World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 238

"Emperor Xiaoyun!" Chu Yiyi walked forward with her hands akimbo, staring at her big eyes, "Xiaoxiao, I'll take care of it. I don't need you."

"Xiaoxiaoxiao and I are a family. You are just an outsider."

Emperor Xiaoyun Ao Jiao's lift chin, is very proud to say.

"You..." Chu's pretty face was flushed. He stretched out his hand and pulled Bai Xiao from emperor Xiaoyun's side to his back and stood up in front of him. "You are so unruly, you will frighten Xiaoxiao."

Bai Xiao is stopped by Chu clothes and clothes. Suddenly, he looks at Bai Yan at a loss. He wants to know what happened?

White face black down: "Chu clothes, Emperor Xiaoyun, do you want to get out?"

This sentence, let two people's faces change greatly, immediately back two steps.

Emperor Xiaoyun accosted a smile: "sister-in-law, I'm just exchanging feelings with clothes, there's nothing, you can rest assured."

"I agree," Chu Yi quickly nodded, smiling Ying on the shoulder of emperor Xiaoyun, "Xiao Yun, you didn't ask me to invite you to drink tea yesterday? Come on, let's go now. "

Words down, she took the emperor Xiaoyun's hand, whew a toward the hospital to run, head also did not return to run.

Bai Xiao was stunned and sighed helplessly.

In this world, it is estimated that only sister can make Chu's clothes so obedient

"Xiao'er," Bai Yan turned her head and looked at Bai Xiao and asked, "I haven't checked your strength for many days. Let's go. I'll go and see if you've improved recently..."


Bai Xiao's face raised a smile, this life, can have her to accompany at the side, enough.


Time did not elapse too much, when Bai Yan watched Bai Xiao's sword dance carefully, a familiar breath suddenly came from behind.

Then, her body was instantly kneaded into her arms by a big hand.

Perhaps has been used to the man's hegemony, white Yan did not struggle this time, she raised eyebrows, smile Yan Ran: "back?"

"Well," said Di Cang in a low voice, "I'll be back when I receive your letter. What about the girl? Get her out to see me

The anger in the man's tone did not hide, but let Bai Yan Shua stand up from the ground. She turned around and grabbed the lapel of emperor Cang and sneered: "you forgot what I said to you?"

"You want to help her?" Emperor Cang narrowed his eyes and flashed a dangerous light from the bottom of his eyes.


White Yan sneered: "I want to help her."

Just because in the body of emperor Xiaoyun, she saw the shadow of Bai Xiao.

Bai Xiao was waiting for her?

The emperor Cang looked down at his eyes and pulled the hand of the lapel. His lips lifted up a trace of evil radian: "it's not impossible. You help her once, I'll give you one."

See this man so do not cover up words, white Yan palm a shake, almost loosen his lapel.


She was gnashing her teeth.

"It's enough for me to be shameless to you." Emperor Cang took a big hand and pulled Bai Yan into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed the woman's lips.

Since Bai Xiao saw the appearance of emperor Cang, he left in silence and left the space for them.

Therefore, there are only two people kissing in the whole hospital.

Although one of them was forced to kiss

"Bai Yan, are you poisonous?" Emperor Cang loose opened the woman's lips, hoarse voice with a low, "since kiss you once, I fell in love with your lips." , the fastest update of the webnovel!