Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1053

After walking out of the tea stall wooden house, many guests sat at the wooden table and waited. These passers-by saw that the tea stall boss was empty and had to rest in place. However, the appearance of Li Luoyang and Xiao Si did not arouse people\'s suspicion. They thought they were passers-by entering the wooden house to find the tea stall boss.

With Xiao Si swaggering towards Luoyang City, Li Luoyang said with a smile: "Little four, after entering the city, you take the secret recipe of Yao Chi Yu Lu to Wen Jun Ya Zhu, then come to the Lin family to find me, let Ouyang, Wen Jun and Xiaoyu keep our secret, tell them that we have come back, do not worry, do not look for us, nor can we reveal our whereabouts. I need to find a secret place in Luoyang to extract new wine and perfume. In this way, Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian will feel threatened when they reappear. "

"Master, why are you so worried? As long as we enter Luoyang City, Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming dare to attack you? They will be afraid of the Lin family and dare not have any more ideas." Xiao Si thinks that as long as he enters Luoyang City and hypes that Li Luoyang has returned safely, the situation will return to the past. Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian will certainly worry about the face of the Lin family and put away their killing heart to Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang said slowly: "My mother is trapped with the Lin family, and I don\'t want my mother to look for Zhou Xiangong because of my business. Naturally, the Lin family won\'t stand on my mother\'s side. The only thing my mother can rely on is Zhou Xiangong. I need to have my own strength to prove that Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian won\'t do it to me even without my mother\'s care. I want to prove my value and let these two guys know I think they will have a hard time. "

Little four nodded and whispered, "master, I understand. After entering Luoyang City, I will go to Wenjun Yazhu immediately. After I explain clearly, I will go to the Lin family to find you."

"Don\'t take it lightly. It\'s still uncertain whether we can successfully enter Luoyang."


"Have you forgotten the conversation between the two six door men we killed just now? They came here to get other people\'s food. Now after so long, they haven\'t returned to the ambush point. The people there will certainly arouse suspicion. Maybe they will go to the tea stall behind us in front."

However, as soon as Li Luoyang finished speaking, before Xiao Si answered, they heard a rapid sound of horses\' hoofs not far from the front. Xiao Si, who had been disguised again, walked side by side with Li Luoyang with his head down and a basket on his back. A moment later, they saw a man dressed in the same black clothes as the previous six disciples riding a horse.

The man quickly came to Li Luoyang and Xiao Si, pulled the reins and stopped in front of them. He asked fiercely, "you two! But passing by the tea stall in front?" the man pointed to the direction behind Li Luoyang and Xiao Si with a knife.

Li Luoyang smiled and nodded: "Sir, there is only one way here. Naturally, we come from there."

"Have you ever seen the boss of the tea stall?"

"Hey, I just haven\'t seen the boss. Many of us have been waiting there for a long time. There is no one. We took a break and set off before we even had a sip of tea."

The man frowned and continued to ask, "haven\'t you seen the boss? Have you ever seen two people wearing the same black clothes as me?" the man asked naturally his companions. How did he know that his companions and captain had gone to the yellow spring at this time, and the two people in front of him were the murderer and the target of their action.

Li Luoyang pretended to be thinking, then shook his head: "I don\'t see. In the middle of the night, if two people in black appear at the tea stall, it must be easy to attract people\'s attention. I haven\'t seen it."

The man held a knife and pointed to Li Luoyang\'s little four: "what about you!"

"I haven\'t seen it either."

With a puzzled expression on the man\'s face, he pedaled his feet on the horse\'s stomach, quickly moved to the tea stall, watched the man leave, and Xiao Si wiped the sweat on his forehead: "their people really came."

"Let\'s go and speed up. I\'m going to Luoyang City. When he goes to the tea stall, he will certainly find his companion\'s body, which is bound to arouse suspicion. If he notifies Mo Yuntian of the news, I\'m afraid Mo Yuntian will set up an ambush at the gate of the city. Although he doesn\'t know who killed him now, he should make sure it\'s not me."

Xiao Si smiled and whispered, "that\'s not easy? Let\'s continue to go to Luoyang City. If the guy returns, we\'ll kill him on the road and then hide the body in the mountains. Naturally, this news will not be brought into Luoyang City."

Looking at Xiao Si who took out his dagger and rubbed his hands, Li Luoyang smiled: "Your boy\'s progress today is obvious. Since he came from this road, he will naturally return from here. We just need to continue along the road. If he finds the body, he is bound to return along the road. At that time, his life will be cut off. Naturally, the news will be cut off. We will have enough time to enter Luoyang."

The two masters and disciples walked one after another. Before long, there was a familiar sound of horse hoofs behind them. They were as hot as before. Li Luoyang turned and looked at them. It was the six disciples who had examined the two masters and disciples just now. The corners of Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly and said to Xiao Si, "get ready."

Xiao Si held the stone tightly in his hand and watched the fast horse rush towards him. The stone immediately hit the horse. The frightened horse raised its head and fell to the ground. Li Luoyang immediately rushed up with a dagger. Before the man got up, he immediately took the man\'s life. Without any hesitation, the teachers and disciples carried the body and hid it in the road A layer of fallen leaves was covered in the grass on the edge, and the perfect camouflage was made. People who passed here really couldn\'t see any clue without looking carefully.

Looking at the horse standing in place not far away, Xiao Si said, "master, what about it?"

Li Luoyang touched the horse\'s neck, took off the saddle and reins, whipped the horse\'s belly, and the horse ran along the road to the tea stall. There was no trace left at the scene. He had planned to go back and inform his companions that the attacked man was already lying in the grass. He was a ghost. He didn\'t expect that the two people who had just investigated would suddenly attack him at this time. As for the news he found, Nature has been delayed again.

Li Luoyang put away the dagger, patted the dust in his palm, smiled and said, "let\'s go. Now we can meet Luoyang City at ease."

Xiao Si nodded and followed Li Luoyang in the direction of Luoyang City. They passed through a dense jungle and saw more than a dozen men in the same black clothes. They were waiting for their companions to return. It was obvious that this was the place where the six doors ambushed Li Luoyang, but they were hungry and didn\'t find Li Luoyang, That\'s why I didn\'t hide.

In front of them, only two woodcutters walked towards Luoyang City as if nothing had happened.