World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 299

"Dong Ruolan is just pretending to be ill, and only idiots like you will waste pills for her."

Anyway, Dong Ruolan can't die. Why waste money?

"You..." Dong Tianling was trembling with anger. "You took the medicine to buy pills from my master's hand, but cheated my master with a fake pill. My master was really stupid at that time and believed you."

He clenched his fist tightly and took a deep breath: "somebody, go and prepare a letter of divorce. The main son of my family will divorce his wife."

Fu Baoyun suddenly stare big eyes, he actually want to quit her? How dare you?

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Fu Baoyun turned pale.

If she marries Dong Jiaben, she will marry her down. Does he want to divorce her?

"Dad Dong ruoqin's face changed, "has Baoyun suffered less grievances these years? You're going to drive her out for an outsider. "

Dong Tianling was stiff and closed his eyes gently.

Fortunately, after Ruolan woke up, he let Xiaoyun accompany her, and did not let her leave the room.

Otherwise, if let Ruolan know Dong ruoqin's words, how sad should she be?

This is her brother who has been in pain for many years and has protected her for many years.

"Mother," Bai Xiaochen tilted his head, and his innocent eyes were full of confusion, "is uncle and grandmother picked up by the Dong family's grandfather?"

"Why do you say that?"

"If my uncle and grandmother are the real daughter of Dong's grandfather, then she is really her own person. But what they say is that my uncle and grandmother were picked up? If so, my aunt and uncle will be very poor

The sound of steamed buns made the noisy courtyard quiet.

"What are you talking about?" Dong ruoqin's eyes are very impatient to see the white dawn, "my sister is naturally my father's daughter, but she has married out, even if it is an outsider."

"So it is," Bai Xiaochen nodded vaguely. His voice was childish and lovely. "When my uncle and grandmother got married, did they need blood exchange? Otherwise, she has the blood of Dong's grandfather in her body, so she can't be an outsider. "

Speaking of this, Bai Xiaochen pitifully bit his finger: "mother, will it hurt when changing blood? When I get married in the morning, will I have to exchange blood? "

If it was someone else who said this, Dong ruoqin would surely scold him for pretending to be.

But now, said this is a five-year-old child, it makes him how can not think of each other is deliberately pretending not to understand.

He can only hold a breath, with the dissatisfied eyes to Bai Yan, as if to blame her for not educating his son well.

White Yan slightly Yang lip, low Mou son, gently touched the head of Bai Xiaochen.

"It's not your uncle and grandmother who was exchanged blood, but someone else. Therefore, in his eyes, your uncle and grandmother and he can't keep the same blood. Naturally, they are outsiders."

"Chen'er understands that his uncle and grandmother are family members, and he is the real outsider."

"It's good to understand. If you don't understand, you have to ask."

The conversation between the two mother and son makes Fu Baoyun and his wife's faces change greatly, and their eyes towards Bai Yan change from dissatisfaction to anger.

"Father, mother!" Dong ruoqin glared at Bai Yan and turned his head to look at the two elders of the Dong family, "how can LAN Xiaoyun bring this kind of woman who doesn't know etiquette back? She can't even educate her son, which is obviously not a good thing. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!