World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 221

This girl is so difficult to do, she really does not want to entangle with her.

What's more, zhi'er is so in love with emperor Cang, maybe this is an opportunity.

As long as you get rid of his sister, you're afraid that the emperor won't accept her?

"Cang Wang's sister?" Angelica a Zheng, eyes flash a light, "sister, are you sure?"


This affirmation of the two words, let Angelica's long silence heart again active, her face raised a smile, friendly said.

"Miss Di, you are a new comer. Maybe you are not familiar with our country of Liuhuo. How about me to take you around?"

"I want to see my brother."

Angelica's face with a brilliant smile: "your brother is not in the imperial city recently, when he comes back, I will inform him to see you."

"Well, I hope you don't cheat me!" Emperor small cloud Yang Yang chin, "if let me know you dare to cheat me, I will let you regret for life."

If white toward Angelica make a look: "I have something to go back to the palace, this girl will give you."

With these words, she left in a hurry, regardless of the wound on her back.

Emperor Xiaoyun doesn't look at Bai Ruo and turns his head to Bai Zhi: "what's the relationship between you and my brother?"

The woman was obviously a woman just now, so she didn't bother to ask more, but now she has to ask.

Angelica dahurica some shyly lowered his head, fingers pinched the corner of his clothes: "I He and I Ah, what are you doing

A word has not finished, angelica cold not Ding see emperor Xiaoyun gathered in front of her, small nose forced to smell what.

Emperor Xiaoyun retracted his head and touched his small nose: "I smell the breath of hair emotion."

Angelica dahurica's face from green to white, and then from white to green, colorful.

This damned woman insults her as a beast? Is she still in the heat?

If she is not emperor Cang's younger sister, she will kill her with this sentence alone!

"Miss Di, what are you talking about? How can I be in estrus? " She gave two embarrassed smiles and explained.

Emperor Xiaoyun hands akimbo, Chin a lift: "then you tell me, in this place, there is no woman want to seduce my elder brother?"

Angelica dahurica originally wanted to refuse to answer this question, suddenly, Bai Yan's face flashed in her mind, and her lips aroused a sneer.

"Of course! My sister Bai Yan, not only seduced the emperor Cang, but also pregnant with other men's children, and let the emperor Cang mistakenly think that this child is his! In order to be responsible for the children, Emperor Cang had to accept the bad woman. "

Her smile is very proud of the corner of her mouth, offended emperor Cang's younger sister, see how white Yan still married emperor Cang.

But for a long time, she did not get the response of emperor Xiaoyun. She did not feel that she raised her head and looked at it. What was reflected in her eyes was a small face full of surprise.

Emperor Xiaoyun's eyes were stunned: "you said Can my brother mistake a child? "

This No way.

They all smell people by their smell. How can the elder brother not even know his own children?

Bai Zhi didn't understand what had happened. She immediately nodded and said, "Bai Yan is very scheming. Otherwise, the Cang Wang would not have made such a low-level mistake. He would not even admit his family by blood. He would not believe that the wild species was his son..."

After she said this, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of her.

The little man is small and should have been hard to find in the crowd, but he has a beautiful small face, carved in powder jade like a porcelain doll, standing in the crowd, is also very eye-catching. , the fastest update of the webnovel!