World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 295


Hearing Dong Mulin's accident, Fu Baoyun grabbed the maid's arm and pinched her nails into her skin.

The servant girl almost cried in pain, but she knew Fu Baoyun's temper and could only resist the pain and report.

"Master Mulin was beaten when he was in the restaurant just now."

"What?" Fu Baoyun's head was dizzy. "Who has the courage to do something to my son?"

"Yes Two women with one child. "

Women? children?

It must be them!

Fu Baoyun tightly clenched his fist and cried angrily: "Dong ruoqin, LAN Xiaoyun hurt my wood forest. If you don't help our mother and son, I will never forgive you."

"You You said it was Xiaoyun who hurt the woods? " Dong ruoqin a Leng, the way of Nono, "this is not likely."

He really didn't believe that Xiaoyun would do such a vicious thing.

"Who else but LAN Xiaoyun? Don't forget that the woman beside LAN Xiaoyun has a child

Dong ruoqin hesitated for a moment: "if it's really yun'er, I'll let him give Mulin an account."

Baoyun has been wronged enough to marry him. He can't let anyone bully her any more

"Back to the house."

This time, she will never let go of her mother.

Anyone who helps LAN Xiaoyun is also damned!


When it comes to Dong Mulin being beaten, it's entirely his own fault.

Just a moment ago, Emperor Xiaoyun and Chu Yiyi didn't want to stay at Dong's house, so they took Bai Xiaochen out to have fun.

I happened to meet Dong Mulin in the restaurant.

Dong Mulin is lustful in nature. After seeing emperor Xiaoyun and Chu's clothes, he makes a fuss. As a result He was beaten violently by two people, and his head broke and he fainted on the spot.

Seeing the strength of emperor Xiaoyun, the bodyguards of the Dong family dare not respond to the enemy, so they hastily carry Dong Mulin back to the Dong mansion.

I expected the Dong family to avenge them, but Mrs. Dong was so disappointed that he had already told him not to interfere in this matter, so Dong Mulin can only swallow the loss.

"My son!"

As soon as Fu Baoyun returned to Dong's house, she rushed to Dong Mulin's room. When she saw Dong Mulin wrapped with gauze on her head, she burst into tears: "which little animal has hurt my son? I want her to die badly!"

She a pair of eyes blood red, ferocious looking to kneel into a piece of servant girl bodyguard.

"Young lady..." A servant girl swallowed her saliva and said, "the people who hurt the young master of Mulin are the guests of Miss Biao. The owner of the house protects them, so..."

"They are indeed!" Fu Baoyun's eyes are full of hatred, "Mulin is the child born to me and my beloved man, that is my lifeblood. Whoever dares to move him, I will fight with anyone! Somebody, show me the way

This beloved man, let Dong ruoqin's heart warm.

Just for this sentence, he is willing to give everything for their mother and son


The sun is setting.

On the stone chair in the backyard, Bai Yan sat lazily, her slender fingers holding the tea cup in her hand, a smile rippling in her lips.

"Mother, this is for you."

Bai Xiaochen ran to Bai Yan lovingly and handed the peach branch full of peach blossom in his hand to Bai Yan, and his face with pink carving and jade carving raised a naive smile.

"Well?" White Yan swept the peach branch in Xiaochen's hand and raised her eyebrows in surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!