World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 261

no Lin'er will not fail! God has been looking after her, how can she be disappointed?

At this time, Nangong Lin has already come to Lilong's side. He notices that Lilong's fierce eyes shake his heart, but he still bravely walks past.

"Look, elder Lei Ming, I said lin'er is OK."

Nangongyuan's face showed a satisfied smile. Just now those children didn't even get close to Lilong. Now his grandson can walk into it without fear of Lilong's eyes.

How many people in the world can compare with such courage?

"I "I am the Lord of beasts," Nangong Lin's voice was trembling. "Since you are a monster, you should listen to me. Don't worry. Follow me. I promise you will not treat you badly if you are a monster."

Thunder frowns more and more tight, this little fat man is really not pleasing.

If he really can let Lilong serve him, if not

A cold light flashed from the bottom of his eyes, and thunder's eyes were firmly fixed on Nangong Lin standing beside the cage.

"Well, if you don't speak, I'll take it as your promise." When Nangong Lin saw that Lilong didn't speak, he thought he had agreed. When he was happy, he wanted to reach out and touch Lilong's head.


Everyone thought Nangong Lin would succeed. Some civil and military ministers had already congratulated Nangong Yi

A roar suddenly came out and sent Nangong Lin out of the room. He fell down and sat on the ground. He was in pain. He burst into tears.

"Mother, he yells at me. As my servant, he dares to yell at me!"

The whole backyard of the imperial palace is quiet, only Nangong Lin's crying sounds all over the sky.

Bai ruo's face was pale, her body faltered a few times, almost fell to the ground, her lips trembled slightly, and her eyes revealed despair.


Lei Ming doesn't even look at Nangong Lin and says faintly.

"No way, it can't be!" Nangong Yi's voice was trembling, "there must be something wrong, thunder elder, you can give lin'er another chance, this time she can certainly tame the monster."

Lei Ming sneered: "if the rumors in the market are really untrustworthy, or the patriarch has foresight to let me bring Lilong. Now, what else do you have to say?"

"Elder Lei Ming, this is Lin er's carelessness. If you give him another chance, he will surely succeed."

The birth of lin'er has brought about the reign of beasts. This is a well-known thing in the whole country. Why did it fail?

"Elder Lei Ming, my emperor's son is right. One time doesn't mean anything," Nangong Yuan said with a smile. "I hope elder leiming will give you another chance."


The thunder gave a cold hum, but there was no more to say.

Nangong yuan quickly turned to Nangong Lin and said, "lin'er, don't you go quickly? You can only succeed this time, don't fail! "

Nangong Lin's eyes are full of tears. He nods and walks towards Lilong in fear.


This time, before he could walk in front of Lilong, Lilong issued a warning roar again. His eyes were full of anger and disgust.

Nangong Lin stepped back a few steps and cried again: "mother concubine, father, you give me this glass dragon and give it to me! It dares to roar at me, and I'm going to beat it

Since he came to Liuhuo, Lei Ming has always been a light cloud, but this time, he laughed.

It was laughed by Nangong Lin.

"If he is really a" little genius ", the patriarch of my family does not dare to offend this Lilong, and he still wants to beat him? I have never heard of such a "genius." , the fastest update of the webnovel!