World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 264

How could it be him?

He is the one who can tame Lilong?

Don't say it's white if the family of three, even other people can't believe it.

But the fact is so obvious that Lilong, who resists everyone, is like a pet in front of him.

"I don't believe it!" Nangong Yi ran out and rushed to Bai Xiaochen, "Bai Xiaochen is a wild species, just a wild species!"

How could he allow a wild species to surpass his noble son?

When nangongyi is about to impulse Bai Xiaochen, a dragon's tail sweeps by and flies out of nangongyi's body, and falls into the crowd with a thump.

"Roar!" Lilong roared, and his condescending eyes seemed to laugh at this man's incapacity.

Nangong Yi's body trembled and held the palm tightly.

The blood in his palm flowed from his fingers, and his blood red eyes were staring at Bai Xiaochen, who was protected by Lilong. His jealousy and unwillingness were like a flame.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

At this moment, several people of the demon beast clan also came back from the shock.

Lei Ming changed the cloud and breeze before, and burst out laughing two times: "we finally found the man who lived in the reign of beasts, and we didn't live up to the Lord's trust."

For a long time, he stopped laughing, walked quickly toward Bai Xiaochen, stroked his sleeve, and knelt down on one knee: "I am Lei Ming, the elder of the demon beast clan. I will worship young master Bai here."

"We will greet young master Bai!"

All the people of the demon beast clan knelt down on the ground, and the high voice echoed in the blue sky for a long time.

White if the face is very white, trembling lips have been unable to say a word.

Why is it Bai Xiaochen?

Even if the glory of the reign of beasts is taken away by others, it is better than Bai Xiaochen!

He is just a wild species. Why did he get such Zhu Rong?

Bai ruo's heart is like ten thousand ants gnawing, the pain is unbearable. Her clenched lips overflow with blood, but she does not know it. She looks at Bai Yan's mother and son with hatred in her eyes, and her soft and beautiful face shows a ferocity.

However, at this time, Nangong Lin pulled Bai ruo's sleeve, and his chubby face was dissatisfied.

"Mother concubine, why did Bai Xiaochen take away my slaves? I want that Lilong, you take it back to me! "

"Shut up

Nangongyuan, who was in the seat, suddenly burst into a big drink and interrupted Nangong Lin's words. His pale face was angry: "what's going on here? Can you explain it to me? "

Lei Ming frowns. Nangong yuan is really uneducated. He speaks so loud in public. If he frightens young master Bai, the patriarch will skin her.

"Want to know what's going on?" White Yan Yang lip smile, she slowly walked to Bai Xiaochen and Lilong, "later, will give you an explanation."

Her eyes seem to inadvertently sweep white if, this one eye, if can see everything, let white if the body almost fell.

No! impossible!

Liu'er has been solved by her, and the fortune teller died in her hands. No one can know about it!


Bai Yan took back her eyes and looked down at the prostrate Lilong: "if you want to stay with us, you must abide by my rules! First, we can't rely on killing innocent people! Second, if someone scolds chen'er for being wild, he will be your dinner tonight. Third I can't afford to eat too much. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!