Wonderful Lord of the Immortal World

Chapter 46

Immortal shanci said, "for people who cultivate immortality, their marriage will change because of many things. People who don't want to live on earth are doomed to whose wife, so it's difficult to change... These are all things in the future. Why do you care too much? Everything goes with fate. We immortals pay great attention to fate. "

Zou Yi nodded and said with a smile, "elder martial sister Ouyang Xiaoli probably thought I was frightened by her and became a fool. In this way, she has reason to tell others that she doesn't do my wife. In fact, she doesn't blame her. It's all my own reason. "

Immortal shanci's face changed slightly, looked at Ouyang beaver and said, "what have you done? Do you really want to kill Zou Yi? "

Ouyang little beaver's face changed slightly. He knelt down and said, "I dare not. I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't treat younger martial brother like this... Please forgive me this time."

The benevolent immortal said, "it's no use begging me for such a big mistake."

Ouyang beaver's face changed greatly and hurriedly said, "please forgive me, master. I really don't dare to do it again this time."

Immortal shanci looked at Ouyang Xiaoli and said, "the person you asked for is Zou Yi, not me. You child, why are you so solid eyed? "

Ouyang little beaver was stunned, then looked at Zou Yi with a bitter face and whispered: "younger martial brother, can you not tell this matter and let your senior brothers and sisters know? Elder martial sister, I beg you. It's a big deal. I promise I'll never bully you again. "

Zou Yi glanced behind her and deliberately said, "elder martial sister, are you talking to me? Did I hear you wrong? "

Ouyang little beaver's anger surged up in his eyes, but he still forcibly suppressed his anger and continued to beg: "it's a big deal. I'll give you the colorful immortal armor given to me by my master. You take it to please my sister Ouyang yuan..."

Zou Yi immediately smiled: "that's settled. Although your sister's temper is not very good, she is beautiful and is pretty to me. If you can give her a good fairy treasure as a gift, even if she won't be moved immediately... She will make friends with me with her heart, at least she will become friends with me. "

Ouyang little beaver was so angry that she almost blew up her chest, but she didn't dare to show it because she had something in Zou Yi's hand.

Ouyang little beaver stubbornly recognized the anger in the Lord's heart and didn't tell Zou Yi what to do on the spot. But it was impossible for her to continue to beg for mercy.

She looked at the kind real person, like a wronged child. Her face was wronged and pitiful.

Ouyang little beaver was suffocated, but the benevolent immortal smiled. Naturally, she knows what kind of person her disciples are. It's rare that someone can cure Ouyang Xiaoli's unruly and willful temper. The kind immortal won't say anything more.

Zou Yi had the intention of being powerful and unforgiving. She deliberately said in front of the benevolent immortal: "you are my doomed wife. As a * *, should you be nice to me? Now you are not as good as your sister to me. She threw me down from the sky and almost fell to death... "

Zou Yi deliberately repeated his experience. Even the benevolent immortal frowned and secretly blamed Zou Yi for talking too much.

Ouyang little beaver was about to cry and said wrongfully, "I untied your mana seal and thought you knew how to fly..."

Zou Yi raised her voice: "do you think I can fly? What you think is the truth? I just started to practice a month ago. My mana is thin and my spells are unfamiliar. Let alone flying, there will be more than a dozen basic spells... You haven't thought about it. If I fall to death, can you afford it? "

Pause: "if I didn't fall to death and was injured, would you like to keep me for a lifetime?"

Ouyang little beaver didn't dare to say anything more. After that, he didn't know what ugly words Zou Yi would say.

In case Ouyang little beaver talks about those things that he tried Zou Yi before, even if Immortal shanci doesn't blame him, Ouyang little beaver will be ashamed of himself.

It was all Ouyang Xiaoli's whim to test Zou Yi, but others didn't know it at all.

Even Su Mo appeared unexpectedly and saw the scene of Ouyang little beaver testing Zou Yi.

Ouyang little beaver has made a plan to please Su Mo slowly in the later stage and let Su Mo completely mess this matter in his stomach.

If Zou Yi said it now and everyone else knew it, she would really see people.

Now Ouyang little beaver can only keep his mouth shut and don't say anything, so as not to really let Zou Yi say what she shouldn't say in a hurry.

Immortal shanci knows about what happened and Zou Yi's mind. He can't bear to see his beloved being bullied by Zou Yi.

Immortal shanci endured it for a long time before he said, "since you know that you are weak in magic and unfamiliar in magic, why don't you follow you? Elder martial sister Xiaoli, after meeting all the elder martial sisters and brothers, come to me and I'll teach you to practice? If you tell your elder martial sister something useless here, you won't be afraid that others will know and laugh at you? "

Zou Yi still knows that enough is enough. Anyway, she has cleaned up Ouyang little beaver and is angry. Stop now.

Zou Yi said with a smile, "I'd like to follow master's orders. We'll go with Xiao Li to meet your senior brothers and sisters."

Ouyang Xiaoli happily left the cultivation place of immortal shanci to avoid being too embarrassed. He hurried to say, "I'll take my junior brothers and sisters to meet your senior brothers and sisters right away."

Ouyang little beaver ran away and left. Zou Yi and Su Mo didn't know where the senior brothers and sisters were. They wanted Ouyang little beaver to lead the way. They had to salute immortal shanci and leave the ice cave in a hurry to catch up with Ouyang little beaver who took the first step.

Immortal shanci looked at the two newly accepted disciples leaving, then looked up at an ice wall with a trace of helplessness and said, "what am I doing? Are you satisfied? "

A person slowly emerged on the ice wall. She was a woman in white robe. Her appearance was seven points similar to that of a kind real person. She had been invisible on the ice wall before, without making a sound, and no one else found her.

"I am very grateful to my sister for doing so." The woman smiled and said, "Su Mo is the person my sister has always cared about. Zou Yi she chose, although her qualification is not so satisfactory to me, she has a good heart."

Pause: "sister, take a lot of trouble to let them officially start their cultivation and have a chance to become an immortal in the future. I thank you again."

The benevolent immortal smiled and said, "you are a little book spirit. The fairy world doesn't know there are tens of thousands. Why do you have to look at Su Mo differently? And Zou Yi, who bullies my disciple Xiaoli. You can see that. I almost have to teach him a lesson... "