
Chapter 69 - The Hunting Game

The gathered participants were given a simple kit and a new set of arrows to survive in the hellhole. It was like a small travel pack. Zeke rummaged and checked what was given to them.

Flashlight, Simple first-aid kit, 2 packs of ration bars…

\'How thoughtful of them.\' Like hell these could fill his stomach. He shoved everything back inside, not forgetting to put the bottle of suppressant pills he kept securely in his pocket. He was ready to seal his fate when his hand brushed something metallic. He was quite shocked when he pulled out a gun from the kit. "Handgun…? No way—"

The voice of the host of the tournament cut him off. "How was the warming up before? Too easy? Not thrilling enough? No worries! The main event has just started, the Hunting game!"

The host swept his eyes across the participants with eagerness. "The rule is exceptionally simple! The bigger and dangerous it is, the better! You and your partner have a total of 18 hours to explore this magnificent and magical forest. And rest ȧssured, to avoid any casualties like the past few years, we decided to give each one of you a flare gun. If you are injured or feel like you cannot continue, you can activate this help flare. If you do, we will immediately pull you out. However, in doing so, you will automatically be withdrawn from the tournament. Any questions?"

"I have one," One of the participants called out, raising his hand. "When you say withdrawn, does that mean we are immediately eliminated?"

"Yes, you will be eliminated right away."

"There are only two ration bars, are you trying to kill us?" Another one voiced out.

"A few animals are quite edible though?"

"Does anyone else have any questions?" The host smiled.

When all the questions had been answered, they were soon left to their own accord to discuss with their partner. Mika had fled to who knows where, running like his life depended on it.

Leaving just the two of them, Zeke turned to Jian Yu, who was busy thinking how to carry the set of arrows and kit that was handed to him.

The confusion in his face, the little frown on his forehead, everything just screamed cute!

Detecting that someone was looking at him, Jian Yu\'s movement suddenly jerked to a stop and he found himself looking straight at Zeke.

The two of them locked their gaze and Jian Yu blinked. Being caught red-handed, Zeke\'s face burned as he realized he had been staring far too long. His mind turned its gear as he tried to find a topic to speak of.

A tilt of the head from Jian Yu almost sent him out of the universe by how endearing it looked. However, the silence stretched as the two of them continued staring at each other and the situation had almost turned awkward as none of them had started talking.

Zeke almost couldn\'t spell the word AWKWARD anymore to show how awkward it was! \'Oh My God, how he wishes he could run away like before!\'

"A-- Are you sure you are okay with me? Is it okay for you to leave Clement alone?" Zeke finally blurted out. He patted himself in the back for not biting his own tongue.

Jian Yu sighed, finally giving up in trying to figure out how to carry the whole thing with him. He placed the quiver of arrows down onto the snowy ground before giving Zeke his full attention. "Thank you for your concern, Sir Roderick, but are you in any sense doubting me?"

"That\'s not—"

"Don\'t look so serious, Sir Roderick," Jian Yu chuckled softly, before continuing. "Besides, Lady Clement was the one ordering me to partner up with you, along with a message."

Jian Yu coughed and made his voice a pitch higher to imitate Clement. "\'Hope you choke so that the line ends with you\' is what she said, though I wasn\'t quite sure what she meant by that."

Zeke felt a tick once he heard that. He knew damn well what she meant! \'Line ends with me?!\' Zeke was about to spit fire. Why the hell was everyone wishing him to become impotent?

The black-haired Alpha rubbed his throbbing ċhėst. Sniffling like a kid, he strapped the quiver over his ċhėst and adjusted it comfortably so it wasn\'t too loose or too tight.

His movements were natural as he had done this a few times but it wasn\'t the same for Jian Yu. The silverette Beta was more accustomed and familiar with the use of firearms instead of this.

A small smile appeared on Zeke\'s face as he saw Jian Yu struggling with the complicated straps of the quiver. Before he knew it, the Alpha had already walked over to Jian Yu.

"Here, let me help."

As much as he wanted to demand answers and hit the other guy for his recent behaviour, standing so close like this was affecting him and caused his heart to waver.

"This should go this way and here around the waist, not too low, just a little below your ċhėst…"

\'He wore fingerless gloves,\' Jian Yu noticed. His fingers were long. The Beta wondered if they were as smooth as they looked. Or maybe he had callouses from training and all. Just a touch and he would know.

The Alpha\'s large hands went over his back to pull at the straps, brushing across his sides. Even though the silvertte wore thick clothes, Jian Yu could feel heat spreaded across the places that Zeke touched.

His deep voice sounded so soothing and the warm puffs of clouds from his breath brushed against the Beta\'s face. In such a close proximity, Jian Yu\'s nose was ȧssaulted by a sweet and somehow earthy-like scent. There was also a hint of chocolate in there.

The whole new discovery made Jian Yu flushed beet red. He ducked his head down and clenched his hands.

"There you go, is it too tight? Too loose?"

Jian Yu snapped his head up and blinked his eyes open. He hadn\'t even realized he had his eyes closed the entire time and sniffed like a pervert. "N--no, it\'s just right. Thank you very much."

"No problem." Zeke flashed him a smile and Jian Yu\'s heart thumped.

\'If you do, it will cause you pain in the end.\'

\'You will have no one else but yourself to blame.\'

\'No matter the result, you have to accept it.\'


As if the host knew exactly what Jian Yu wanted to say, the host began speaking to the crowd again. "Dear competitors!!"

After getting the attention he wanted, the host cleared his throat and spoke excitedly.

"I hope everyone is ready for the hunting game! Aren\'t you excited?! Let\'s not wait any longer and finally go forward! The hunting game had finally begun! Open the gate!!!"