
Chapter 63 - Zeke's First Predicament

Zeke wanted to cry as he held his breath. In his heart, his tears had already become an ocean. He had been doing so ever since he arrived here. Sitting in a place that was a little bit too elegant for him, he much preferred the hard rock grounds with dusty environment and a weapon in his hand.

BUT! Hold a damn second!

That wasn\'t the point at all.

He hadn\'t been breathing properly as he was afraid to inhale that amazingly delicious smell and unable to control himself. Zeke swallowed thickly, trying to lodge the heavy lump in his throat.

His rut was just around the corner, and everything was so sėnsɨtɨvė.

His emotions were going haywire, he could be riled up by smallest things. He recalled snapping at Mika one time when the other Alpha made a comment about his angel.

In conclusion, during his pre-rut, he had been reduced into a moody hormonal teenager!

Which was why he was hellbent on avoiding a certain Beta. Not only was he avoiding him for leaving his slobber all over him-- hush, he knew he was being a coward, he just couldn\'t face his reality yet! Let a man dream!-- but his rut was also making him think about the most unhygienic and unnecessary stuff he wanted to inflict on the silver-head Beta.

He was so close to succumbing into his primal urges.

So, no. He wasn\'t avoiding him. Just trying to reduce the frequency of the possibility of meeting him. While he used to actively search for him before, he just needed to stop doing that.

But it seemed, everything just went against his will. His plan to avoid the Beta backfired. Every step he took, his legs always brought him towards Jian Yu. As if his muscles moved on motorically, he flinched every time he caught a glimpse of silver.

Then, there was one time in the library.

He was walking idly, hands in pocket as he strolled lazily, his back slouching. Humming as he did so, he almost choked when a whiff of familiar scent drifted into his nose.

It wasn\'t helping when his legs unconsciously brought him towards the source. Yet when he arrived, the most unexpected things happened. As much as he wanted to duck, turn back, and run, he couldn\'t do so as he saw Jian Yu fall over from such height.

Rushing over to catch him, the Beta landed softly and snugly in his arms, like he was made to be here, Jian Yu was just the perfect size for him to hold.

The way his silver locks swayed and the fluttering long eyelashes that parted like a window to the most beautiful eyes he had seen, Zeke wanted to pinch his nose to stop blood from sprouting out of his nose.

\'Brain. What the hell?! Why are you glitching again?!\' He strangled his brain and shook it furiously.

In this close distance, the Beta smelt magnificent.

Momentarily thrown off by his rationality, he could feel heat building up somewhere, pooling around his stomach, and he cursed his pre-rut.

\'Get away, shit, get away from him! Don\'t do something you will regret!\'

The face of a pale looking Beta hovered in his mind and he did what he had been good at.


The same thing happened again the next day. He bumped into Jian Yu and Clement at the cafeteria. Feeling like a deja vu, the tragedy happened and repeated again.

His brain managed to fail him again, which made Zeke want to fire and change the one in charge of the Ministry of the Zeke kingdom. Not before he choked the shut out of it first, of course.

He had spouted the most ridiculous pick up line! What the hell was that? \'Do you have a pencil? Are you kidding me?\' Just thinking about it almost made Zeke spat a mouthful of blood.

"I am definitely not a hoarder, but I would like to keep you forever in my heart."

Wasn\'t that much cooler?!

But again, he had to stop right after taking another whiff of the Beta. This time, it had a much stronger reaction.

\'Please, please just stay down! No one asked for your presence right now!\'

For the sake of humanity and the insanity of every human in the cafeteria, more likely, before he could flash everyone his trunk, he had fled again.

And here he was.

Zeke really was hoping that he wouldn\'t support a boner throughout this stupid tea party the Lord of Zero had arranged for them.

Pinching his nose became a bad habit as he tried not to inhale deeply. It was much harder when they were in the same room for an hour or more. The scent was burning, it was also so stifling, pulsating like it had a heartbeat of its own. It seemed to burn his skin and line the back of his throat.

He wasn\'t sure why the smell of the silver-head Beta affected him this much. He had even made his own theory as to why it did. Of course it was no other than that! The only reason could be that it\'s because he loved Jian Yu so much!

When Clement had asked for Jian Yu to refill the tea, he had breathed out in relief and inhaled deeply as he was sure his hormonal body wouldn\'t act out like a spoiled brat again.

The moment the silverette Beta stepped out, Zeke could predict the most insufferable and uncomfortable conversation would come up because Clement wouldn\'t send the Beta away for a refill when the tea they drank had yet to finish!

"How hilarious. I feel like I am reading some stupid low-rated romance novels, my heart is bleeding so much just from watching it."

\'See, told you.\'