World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 230

Bai Yan's face was black: "Chu clothes with blue rhyme out to make trouble?"

"Mother, you wronged sister Chu. This time, it's not sister Chu who takes her cousin to cause trouble, but her cousin takes her."

Bai Xiaochen tooted her pink mouth and pulled Bai Yan's sleeve, pitifully: "what's more, they didn't bring chen'er to make trouble."

After a long time, Bai Xiaochen is very dissatisfied with Chu Yiyi's behavior. How can he forget such things as asking for trouble?

Bai Yan's face is more black, her fist gently knocked on Bai Xiaochen's head: "you first give me peace point, what's the matter to wait for me to solve again."

Chu's clothes never tell right from wrong, and beat anyone who is upset. There are countless young talents who have been beaten by her in the holy land.

But LAN Xiaoyun's character is not so. Since it's her head, there must be some reasons she doesn't know

"Oh, by the way," Bai Xiaochen tilted his small head and big clean eyes. "Mother, do you remember what Dad said before he left?"

"Remember," Bai Yan nodded slightly, "he said he wanted to find his sister."

"Another thing chen'er wants to say is this," Bai Xiaochen struggled for a long time, "Auntie, she..."


At this time, LAN Xiaoyun's joyful voice came from outside the door, which also interrupted Bai Xiaochen's words.

Bai Yan looks up. Just after seeing the blue rhyme standing at the gate of the courtyard, a figure is faster than the wind and rushes towards Bai Yan

White Yan's eyes suddenly rise a vigilance, out of the body's instinctive reaction, she directly raised her legs, a thump on the person's body.

LAN Xiaoyun and Chu's clothes were shocked to open their mouths and watched the girl's body turn into an arc of light, and then fell down from the sky in confusion and lay on the ground on all fours.

She may have fallen into a daze. Her beautiful big eyes are staring at her. She has been lying on the ground for a long time without any response

"Who are you?" Bai Yan's face sank and asked in a cold voice.

"Mother..." Bai Xiaochen pulled Bai Yan's clothes behind her and looked at the girl who fell on the ground. Her innocent eyes were full of sympathy, "that's my sister-in-law..."

"Sister in law?" White face frowns.

"It is The sister of the bad father. "

White Yan a Zheng, surprised to look at the girl who fell ignorant: "you are the aunt of morning son?"

How can chen'er's aunt and Chu Yiyi be together?

Emperor Xiaoyun finally came out from the state of tumbling, she shook her head severely, got up from the ground and patted the dust on the sleeve.

"Sister in law..." She left her mouth and almost shed tears. "You are cruel. I just want to hold you. You kick me..."

White Yan's eyebrow corner smoked: "I thought you wanted to attack me."

Anyone who sees a stranger who doesn't agree with each other will rush in, and he can't stop. It's also strange that emperor Xiaoyun doesn't even say hello.

"Sister in law," Di Xiaoyun looks pathetic, "I'm homeless now, can you take me in?"

"Your brother is looking for you everywhere. You can go to him."

As soon as I heard that her elder brother was looking for her everywhere, di Xiaoyun couldn't help shivering. She shrunk her neck and laughed: "sister-in-law, I leave my house without permission. If my brother catches me, I will kill me. I still think you are safe here. Let me stay." , the fastest update of the webnovel!