Wolf you Up!

Chapter 97 - 96. Sora

Eden knew it. His instincts hadn\'t deceived him. Elias could use the same dark energy as Light. The omega read the information from his system and gritted his teeth.

The security guard stepped between them to prevent Eden from attacking the man who was now on the ground. Without any information besides what he saw, the man had chosen to side with the person who, in his opinion, needed his help.

Elias\' whips had loosened around Silver\'s body and released him. The two werewolves could only stare at Blue Moon\'s chief. The hospital was in a civilian pack and the place was crowded with civilians.

They couldn\'t retaliate without implicating innocent people and putting Greg\'s life on the line.

If they moved, the leader of the Skinwalkers could break the doctor\'s neck right away with his whip before anyone could react.

Eden clenched his fist, his eyes shot daggers at Elias. He ignored the security agent\'s orders who was standing with outstretched arms and stared at Greg, racking his brain for a solution. A hand rested on his other shoulder.

"What is the problem here?" The male omega turned his head towards the person calling him out and the scent hit his nostrils. A dominant. The newcomer was a dominant werewolf and had let out his pheromones to let Eden know they were the same kind.

The new agent stared at the male omega insistently to hear his answer, then turned to Silver before slightly jerking away.

"Silver Bloodhood!"

The head of his civilian colleague immediately turned to him upon hearing his words.

"Do you know these people, boss?"

"Y-yeah," replied the werewolf who was looking between Silver and the people in front of him in an attempt to understand the situation.

He couldn\'t smell any pheromones on the other side, so the people facing Silver and the young werewolf were humans. Why would the leader of the traditional pack engage in a violent exchange with humans in the neutral pack territory?

Black Moon was a civilian pack. Their territory was occupied by eighty percent of humans. It\'s unlikely that knowing where he was, the alpha purposely caused trouble. Moreover, he knew that the leader had just decimated Grey Wolf.

The confrontation was over just a few hours ago and the WIA had arrived on-site to manage the post-battle and the cleanup.

He took another look at the humans facing Silver and Eden.

Their clothes were handmade, as were the few accessories they wore. They were not from Black Moon. The werewolf security agent had no way of deciphering what was happening. His look slid over the only normally dressed man. He wore grey slacks with a shirt and a slim fit dark grey trench coat. He didn\'t have a scarf on, and in this cold, that meant he was only out of the hospital for a short while.

More importantly, the man didn\'t look like he wanted to be with the people near him. He even seemed to suffer despite his silence and his efforts to hide it. The werewolf security agent addressed his subordinate.

"I take over. You can go, Smith."

"Are you sure, boss? I can stay to make sure there isn\'t any problem."

"It won\'t be necessary. Isn\'t it gentlemen?"

He looked at Silver, then Elias who grinned before answering as the man on the ground got up and walked back to his place beside him.

"No, indeed. We were about to go back anyway." He tightened his whip around Greg\'s neck. The scientist couldn\'t control his facial muscles and winced in pain.

"Are you all right, sir?" asked the human security guard. "You don\'t look okay, maybe you should go inside for a check-up."

"I-I just step out. Thank you for your concerns. My friends will come to visit me later to check if I\'m okay, right Eden?"

The hand Silver had placed on his son\'s shoulder clenched to hold him back and keep him from moving forward. Completely oblivious to the tension, the human responded immediately.

"Friends? So you\'re friends." He seemed to relax. "If so, I feel a little better. Don\'t settle your matters with your fists, okay? Talk it out! I\'ll let you handle the rest, Boss!"

Werewolves and Skinwalkers watched the human walk away and as soon as he got far enough, Elias decided it was time for them to react and leave.

"With that, we too will take our leave."

He turned on his heels leaving the three werewolves alone. Eden felt useless. He couldn\'t protect Greg or do anything to stop Elias from taking him away without causing a confrontation that would involve dozens of innocent people. He watched as the four Skinwalkers dragged Greg away and anger rose inside him.

"Alpha Silver, what happened? I can feel something wrong, but I can\'t tell what…"

"Call the WIA right now. Tell them if they have any agents around, they have to stop these people from leaving Black Moon with this man."

"What is happening? Who are these people and the man with them? He didn\'t seem to want to leave or am I wrong?"

"Explanations will wait later, we don\'t have time. Just do what I say if you don\'t want to have the death of this man on your conscience."

The werewolf immediately complied upon hearing those words. He looked at the Skinwalkers and Greg walking over to a car and observed the appearance of the vehicle to give the best possible description then pulled out his phone to make a call. He was already talking with his interlocutor when Silver turned to his son.

"Eden go to your mate inside to check how his friend is doing."

"Where are you going?" The omega retorted as his father was already walking away, dragging the security guard with him.

"We\'re going to get the doctor back from the Skinwalkers and settle this situation. It\'s the only thing we can do after what we did to your mate\'s friend."

"No Dad, you can\'t! I saw what he did earlier. You can\'t face him alone."

"That\'s when I make my debuts."

They looked at the person who had just popped out of nowhere and spoken. A man whose face was unknown had just arrived or more exactly emerged between two cars where he was visibly hidden. He was holding a little girl propped up on one of his hips. His other hand was closed into a fist and resting on his side in a superhero pose. They smelled from his pheromones that he was a werewolf, a dominant one.

