Wonderful Lord of the Immortal World

Chapter 355

Zou Yi said, "don't bother your sister. The Yuanshen of Ouyang little beaver has been saved, but it still needs time to recover slowly. I can't be the city master for the time being."

The demon king smiled and said, "the city Lord has his own people to do it. Now it's important for her to calm down and recover. It's not easy. I went to chase the mysterious killer immediately after I knew it, but I got nothing. I didn't find any clues. The other party is a strong and careful person, but I don't know who it is. "

Zou Yi was surprised: "my sister has been to the scene? Well... Sister, when did you know about it? Also, sister, when did you come to our green star? "

The devil smiled: "I just came here and happened to hear about it, so I went to have a look. The other party is mysterious and powerful. Don't be careless. "

Zou Yi said, "I know. Thank you for your concern."

Su Mo said, "please go in and sit down and talk. Don't stand outside."

Zou Yi smiled and took the devil's hand. In this way, she took Su Mo with one hand and the devil with the other. She returned to the king's palace with satisfaction, which made many guards and maids secretly laugh.

The devil and Su mo were shy, but they didn't refuse Zou Yi to pull them.

"I heard that you are vigorously rectifying the order of the army and have formulated a military law." The devil just sat down and said, "I don't know if you can show me?"

Zou Yi casually picked up a military law from her desk and handed it to the demon king: "this is our military law. Recently, because of it, many soldiers' minds fluctuated and almost caused unrest."

The devil smiled: "you must have a way to deal with such a thing. I'm not worried about anything."

Zou Yi nodded slightly: "someone has been sent to deal with it. All the disobedient soldiers have been removed from the army and let them engage in farming and suffer."

The devil said, "the cultivators should take extra care and respect. Why do you punish the wrong soldiers so much?"

Zou Yi explained: "I don't look down on the farmers. They are my food and clothing parents, and I also respect them very much. Because of this, I see that they work hard, so I send people to help them cultivate, instead of saying that those soldiers who make mistakes have become the cultivators we respect. "

The demon king suddenly said, "you are punishing them for farming. I thought you would turn them into farmers. Wouldn't it be cheaper for them?"

Zou Yi zhengse said, "the saying of farming has not been mentioned on the green star. I think we can call the farmers like this in the future, even though everything we enjoy is the same, which is better than not even having a title. "

The devil smiled and said, "you, just pay attention to what you call, don't you want to give more benefits to farmers? I think the people who work in the field are the hardest. They should be given more rewards. "

Zou Yi nodded: "what my sister said is that I have been considering this matter. It is time to give the original farmers some additional rewards to encourage them to cultivate, which is also an affirmation of their hard work."

The devil said, "you earth man asked me to remind you. It seems that you were not a farmer when you were on the earth..."

Zou Yi giggled, "I'm an orphan. I'm really not a farmer, because I don't have land."

After a pause, Zou Yi continued, "but I know the farmers... That is, the hard work of farming. I know they should be given more rewards. This should be done immediately. It's best to write it into our code so that everyone can consciously abide by it. "

The demon lord clapped his hands and said, "it's best. I'll do the same when I go back, so that the people in the demon world can get enough respect and understanding."

Zou Yi smiled, got up and said, "I'll report my sister's proposal to the star Lord right away. I think a code will be promulgated in a few days."

The demon king said with a smile, "I'm not in a hurry. I need to think carefully. Zou Yi, I came to Lvxing this time, first to help you resist the field, and second, I have something to do with you. By the way, do you know what it is? "

Zou Yi's face changed a little, and she was a little nervous: "what did your sister say? Can you say it clearly? "

He suddenly realized that the devil's visit to green star this time was not as simple as helping Green Star resist the field. I'm afraid there was something more important.

The devil didn't expect Zou Yi to react like this. She was unhappy and her face was angry: "you know what I'm talking about, but you still asked me to fight, didn't you? Hum, you don't want to marry us, do you? He pretended to be stupid with me and I won't beat you! "

Zou Yi was angry at the devil and knew that she had overreacted just now. She quickly said, "I dare not. I'm kidding my sister."

Seeing Zou Yi like this, the devil couldn't help laughing: "then you should give me a happy word. When will you get married?"

The demon king took Su Mo's hand and stood side by side in front of Zou Yi. Zou Yi's eyes seemed to tell Zou Yi that if you dare to delay again, we will leave you and ignore you again.

Zou Yi has the final say, "I listen to your sister, you have the final say, you has the final say."

Su Mo couldn't help laughing: "that's a deal. Don't go back. I think we'll get married after we beat back the enemy's attack this time. I think at that time, the fairyland and the divine world have no ability to fight us again. It's just that there will be a period of time to prepare for our wedding. And this can also prevent him from always delaying time, don't you think? "

The devil said, "what my sister said is, it should be so. It's settled. When I go back, I'll give the position of demon king to others, and I can accompany Zou Yi and Su Mo you every day. "

After a pause, the demon king suddenly looked at Su Mo and said, "after the marriage, Su Mo, you are my sister and I am my sister. I'll think about it. Sister, you should take care of me more in the future. "

Su Mo was stunned. He didn't know what to say. He just looked at the devil and his face was shy and puzzled.

Zou Yi didn't know why the demon king suddenly said this. She smiled bitterly, looked at the demon king and Su Mo and said, "I listen to you. Who told me I can't beat you now..."

The devil didn't explain anything. He smiled and said, "it's because we're afraid of beating you. Well, just promise. It seems that I have a way to deal with you, the star king. If you dare not obey, we'll do it directly. "

Zou Yi stepped back, smiled and said, "I've become a God. My sister wants to beat me. It depends on whether you can beat me in the future."

The devil smiled and said, "why don't you try?"

Zou Yi immediately said with a smile: "still can't, do it before marriage. Others don't know what they will think."

The devil and Su Mo laughed together. They both looked very happy and held Zou Yi's arm together