun Yazhu might also be monitored by the six doors at this time. How can I cheat the old fox without acting."

Ouyang Wenjun asked Ye Yu in surprise, "are all the people in your army good at acting? Or are they all flexible minded, even I didn\'t see any flaws." looking back on the honest performance of the one eyed dragon just now, Ouyang Wenjun still didn\'t find any flaws. The one eyed dragon was like a person who didn\'t know Li Luoyang. He just wanted to send a letter to protect the secrets of the military camp, But now she learned that all this was just other people\'s acting skills.

Ye Yu shook his head and said slowly, "these are all arranged by Captain Li Guo. He knows that Mo Yuntian aims at Luoyang and will naturally aim at Wenjun\'s elegant buildings, so he told us not to show our feet, but even so, we still can\'t take it lightly. Now Mo Yuntian already knows the identity of me and the one eyed dragon. In the next days, he will send someone to monitor us day and night."

Ye Yu lowered his voice and asked, "is it safe here?"

"Don\'t worry, these are all our own people. No one is allowed to go in and out of the backyard except those trusted by Luoyang."

"Where is Luoyang now?"

Ouyang Wenjun shook his head reluctantly: "I don\'t know. Last night, Xiao Si, an apprentice from Luoyang, came to Luoyang. He said that Luoyang needs to hide temporarily. He is in Luoyang City. As for the specific location, I don\'t know."

Ye Yu sighed and smiled: "as always, be careful. Even you and he haven\'t revealed where to hide."

"Vice captain Ye Yu, do you know Luoyang?" Ouyang Wenjun knew that Li Luoyang and Li Guo had met in Lingnan City, but she didn\'t think that the meeting between the two brothers would let the third person know, and Ye Yu\'s evaluation of Li Luoyang was obviously that she had seen Li Luoyang.

Ye Yu nodded and said slowly, "I have had contact with Luoyang."

"I didn\'t expect Li Guo to trust me so much."

"Not only that, I believe Luoyang trusts me very much now. Ouyang Wenjun is in charge of the family. There are no outsiders here. You and I are both smart people. You know what Li Luoyang and captain Li Guo are doing so hard. Although I am in the military camp, I am also captain Li Guo\'s right-hand man. No matter what road he takes in the future, I will follow him, even if standing in the opposite situation with the imperial court Captain Li Guo asked me to tell you these words. Maybe the reason why he did this is to let you know that I can be trusted. "

After hearing Ye Yu\'s words, Ouyang Wenjun was a little surprised: "I didn\'t expect Li Guo to have such a supportive companion around you. Since you know Li Luoyang and know what direction they are destined to go, you also want to live and die. Li Guo will naturally trust you. I understand Li Guo\'s meaning, but I tell you the truth. Luoyang really didn\'t tell me where to hide."

Ouyang Wenjun knew that Ye Yu said this because the other party thought he didn\'t trust him, so he deliberately concealed the location of Li Luoyang. In fact, Ouyang Wenjun didn\'t know the specific location of Li Luoyang at this time.

After hearing Ouyang Wenjun\'s answer, Ye Yu frowned and said, "but can you confirm that Li Luoyang has indeed returned safely?"

"Well, Xiao Si has come to inform me. Li Luoyang is in Luoyang at this time."

"Do you think aunt Lin will know Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts at this time?"

Ouyang Wenjun shook the Pu fan and said slowly, "I\'m not sure. Based on my understanding of Li Luoyang, aunt Lin is the most trusted person and the most important person in the world. It\'s precisely because of his attention that Li Luoyang may not tell Aunt Lin where he is, lest aunt Lin worry about it. Miss Ye Yu, why don\'t I send someone to inquire?"

"No, everyone of Wenjun Yazhu has been monitored. All I can do is scare the snake. It seems that I\'d better go to the Lin family first. In the evening, I\'ll go out alone to inquire about the whereabouts of Li Luoyang."

Ouyang Wenjun asked suspiciously, "Miss Ye Yu, are you going to act alone late at night?"

The one eyed dragon stood behind Ye Yu and said with a smile: "vice captain Ye Yu is the most powerful intelligence officer in our team. Captain Li Guo and Luoyang brothers had seen it when they were in Lingnan city. After nightfall, even if Mo Yuntian personally monitored outside, he may not find the whereabouts of vice captain Ye Yu. Ouyang Wenjun doesn\'t have to worry about it."

Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er looked at Ye Yu in surprise. They didn\'t expect that Ye Yu had such an ability to escape Mo Yuntian\'s surveillance. Ye Yu said slowly: "Don\'t listen to the nonsense of the one eyed dragon. It\'s just that I learned the lightness skill from urination. I\'m also the intelligence acquisition personnel of the team. My silent Kung Fu is more skilled than other team members. Please point out the direction of Ouyang Wenjun, who is in charge, so that I can have a general goal to look for."

Ouyang Wenjun thought for a moment and then said, "you can visit aunt Lin first. Maybe she knows the whereabouts of Li Luoyang. Secondly, you can go to liumen to find a man named tiger skin. He is Li Luoyang\'s Apprentice. Loyalty should not be a problem."

Ye Yu said slowly, "Captain Li Guo told me not to deal with the six doors anyway. I don\'t think it\'s convenient to find the brother named tiger skin. Just let it go."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "don\'t worry. With the character of Luoyang, in a few days, he will ask his apprentice to report peace. He will also see the progress of Wenjun\'s elegant architecture. He will naturally find him at that time."