Eden frowned because he recognized the pheromones without knowing where he had smelled them. Suddenly he remembered.

"The weird guy in The Elder\'s study room! You\'re a Soul Healer!"

"That\'s rude! My name is Cliff and I\'m not a weird guy. I don\'t usually act like that. It\'s just… just…I was surprised because well…" He motioned up and down with his hand to point at Eden. "This is a bit too much for someone like me, ok? Whatever! I can help you with your situation." His grin made a comeback as he continued.

Master called me at noon, and she told me to prepare enough of our mix for the new Soul Healer pupils to give it to your pack."

The male omega\'s face lit up for a moment. The Elder must have foreseen something fishy about Elias. The old Soul Healer had asked her disciple to bring the powder she had given them during their visit to discern the energy flows. With that, the werewolves wouldn\'t be defenseless.

Eden wanted to speak but the newcomer cut him off.

"I also brewed potions to enter Skinwalkers\' territory. It was the very first time I had brewed such a potion. It was really hard especially since this human who had promised to help me, kept playing with his phone instead of giving me a hand. Even when I told him to put this thing down, he always ended up grabbing it back." He rolled his eyes, visibly annoyed by the memory. "Hmpf! I still have to activate it with the blood of the fighters you will choose, but I have fulfilled my mission."

He finished his sentence with a proud expression, his chin up and his lips pursed in a pout that would be comical if the situation weren\'t so tense. Glued to him, Sora looked like a koala clinging to his tree.

The little omega werewolf who was in her human form, Greg\'s scarf wrapped around her neck, looked at Eden with an upset expression.

"Did you hurt Big brother Connor again? It\'s because of you that he\'s here at the hospital?" Silver, Cliff, and the werewolf security agent who had hung up looked at Eden who answered with a weak smile.

"No, I\'m trying to help him."

The gaze of the little omega softened for a moment before clouding with tears.

"I want to see Big Brother."

"That wasn\'t a reason to sneak in the car when I left with the human, Sora!" Cliff scolded her sternly. "Do you know how much trouble you caused, hm?"

The tears of the little werewolf started rolling down her cheeks as her chin quivered.

"B-But… Big Brother Greg was leaving and… and… no… hic! Nobody knew when he would co-come back. Hic! I wanted to see Big Brother Co-Connor but I can\'t. Now the bad men brought Big Brother Greg away. I want to p-play with them.

Since I came there, nobody ever played with me! Everybody only c-care about my powers. I-I want my big brothers!"

"Wait, no! Don\'t! Sora! Don\'t."

"Whaaaaa." A piercing cry arose and the little omega burst into tears. Several passers-by turned around who were going out from or going back to their car. The werewolf patted her back to calm her down.

"Shh! Sora, please, calm down. Shhh."

Sora\'s face was now flushed and tears were streaming down her cheeks as she gasped and clung to him crying. The Soul Healer was trying to calm her down and worry was on his face. He seemed to fear that something might happen if the little werewolf didn\'t calm down.

Eden understood very quickly what he feared when he saw a golden dome forming and growing from the body of the werewolf.

"You\'re kidding right?" Eden muttered.

He opened his system and stared at the small omega for analysis as the dome enveloped them all. Silver and the werewolf security guard had no idea what was going on, but Eden and Cliff who could see the energies thanks to his training, knew what was happening.

[Sora Hazel Level: Impossible to evaluate

Race: Werewolf Witch

Blood rank: Omega

Kind: Mixed-blood

Class: Legendary

Name: Priestess of the Moon Goddess

Stats: strength: 67/1000

Speed: 69/1000

Agility: 91/1000

Intellect: 654/1000

HP: 350/350

Skills: Lunar Magic (Active, Class Legendary)

Blessing of the Goddess (Active)]

As Eden finished reading Sora\'s information, the dome that she didn\'t control at all, had already grown to the point of enveloping the entire parking lot and part of the hospital.

Eden looked down at his hands. Like the rest of his body, they were enveloped in a golden halo. The notification bells started ringing in his head.

[Congratulations! You just leveled up Level +1. Strength: +5 Speed: +15 Agility: +10 Intellect: +5]

[Congratulations! You just leveled up Level +1. Strength: +5 Speed: +15 Agility: +10 Intellect: +5]

[Congratulations! You just leveled up Level +1. Strength: +5 Speed: +15 Agility: +10 Intellect: +5]

[Congratulations! You just leveled up Level +1. Strength: +5 Speed: +15 Agility: +10 Intellect: +5]

[Congratulations! You just leveled up Level +1. Strength: +5 Speed: +15 Agility: +10 Intellect: +5]

He cut off the bells and walked over to the little werewolf to lay a comforting hand on her back. He started to gently stroke her back to soothe her mood and when her tears were no more than muffled sniffles, Eden looked up at Cliff.

"Sora is a mixed-blood, isn\'t she? She is the child of a werewolf and a skinwalker."

In the car, which was already engulfed in city traffic, Elias turned around and saw a strange light in the rearview mirror. His eyes widened and something inside him reacted before he could think.

Energy escaped from his body and formed a bubble around the occupants of the car to protect them from the dome that was about to reach them. When a few seconds later the dome dispersed, Elias gritted his teeth and addressed Trevor who was driving.

"Get us back to the tribe as soon as possible."

The leader hadn\'t foreseen that such power existed.. This might disturb his plans.