Wonderful Lord of the Immortal World

Chapter 20

Zou Huan and Wang Yuan really stayed still. They were relieved when Zou Yi came back.

Zou Huan said, "don't run around. The gunfire is close. Don't you know the danger?"

Zou Yi smiled: "I'm fine. We'll be fine soon."

Zou Huan doesn't know where Zou Yi's self-confidence comes from, but he also hopes that these people are all right, so he won't say anything more.

The close gunfire ended completely after a lot of low gunfire. The low gunfire was the sound made when the man in black leather grabbed the enemy and shot at close range.

"Is everyone all right?" Liu Lao got up at this time and said, "how about the loss of the helicopter?"

The helicopter pilot shouted, "can't fly. It needs maintenance."

Old Liu frowned slightly: "contact quickly and let other helicopters pick us up. The rest are on guard. "

Everyone obeyed Liu's orders and did what they should do.

Old Liu came to Zou Yi and others and said with a smile, "Mr. Zou Yi, thank you for your help. We can defeat the enemy and protect everyone from being hurt by the enemy at one stroke... I've seen your super ability."

Zou Yi smiled: "I just have good eyesight and no super ability."

Old Liu said with a smile: "good eyesight is a kind of super ability... Mr. Zou Yi, I now officially represent the national security group. Please join us. We will train you to become a member of the national security group, defend your country and contribute to the motherland..."

Mr. Liu often said such things to others. When he opened his mouth, he was long and eloquent.

The people didn't feel it. Zou Yi felt very impatient. It is impossible for him to join the national security team. If it were not for today's critical situation, he could not let others know his "super ability".

When Liu finished, Zou Yicai said, "sorry, I'm actually an ordinary person, and I'm suffering from autism. I don't know when it will happen... It's better to leave the responsibility of protecting the country to others."

Liu was stunned and immediately said, "I know Mr. Zou Yi has autism. You can rest assured that after you go to the national security team, we will invite the world's most famous experts to help you treat and ensure that there will be no problem with your disease. "

Zou Huan couldn't help but live aside and said, "team leader Liu, my brother really suffers from severe autism... If he hadn't just been treated a few days ago and taken drugs, he wouldn't say a word now..."

Old Liu turned to look at Zou Huan, who had almost no difference in appearance, and said enthusiastically, "is this Mr. Zou Yi's brother? Compatriots? I wonder if you have any superpowers? "

Zou Huan shook his head: "I don't have any super powers, I..."

Old Liu smiled: "it doesn't matter. You can join our national security team together. We will slowly find your super ability..."

Zou Huan smiled: "my wife and I are at work. At present, we have no plan to join the national security team. This..."

Liu said disappointedly, "in this case, I won't force you. If you think about it any time, come to me at any time. " He turned and still looked at Zou Yi and said to Zou Yi, "we need talents like you. I hope you will consider my proposal."

Zou Yi nodded slightly: "I will consider it, but I still have something to do. I can't join the national security team for the time being."

Old Liu laughed: "it doesn't matter. Talk to me when you are free. The door of the national security team is always open to you."

Zou Yi said, "thank you, old Liu." Pause: "do we still need to go to the national security team?"

Liu Lao's face was positive: "I want to ask my head for instructions. Although you are no longer suspected, as witnesses, you are obliged to take a confession for us."

Zou Yi nodded: "let's go to the national security team..."

Liu smiled: "thank you for your cooperation. Next, you will be led by the national security team directly to the office building of the national security team... The matters here will be handled by the relevant departments."

Zou Yi and others nodded together to show respect for old Liu.

Zou Yi's super power was kept in mind, but everyone didn't say it in front of Zou Yi.

Zou Yi also knows that after this matter is known by others, she will have a lot of trouble in the future. But now there's no way. You can't die, can you?

In fact, his ability is not a general super ability, but a mana lost for thousands of years. It is the ability acquired through cultivation, not the ability that people understand to bring more than normal.

Zou Yi has practiced the spells in ancient books for more than ten years. If he hadn't been able to generate mana in his body because he didn't get the skills, he would have been a person with the so-called "super power".

Then Zou Yi's fate may be completely different from now. He may be taken away by some people because he is too young to protect his secret, so he will lose his life.

It may also be favored by some people and become the pillars of the country. Just like the national security team, if Zou Yi had been found ten years ago, Zou Yi, 14, would have chosen to join the national security team.

At that time, he just didn't rely on, and his life in the orphanage was not very good. He had no reason to refuse to go to the national security group with better conditions.

But now it's different. Zou Yi is 24 years old and can take good care of herself and even the people around her. He doesn't have to go to the national security team for good living conditions. He can get good living conditions by doing anything at will.

The best profession is bodyguard. Zou Yi, who has magic power, can protect a political official and get enough pay.

Or to be a bodyguard for a young lady or a young master, you may get a high enough reward.

You can't go to the national security group anyway. In that case, you will lose your freedom, which is not conducive to Zou Yi's cultivation.

Zou Yi cultivates the most basic skill. After cultivation, she has little mana in her body. She needs a long time of cultivation to gradually enhance her strength.

It will take Zou Yi a lot of time. At present, he can't help the people of the national security team or serve the motherland.

Zou Yi's most important thing now is cultivation. Only when he is strong enough can he be qualified to think about other things.

It is not impossible to serve the motherland at that time.

Zou Yi's idea is naturally impossible for others to know. Even Zou Huan and Wang Yuan, who Zou Yi is most willing to get close to, won't tell them what he thinks.

It's not Zou Yi who doesn't trust her brother and sister-in-law, but this is a very strange thing. Few people believe it.

What's more, Zou Yi promised Su Mo that she would keep it a secret.