World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 207

"Great grandmother, aunts and grandmothers, you've become much younger."

Bai Xiaochen blinked his eyes and said.

"Really?" Standing beside the old lady, Dong Ruolan's eyes brightened. She stroked her cheek and said with a smile, "recently, some ladies have praised me for being younger and younger. It's all due to Yan'er's elixir."

Don't mention Dong Ruolan. Even the old lady is more than ten years old, and the wrinkles on her face are much lighter.

"Aunts and grandmothers, if you think it's easy to use, remember to publicize it to my mother." Bai Xiaochen's big eyes are full of cunning light. How can he give up such a good chance to make money.

"Well, don't worry, I will help Yan'er publicize. It happens that the ladies also asked me what I took to become so young."

Dong Ruolan stroked her cheek and was so happy that she suddenly became so young that she really envied those old sisters' eyebrows.

"Great grandmother, great grandfather, chen'er is looking for aunt yun'er this time."

Bai Xiaochen's words just fell, holding a plate of melon and fruit dim sum in his hand, and slowly walked out.

"You want me?" She blinked her eyes. This little guy came here first to look for her?

When did she become so attractive?

LAN Xiaoyun wants more and more happy, and her smile is also bigger and bigger: "Xiao chen'er, do you want to be a cousin?"

"My aunt thinks about when you are a little girl every day." In Bai Xiaochen's eyes there is a fox like cunning light.

My mother doesn't want to have a sister, but my cousin can. Anyway, it's all a family. He will like his cousin very much.

LAN Xiaoyun's face is stiff for a moment, this little guy is really which pot does not open to mention which pot!

She was forced to marry a few days ago. As a result, he even called out his sister now.

"My two brothers haven't got married yet. What kind of relationship do I have? I don't do it. Who loves to give birth to another?" When LAN Xiaoyun saw her mother's eyes, she immediately turned away her lips and refused.

"Morning son," the old lady coughed twice and turned her kind eyes to Bai Xiaochen. "What's the matter with you coming to see your cousin?"

"Oh, by the way," Bai Xiaochen remembered his intention. "It was my mother who asked me to inform my cousin that all the foxes for you have come. When are you free, you can go and choose one."


LAN Xiaoyun's eyes were shining: "cousin, are you really going to send me a monster? And a fox? "

She felt that her heart was almost beating out and her excited cheeks were flushed. She immediately stopped hesitating and said eagerly, "I'll be free now. Morning son, we'll go to your house now."


Bai Xiaochen's lovely smile, he just wanted to turn around, the road ahead was suddenly blocked by a figure.

It was a woman in a water blue dress. It was absolutely beautiful. The breeze was light. 3000 green silk was flying in the wind. It was so beautiful It's like a wonderful and touching ink painting.

Blue old man a Leng, he looked at the woman who walked into the blue house, frowned: "who are you?"

After seeing the old man's blue eyes, Mu Qingsong's expression is indifferent. What is covered under the eyes of water is the momentum of fierce like a sword.

"I'll find Bai Yan and let her come to see me."

Her lips were light, her voice was indifferent, her face was expressionless, but after seeing the villain in front of her, her eyes flashed with disgust.

Even she did not know why, it was the first time to see the child, and the child was still so beautiful and clever, but she just hated him for no reason. , the fastest update of the webnovel!