World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 2050

Far away.

On the mountain, Huang Xiaoying tightly hugs xiaoling'er's body. Her delicate and lovely face is covered with cold sweat.

The little girl who had been sleeping in her arms opened her eyes slowly. Her small face was still white and white, but still so delicate and beautiful, beautiful and smart.

"Sister Xiaoying, where's uncle Yu?"

Xiao ling'er's big eyes flickered, and her small hand tightly grasped Huang Xiaoying's sleeve: "Why are you alone, uncle Yu?"

Huang Xiaoying's heart trembled. She lowered her eyes and comforted xiaoling'er: "Master Yu Ling has something to do. He can't accompany you. He will come to us soon."

"Sister Xiaoying is not good at deceiving people. Your eyes have already told linger that you are talking," xiaoling'er's tears could not help flowing down. "Uncle Yu must be in danger. Sister Xiaoying, let's go to Uncle Yu..."

Ji Qingge went to xiaoling'er, and she gently pursed her lips: "little princess, someone just chased you. Yu Ling stopped us for a while. You should believe him. He will be OK. He will come to us later."

"Qingge's little sister is also deceiving. I feel that Uncle Yu may this time I'll never come back. "

Crystal clear tears flow out of xiaolinger's eyes, covering her small face carved with jade. Her voice is shaking, her big eyes are slightly raised, looking at the bloody sky.

He may never again I can't come back

Huang Xiaoying and others trembled, and their faces were all sad.

Yu Ling didn't spend much time in the demon world. On the contrary, he often went out. As everyone knows, Prince Yu Ling is extremely good to the little princess. He will always be a knight guarding the little princess. No matter what the princess likes, he will go out and find it for her

In fact, everyone knows that Yu Ling's strength is very strong. He dare not use too much power just because of some reasons. But he is still willing to be the escort of the little princess.

And the little princess This guard has long been regarded as a relative.

"Little princess..." Huang Xiaoying hugged xiaoling'er tightly, and she burst into tears. "I'm worried about Xiaomi, but it's useless to worry about Xiaomi. Xiaomi wants to protect the demon world, and Master Yu Ling wants to protect the little princess. We can only trust them They will certainly come back. "

Xiao ling'er did not speak, but her tears did not stop from the beginning. Her long eyelashes were covered with tears. Her face was pale and weak, just like a fragile porcelain doll, which made people feel heartache involuntarily.

Everyday he took out his handkerchief and wiped away the tears for Xiao ling'er. His childish voice was firm.

"If my sister doesn't cry, my brother will protect you in the future, just like Uncle Yu..."

"Woo Hoo."

Xiao ling'er finally can't control it. From the initial silent crying to the low voice sobbing, to the last is wailing.

She has not cried like this for a long time. In the past two years, she seldom shed tears. She wants to be strong enough to find her parents.


Today, after all, she couldn't help crying out. Her hands were not painful and her face was covered with tears, which made her look more pitiful.

Every day I saw Xiao Ling Er crying, he also cried out, crying and comforting Xiao ling'er at the same time.

"My sister is good. Soon, my parents and my big brother will come back. Those bad guys will be killed by my father. Wuwu, so don't cry. I'm sorry to see you cry..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!