World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 215

Mu Qingge's face is getting whiter and whiter: "at least we Qinyin Valley, disdain to use the body as a trade!"

Qinyin Valley and Fenglou are both women, which are often compared by the world. However, in people's mouth, Fenglou is often despised by them. When it comes to Qinyin Valley, who doesn't praise it?

All the women in Qinyin valley are proud. Can they be compared with Fenglou?

"You don't want to trade with your body. It's better to How about if I let you help Hua Luo pick up the guests There is a smile in Bai Yan's eyes.

This muqingge is so beautiful, and with the identity of the valley owner of Qinyin Valley, you can make a lot of money by using her to receive guests.

"No!" Mu light song after two steps back, the face more and more white, "white Yan, you are not afraid of these things by the emperor Cang know, he will see your true face, from now on far away from you?"

Just after she said this, a cool voice suddenly came, let Bai Yan's face sink immediately.

"What can't I let you know?"

This voice, let Mu light song's delicate body a shock, she slowly turned around, that moment, a figure like God appeared in her eyes.

The man's gorgeous face is rising with a smile. His Phoenix eyes are slightly slanting. There are endless evil spirits and evil spirits. His red lips are like blood. It is only a shallow radian that makes people suffocate.

After a few months, in the sight of this in countless midnight dream back to let her ring back the man, for a time, the eyes are a bit in a daze.

She felt her heart beat so much that she almost jumped out of her chest. A pair of crazy eyes could not be taken back from the man.


The man passed by her side, not even a memory of the afterglow have not left, directly toward the white face.

"Who is angry with you for not having eyes?"

If you meet the blue flower, I'll find a cold smile in my hand

Emperor Cang swept his eyes and was carried by Bai Yan in his hand. He was not angry. His lips raised a smile: "how do you want to keep me? In bed? "

"Emperor Cang!"

This man, three words, two can not do without bed?

Bai Yan eased the depression in his heart and glared at the emperor Cang: "I will run with your son, so that you can't find us."

Emperor Cang's face immediately became gloomy, and the whole person was overcast.

The blue old man and others just recovered from the previous fright, and were frightened by the gloomy aura of the emperor Cang, and quickly winked at Bai Yan.

"Yan'er, I think the Cang king is innocent. He is very sincere to you. You should tell him well and don't be angry."

Bai Yan was silent, looking directly at the man in front of her, with deep black eyes.

"Bai Yan, you are really proud of your pet," Mu Qingge also noticed the anger of emperor Cang and sneered, "emperor Cang is such a good man, you don't know how to cherish, if I were, I would never let him angry!"


This words just fell, the man in front suddenly raised his hand, a white light swept over, fast let Mu light song have no way to react.

Then there was a dull noise.

In Mu Qingge's big eyes, the white light came close to her eyes and exploded on her chest. In a moment, her body shot out like an arrow from the string and fell down in confusion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!