Wonderful Lord of the Immortal World

Chapter 562

"Of course, the plan is a little risky. Especially master Fu Yu, you are facing the God of war of tianwu, but you must be calm and never take the initiative to avoid being hurt by the God of war of tianwu. " Zou Yi patiently explained: "sister Pluto should not be a problem to deal with Zhuge Yi, as long as Zhuge Yi doesn't cause divine soldiers to besiege you. Tianjun's men and I, all actions are silent and should be the most safe. As for Tianjun, you have a very important task, that is to sit here and go wherever you need help or rescue. You are the hardest worker and the guarantee of all of us. "

The burning sky sighed, "just do as you say. However, I need time to gather my subordinates. I have to wait until this time tomorrow at the earliest. "

Zou Yi said, "no problem. At this time tomorrow, we'll start at the same time. According to our plan, please. "

Fu Yu and others said together, "don't worry."

Zou Yi smiled, got up and said, "I'll prepare some wine and vegetables. Let's get together tonight. It's a strong trip."

When Pluto heard Zou Yi say this, Xiumei jumped slightly and said softly, "we all know the danger of this matter. Zou Yi, don't think about it. We are all willing to help you. No one will blame you even if there is any accident. Sister, I have appointed the next Pluto before I leave. If I die, he will manage the underworld. "

Burning heaven looked at Pluto and said to himself, "Pluto thought the same as me. I did the same thing before I left. But I haven't reported it to the devil. I hope I can get the permission of the devil after seeing the devil. "

The devil in the mouth of burning heaven is Mrs. Yi. He still respects Mrs. Yi and hopes that all major events can be approved by Mrs. Yi.

Fu Yu smiled: "I was a damn person a long time ago. I can live to this day and help Zou Yi do one thing. I have no regrets in my life."

Zou Yi felt sad, hugged her fist and said, "master, Tianjun, sister, Zou Yi remembers the kindness of the three. In the future, if she has a life, Zou Yi will repay her broken bones..."

Tianjun laughed and said, "I didn't expect Zou Yi to say such words. It really surprised me."

Pluto smiled and said, "the star king of the green star actually said such words, which really impressed me."

Although Fu Yu only smiled, his expression was obviously different from that in the past. He was also amused by Zou Yi's words.

Zou Yi couldn't help laughing. He suddenly felt that it was really inappropriate and unnecessary to say these words with these people.

Zou Yi smiled and went to prepare wine and dishes. He wanted to bring the best wine and dishes here and invite the remaining three of her husband to eat raw. This is Zhuang Xing wine.

When soldiers go to war, Zhuang Xing wine is essential. Although there are only four of them, they represent two interfaces and one planet. Zhuang Xing wine is naturally indispensable.

Zou Yi is delicious and drinkable with the rest of her husband. It's necessary to say goodbye. It's not only Zou Yi's experience, but also the experiences of Fu Yu, Tianjun burning the sky and Pluto. We all say it to pass the time.

Burning sky has already contacted his people. It must have started from the demon world and sneaked into the divine world.

Other people don't need to prepare anything for the time being, so they eat, drink and laugh, waiting for everyone to start together when they are ready.

Zou Yi is relaxed on the surface, but she is very nervous in her heart. It is a way to eliminate her inner tension.

According to Zou Yi's meaning, after the people in the demon world arrive, they will set out to save Su Mo and Mrs. Yi. Before that, they have nothing to do but wait.

The people of the demon world came very quickly. They arrived before the burning of the sky. A total of five people came. Everyone seemed very mysterious. Even Zou Yi couldn't see through their invisibility at a glance.

No matter whether it is formless or various hiding skills, it can not hide from the deliberate exploration of the powerful person of the yuan God.

However, these five people in the demon world almost made mistakes for Zou Yi, a very strong Yuanshen.

Zou Yi was very satisfied with their skill. She simply exchanged a few words with them. After they understood the purpose of the trip, she asked everyone to go.

Everyone has their own tasks and acts at the same time, but their goals are different.

Zou Yi set out stealthily with five people in the demon world and quietly came to the treasure place of tianwu God of war in the divine domain.

This place is called tianwu Pavilion. It is the place where the gods of all dynasties collect treasures, which is known by people in the divine world.

People in the divine world also know that the place is very dangerous. There are not only large arrays to guard, but also many experts to guard day and night.

In the tianwu Pavilion, there is also the sun god broken shadow guard. His powerful fire attribute war skills are said to be the first in the divine world. Even the God of war dare not say that he can connect hard.

Of course, in a powerful attack, it is not invincible. After all, there are some defense means. Everything in heaven and earth is born and conquered. No matter how powerful things are, there are natural enemies or opponents, and there are times when they are restrained.

The attack of the sun divine fire attribute is the first in the divine world, but when facing the defense of the most Yin and soft water attribute, it seems unable to do what it wants - if the strength of the attack and defense sides is equal.

Therefore, the sun god is not the strongest God, but his ranking is not as good as many chaotic true gods, such as the God of war, such as nameless, Fuyu, time and so on.

Even so, there are still few people who dare to break into the tianwu Pavilion. After all, the place is too dangerous, and behind it is the Lord of the divine world.

Zou Yi and five people from the demon world went to tianwu Pavilion stealthily. The danger is unimaginable.

However, Zou Yi not only has the ability to control space, but also has certain attainments in controlling the power of time. Therefore, it is not impossible for him to enter tianwu Pavilion quietly.

Soon after Zou Yi and others set out, Zou Yi saw the tianwu Pavilion, which was majestic like a mountain, and immediately felt small.

The tianwu pavilion has been repaired by the Lord of the divine world for generations. Zou Yi can't help sighing about its large scale.

Zou Yi quietly observed the tianwu Pavilion and found that there was a dead silence here. There were very few people in and out, and the inventory was very strict. It was no different from dreaming to get in.

There are two gates in tianwu Pavilion. Zou Yi is lurking near the front door.

There are four guards and a divine general here. In addition, the guard array has already been opened and is in operation.

The five people in the demon world also saw these and whispered to Zou Yi: "Lord Xingwang, how do we get in?"

Zou Yi quietly operated the space skill to find out the reality and emptiness in this area, especially whether the array confined the space.

When he confirmed that the space here was imprisoned, he had an idea in his heart except for the front and back gates and passages.

He whispered to the five people in the demon world behind him and asked them to approach the guard at the front door quietly, ready to take action at any time and kill all the magic soldiers guarding here.