Wonderful Lord of the Immortal World

Chapter 527

Zou Yi sat idly in the living room and looked askew at the Guo sisters who were busy in and out. He didn't help as if nothing had happened.

Soon Guo Yun and Guo Shuang cooked dinner, four dishes and one soup, and a bowl of white rice for each person. They lived a comfortable life.

Zou Yi sat down at the table impolitely, grabbed the chopsticks and ate, regardless of the disgusting eyes of Guo Yun and Guo Shuang.

Maybe it's because Zou Yi eats too fast and too much. Before Guo Yun and Guo Shuang come back, Zou Yi has killed the three people's dinner prepared by the Guo sisters, and the food is clean and there is nothing left.

There was nothing to say in Guo Yun's eyes. Who made them less prepared?

Guo Shuang was younger in the end. At this time, he whispered, "sister, why don't we go out to eat? It's still time."

Guo Fu stared at Zou Yi and said helplessly, "let's go out and eat."

Zou Yi immediately got up and followed Guo Shuang, who took the first step. It seemed that she was going to go out for another meal.

"You haven't had enough?" Guo Shuang couldn't help frowning: "how can you eat? You ate my sister's dinner and went out to eat..."

Guo Shuang's disgust is obvious. She is a proud person. She looks quiet on the outside, but she is rebellious in the heart.

Zou Yi knew all this, but he pretended not to know. He smiled and said, "it's almost as much as just now."

Guo Shuang was surprised in her eyes. She finally understood that the suspect brought back by her sister this time would eat up their poor family.

Guo Yun was busy locking the door, but you didn't notice the conversation between your sister and Zou Yi. At this time, he shouted, "go quickly. If it's late, I'm afraid few stores are still open."

Zou Yi immediately urged: "go, go, Shuanger, you're too slow. Be careful that you don't have anything to eat for a while."

Guo Shuang turned around, stared at Zou Yi and whispered, "who are you calling Shuanger? You called Shuanger... "

Zou Yi only did not hear. She hurried downstairs, like a tiger hungry for three days. She wanted to eat a cow immediately.

Guo Yun's face was helpless. Taking the opportunity of Zou Yi and Guo Shuang walking in front, she quietly sent a message to her boss.

The content of the information is clear. Zou Yi's Yuanshen is nothing more than a routine report. There is nothing unfavorable to Zou Yi, so Yuanshen ignored it.

The three were looking for a restaurant that hadn't closed yet on the street. Fortunately, they met a cafeteria called "come on".

Guo Yun also knew that not many restaurants were still open at this time, so he took Zou Yi and Guo Shuang in.

Guo Yun stayed behind to pay the three people's money and asked Zou Yi and Guo Shuang to pick up the meal first.

Although Zou Yi has never eaten a buffet on earth, he has learned about the form of buffet on the Internet, so he took the plate first and went to the delicacies he had never eaten. No matter what others think of him, he took a full plate first.

Zou Yi also took steak, lamb chop, pork, lobster, chicken, duck, goose, etc., and a whole plate of each.

In front of him, food piled up like a mountain. After he sat down, the whole person was blocked by food. If he was opposite, he couldn't see him at all.

Guo Shuang, who originally planned to take his own meal, stared wide, hurried forward to pull Zou Yi and quietly told Zou Yi that he could not take it again, because if he couldn't finish eating, he had to pay separately.

The waiters in the cafeteria were stunned, and some of the people eating here were stunned. Everyone forgot to eat. They all looked at Zou Yi, the real hick.

Zou Yi naturally knew that the cafeteria had such rules, but he pretended not to know. Under the obstruction of Guo Shuang, he still forcibly took enough dessert for the three of them.

Guo Shuang felt that everyone was looking at them. He blushed and couldn't help complaining about Zou Yi: "what are you doing? Do you know how much we have to lose later? You did it on purpose, didn't you? "

Zou Yi smiled: "who told your sister to abuse me and keep me full every day? I can eat a cow now. If the table wasn't too small, I would take some more. "

Guo Shuang dared not speak, opened his mouth, took a sneak look at the people around him, and slowly lowered his head.

Guo Yun didn't pay the money until this time. It was too late. Other places were closed. The business of the cafeteria was so good that he had to queue up to pay the money.

When Guo Yun saw the mountains of food piled up in front of Zou Yi and Guo Shuangshuang, she suddenly didn't want to pass. Her heart was dripping blood. She knew she was trapped by Zou Yi. She was quickly calculating the money she brought to see if it was enough to compensate the cafeteria.

Judging from the food brought by Zou Yi, I'm afraid it needs at least thousands of yuan to compensate, and the money brought by Guo Yun and the money on her bank card add up to less than 1000 yuan.

Guo Yun's face was very ugly, but in front of everyone, she forced herself to hold back her anger, went to Zou Yi and sat down, whispered, "Why are you so much? Can you eat so much? "

Guo Yun's voice is not big, but the anger contained in her voice is very obvious. If Zou Yi's answer is not satisfactory, I'm afraid she'll take out the gun again.

Whether there is a bullet or not, she will take out a gun and smash the damn Zou Yi into the hospital... Even if she is smashed to death, Guo Yun is a policeman after all and can't break the law.

Zou Yi felt Guo Yun's anger, but she said to herself, "I can eat a cow. It's not enough."

This time Zou Yi spoke loudly. Almost all the people here heard him, so everyone started talking with a "buzz". Everyone got up and came to Zou Yi, waiting to see the play.

Guo Yun blushed and bowed his head like Guo Shuang. He didn't dare to look at the strange eyes of the people around him.

Zou Yi heard someone say he was a fool, but he didn't care at all. It was like he didn't hear it.

"Can we start eating?" Zou Yi deliberately asked Guo Yun loudly: "together, I'll get it after eating."

Everyone couldn't help laughing. The laughter was great. At this moment, everyone confirmed the fact that the man who took a lot of food was a fool.

In the laughter of the crowd, Zou Yi grabbed a steak and ate it. He ate it quickly. A large steak, the size of a whole plate, he ate it in less than a minute.

Then he began to eat lamb chops at the same speed.

Then he ate a plate of pork, a plate of duck and a plate of lobster in front of him at a faster speed

The plates were stacked one by one and soon reached a full height.

The people around them couldn't laugh. They were all stunned, including Guo Yun and Guo Shuang.

Zou Yi is still gulping. His stomach doesn't get bigger. It seems that he can eat a lot.

Zou Yi can really eat a cow. He's definitely not lying.