World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 2047

Perhaps it is to think of emperor Cang's painful expression, ye Chen Che couldn't help but laugh a few times, his smile voice with crazy, bloodthirsty eyes swept in front of these people.

"I say again, get out of the way!"

Yu Ling's eyes were cold and heavy, and he yelled at him again.

"You should be the one who should be!"

A touch of cold mang flashed from ye Chen Che's eyes. He slowly raised his hand, and a strong wind lifted to Yu Ling.

Yu Ling quickly covered the body of xiaoling'er with his sleeve. On one side of his body, he resisted the attack of Ye chenche with his own body.

"I remember you never used too much heart to any one person before. I didn't expect How could you protect this little girl like that? I don't know what this little girl has to do with you? "

See this, leaf Chen Che squint up double eyes, he looks at Yu Ling to protect the small Ling son's appearance, the corner of the mouth sneers even more.

"Her mother was my Savior, and the only one who gave me light when I was in custody."

Yu Ling gently closed his eyes, half ring, just opened, eyes cold and firm.

"From that day on, I decided to protect her. Now that she is protected by someone, I will protect her daughter for her."

"Really?" Ye Chen Che satirical smile two, "you really just for this one reason protect little girl?"

Yu Ling's body is stiff. He slowly lowers his head and looks at the pale girl in his arms. His cold eyes are full of gentle light.

At the beginning, he did protect the girl for Bai Yan.

But then He took care of her with all his heart.

Because The girl's smile It's another light in life.

He wants to protect her life.

"No matter what reason I protect her, I won't let anyone hurt him," Yu Ling looked up at ye chenche, and his handsome face cooled down again. "As long as I'm still alive, you can't think of it Move her. "

"Ha ha ha ha, Yu Ling, you can't defeat the Lord of the heaven realm. Do you want to defeat me? You are too fantastic. Today, all the people in the demon world can't go out. If you want to protect this girl, you must be destroyed with the demon world! " Ye chenche's cold eyes twinkled, gnashing teeth, "and this, is the emperor Cang should bear, this is the price he killed frost son!"

What's wrong with frost? Just falling in love with him?

He doesn't accept frost son just, why to his frost son so cruel?

Therefore, he will not forgive the demon world, not to mention the emperor Cang!

These people in the demon world Damn it all!

Huaiyu Xiaoling put her in my hand

Huang Xiaoying is stunned and takes over Yu Ling. She raises her head and looks at the man's handsome face and gently purses her lips.

She always felt that Yu Ling was determined to die

"Little prince," Yu Ling lowered his head and looked at every day again. His hand slowly fell on his head and gently rubbed it. "You are a man. You must protect your sister."

Every day Leng Leng looking at Yu Ling, his eyes have been full of tears, and then raised his hand to wipe away the tears, firmly nodded.

"Well, no one can hurt my sister! If there is danger, I will die before my sister! "

Ji Qingge turns his head and looks at every day.

Before in her eyes, even if every day very painful linger, but he is just a child just, greedy and playful, lively. , the fastest update of the webnovel!