Wonderful Lord of the Immortal World

Chapter 387

Zou Yi was a little reckless this time. Although she was forced to be helpless, the probability of success of such a hasty alchemy was almost zero. It was really too difficult.

Fortunately, with the help of Tianhuo, otherwise Zou Yi will end up in failure.

In the early stage of integration, Zou Yi was still dominant. In the later stage, Zou Yi became assistance. Tianhuo turned away from guests and did most things for Zou Yi.

Zou Yi can't help it. He can't even have any objection. He knows his strength and that he can't compete with Tianhuo at this time.

Sky fire has no flesh body. It is very dangerous when refining tools. If you are not careful, you may catch fire and kill yourself.

The power of sky fire is extremely terrible. Even the fire spirit of sky fire is in great danger when the sky fire is out of control.

Fortunately, this time Tianhuo was careful. Zou Yi also gave full play to her energy and protected the fire spirit of Tianhuo as much as possible. They cooperated closely and didn't let Tianhuo out of control.

In two days and two nights, they seem to have completely become one person, intimate and without secrets.

They all focused on the integration of this unnamed magic weapon. After two days and two nights, they finally succeeded in integrating the magic weapon.

After wiping the sweat on her forehead, Zou Yi said with a bitter smile: "it was so difficult to refine tools. No wonder there are few smelters today, and the price of refining tools is so expensive."

Tianhuo seemed very tired. Looking at Zou Yi, he said, "it's hard to refine utensils and elixirs. My master has a deep understanding now... Master, I need to rest, so I won't talk to you more."

Zou Yi said apologetically, "I'm sorry to make you work so hard. Go and have a rest. When we leave here, I'll give you some good things to compensate."

Tianhuo smiled, "I don't have what I need."

Zou Yi said, "isn't it a flame, a powerful flame? After I sold the God grass I picked, I went to find it for you. I will find it. "

Tianhuo smiled: "master, you peek at my memory. Be careful that I retaliate against you and publish your memory."

Zou Yi said with a smile, "I didn't peek, but I felt it unintentionally before. Can you really devour other flames and become part of yourself? This is a very abnormal ability. You can directly improve your strength. "

Tianhuo said, "it doesn't hurt if the master knows. We Tianhuo have such ability, but we can't devour other flames unless they are ownerless or voluntary. This is against the rules of heaven and will be punished by heaven. "

Zou Yi said, "then find those ordinary flames to devour and slowly improve your strength."

Tianhuo shook his head: "this is not good either. The flame we devour can only be the same Tianhuo as us, or the fire of divine knowledge of God and man, which is what you often call divine fire. We can't devour other flames. Even if we devour them, it's useless. "

Zou Yi suddenly said, "I see. Then I'll take care to help you find the sky fire and improve your strength so that you can turn into God... "

Tianhuo said with a wry smile: "it's difficult. If we Tianhuo family want to be human, we need to practice for at least millions of years. During this period, we need to constantly replenish the sky fire, otherwise our life will be exhausted and everything will become empty. In my memory, no one has ever turned into a person. "

Zou Yi said, "then you'll be the first. I need friends like you to help me, so I'll do my best to help you realize your wishes."

Tianhuo said gratefully, "then I thank you, master. From now on, your business is my business. My master and I will never share weal and woe with each other."

Zou Yi said with a smile, "if you think so, I will never let you down. Go and have a rest. It's time for us to get out of here. "

Tianhuo smiled and went to rest. Her body Tianhuo was in wanbaoding. Naturally, she was going to have a rest in wanbaoding.

Zou Yi took a magic weapon that looked like a spaceship in her hand, raised her voice and said, "come here, everyone. It's time for us to leave here."

Yan Kun and others soon gathered. Everyone looked at the newly practiced spacecraft magic tools in Zou Yi's hands. The well-informed Yan Kun said in surprise: "Flying Magic tools. It turns out that adults can refine magic tools. Why don't I know?"

Zou Yi smiled bitterly and said slowly, "if it weren't for the help of friends, I would have failed in my first attempt. Not to mention this, I'm afraid the big nine has already started. Let's hurry, or we'll miss the opportunity. "

He suddenly thought of the people in the demon world and the underworld, and couldn't help saying, "before, they and we started with front and rear feet. Why didn't we see them?"

Yan Kun said, "I've been thinking about this problem these days, but I have no clue and don't know what's going on."

Zou Yi frowned and said, "they just took one step first. Did they miss us? Forget it. I'll ask when I see them next time. Maybe it's not an accident. "

Yan Kun said, "I will write it down at this time. I must find out at that time."

Zou Yi nodded: "everyone is waiting for our first flying magic weapon, this... Xiaoshen, this magic weapon is called Xiaoshen, which is our first flying magic weapon of green star."

Everyone looked surprised. They all knew what flying magic tools meant.

This means that green star has the ability to refine large-scale flying magic weapons, and also has the ability of long-range attack and combat.

This is a great good thing for the green star and a great surprise for the people on the green star.

In five days, Zou Yi's surprise to these young people has been enough for them to aftertaste for a long time. In the future, these young people will think of these things when they think of Zou Yi.

Whether it's all kinds of God grass or Flying Magic tool little God, it's a good thing for young people like them.

On board the little God, everyone was full of excitement and expectation.

Zou Yi was the last to board the little God. Looking at the remaining little god in the space, Zou Yi sighed: "it seems that our little god is not small. Ten more people can still take it away at one time."

Yan Kun said with a smile, "I just don't know how fast it is and whether it can leave smoothly in the array."

Zou Yi's chaotic force slowly penetrated into the spacecraft, and the spacecraft slowly floated up. It seems that there is no problem in flying.

As for speed, Zou Yi wanted to test it and told everyone to sit down. After that, the chaotic force in her body surged and left the place with everyone in an instant.