World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 218

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Bai Xiaochen doubtfully tilted his head, his eyes bright as stars in the night sky.

"Mother, have you accepted the bad father?"

White Yan a Leng, shake head way: "have no."

"Will the mother like him in the future?"

"I I don't know. "

Bai Yan was silent for a long time. She slowly raised her unique face and gazed at the blue sky. Her mouth gently picked up a radian: "who can predict the future? Morning, let's go back first. "


Bai Xiaochen trotted to Bai Yan's side and held her hand.

He didn't react until he left Lan's house. This time he came to take his cousin to choose the spirit beast, but now he forgot it.

Bai Xiaochen's small expression is very tangled, lovely little face is wrinkled into a group: "mother, I want to go back to the blue home again."

With this, Bai Xiaochen broke away from Bai Yan's hand and turned to the blue family.

Bai Yan did not stop him. After Bai Xiaochen left, she turned to the direction of the blue family.


Qinyin Valley, as famous as Fenglou, is even more famous than Fenglou.

But overnight, the news of the collapse of Qinyin Valley swept by like wind and rain, and bairuo, who was waiting for good news, was taken by surprise.

"How could that happen?" She immediately got up from the bed, and accidentally pulled the wound on her back. She took a cold breath in pain, "Liu Yue, is this news reliable?"

The maiden named Liu Yue replied respectfully: "princess, this matter It has been spread all over the country of Liuhuo. Even the valley owner of Qinyin Valley has been sent to Fenglou to sell himself. Nowadays, many men rush to Fenglou to see the valley owner of Qinyin valley. "

Bai ruo's face was so white that she tightly clenched her fist and closed her eyes. After a long time, she opened her eyes and said, "I understand. Liu Yue, you should step back first."

"Yes, princess."

Liu Yue bowed down.

After Liu Yue leaves, Bai Ruo stays in the room quietly. Maybe this news is too shocking and shocking She didn't want to believe it.

Why does Bai Yan have the courage? Is she not afraid of the blame of the emperor? Does she really think that she can do whatever she wants with the help of emperor Cang?

She thought for a long time, just forced to climb up, soft face climb up a sneer.

"Come on, prepare the sedan chair. We will leave the palace!"

She's going to verify the news herself!


Now the Bai family is in trouble, but Bai Ruo is the crown prince and princess at least, and his noble status is still here. Therefore, when the group of people on the street saw the princess's sedan chair coming, they all scattered towards both sides.

In just a moment, Bai ruo's sedan chair has already arrived outside Fenglou.

She walked down with the help of the maid in the palace, and walked hard to the Fenglou.

At the moment, there are countless guests in Fenglou. The faces of countless men are full of excitement, and some of them are cheering excitedly.

Along the group of people's eyes, white if a glance to see tied to the pillar of the gorgeous woman.

The woman had lost her original arrogance like a goddess. Her eyes were full of regret and deep pain, and her delicate body trembled.

Just this one eye, let white if collapse.


Seeing Bai ruo's trembling body, the maids hurriedly helped her and called for a way of worry.

"Bai Yan's courage It's so big! But she made such a big noise. Why hasn't the emperor Cang come out yet? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!