World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 280

The old lady's chest hurt because of this sentence. She stroked her chest and was panting. She seemed to be able to fall down at any time.

Dong Tianling quickly helped the old lady, sharp eyes such as a sword, swept to the man standing beside Fu Baoyun.

"Ruoqin, do you really want to make your mother angry? If LAN has been harmed like this by you, can't the whole Dong family be stable? "

The old man was angry. The anger he had endured for several days broke out at this moment.

Dong ruoqin is his son, Ruolan is also his daughter!

The palm and the back of the hand are all flesh, how can he not ache?

But the relationship between the two brothers and sisters was so good when they were children. Why did Fu Baoyun change after she got into the school?

"Baoyun..." Dong ruoqin struggled for a while, then turned his head and looked at the woman beside him, "or Shall we go back first? "

"Dong ruoqin, shut up Fu Baoyun glared at Dong ruoqin, "don't forget, I'm the daughter-in-law of your Dong family. Dong Ruolan is just a married outsider. Do you want to deal with me for an outsider? I just hit her. Why is she so delicate? "

Dong ruoqin did not dare to speak. He lowered his head and said nothing.

Fu Baoyun married him. She was a Royal Princess with numerous pursuers, but she chose him as a stupid boy.

If he doesn't connive at her, won't he make her a joke?

Yes, it was a marriage. Not only did Dong ruoqin endure for many years, but even the old husband and wife of the Dong family let her go everywhere.

If it hadn't been for Dong Ruolan's return to her mother's house, Fu Baoyun wanted LAN Xiaoyun to marry the incompetent third prince, which made Dong Ruolan angry and was knocked unconscious by Fu Baoyun. The old lady would not have been so angry.

The third prince is a woman, a villain who does all kinds of evil!

Let LAN Xiaoyun marry him, isn't that pushing her to the fire pit?

Don't say Dong Ruolan doesn't agree, neither will the two elders of the Dong family.

"Go, let's go!" When the old lady saw her son obeying Fu Baoyun's words like this, her face was even more ugly. She gasped slightly, "I don't want to kill this old woman. Get out of here!"

What did she do? Why did she agree to this marriage? Otherwise, it will not drag down the daughter.


Looking at the old mother's trembling and angry appearance, Dong ruoqin pursed his lips: "mother is old, don't be angry..."

"Dong ruoqin, what do you say?" Fu Baoyun's hands were akimbo. The princess's reserve was like a street shrew, "is your mother important or I'm important? I was the body of a princess. It's the honor of your Dong family to marry you. What's more, I've given birth to children for you. Are you going to help them now? "

"I I don't mean that. " Dong ruoqin blushed, said nono.

"What do you mean? In those years, I asked Dong Ruolan to marry my brother. In this way, the power of the Dong family would be even higher! But what did you do? She married him to a noble son. "

The status of the aristocratic family is not bad, and the blue family is a first-class family.

However strong the aristocratic family is, how can it compare with the royal family.

"This This is because there are too many concubines in the harem, and I can't bear to bear Ruolan's hardship. In addition, the blue family has a strict family style and never allows concubines in the house... "

If not, how could the old mother be willing to marry her daughter so far away? It's not easy to come back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!